Just Like Family

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Rosalie pulls away from the hug, smiling up at Sheppard. She asks him what that was for, not been expecting him to hug her as tight as he did. His answer showed her that maybe she can trust him with what's happening inside her heart.

-"I just thought you could use a bone crushing hug." - He beams at her, his playful smirk out in full force, making her chuckle.

-"You're not wrong."

-"Listen, I need you to know that you're just like a little sister to me. So, if you ever need anything, I'm here for you. No matter what it is, okay?"

-"Thank you. I really appreciate that. And for the record, I see you as my annoying older brother." - She smirks at him, which earns her a laugh from him. -"I'm just thankful I found a family here in Atlantis."

-"I know what you mean and you can always count on this crazy family. For everything."

Sheppard smiles softly at her and Rosalie thanks him for saying that. Leaning back on the balcony's railing next to Sheppard, she can't help but think that she is in fact lucky. She was on her own for too long, and because of it she is now relearning how to fully trust people, but if she is honest, she knows deep down that she can trust them, all of them, just as if they were family.

Sheppard is called away by Weir and, after kissing her cheek, leaves Rosalie alone with her thoughts. Thinking back on what Sheppard said, along with her own feelings for Evan, she knows that things aren't always simple.

Rosalie knows that she will never be able to be with Evan romantically, because he clearly doesn't feel that way towards her, so she decides that maybe she can just be content in being his friend. Maybe with time her feelings will lessen, maybe...

Walking out of the balcony, she has made her decision. Deep down, she knows is the right decision, even if right now it hurts like hell, but in the long haul it will be for the best. Right now, she needs to protect her heart and stop it from falling even more in love with Evan and getting hurt in the process.

Yes, this is the right decision for her. But will she be able to follow through with it?

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