Am I Sure?

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Walking the corridors of Atlantis, Rosalie knows she is about to do the right thing. Knocking on Evan's door, she takes a deep breath and prepares herself for what is about to happen.

-"Rosie. Hey. Come in."

-"Hey. Listen, can we talk?"

-"Sure. Is everything okay?" - Evan thinks he knows what she wants to talk about, but keeps it to himself.

-"Yeah, no, everything's fine. I just need to ask you something."


-"So, earlier, I was talking with Sheppard and I came to realize that Atlantis has become my home and the people here my family, as weird as it may sound. It kinda scares me, to be honest. But, I don't want to do anything that might put that at risk, so..."

-"So...? Rosie, whatever it is you can tell me."

-"Will it be okay if we pull back on the whole 'friends with benefits' thing? Not that I didn't enjoy it, I did, but I think I need some time to put some things in perspective, you know?"

-"Look, I'm happy that you feel that way, I am, and if you feel that pulling back on that side of our relationship is what you need, then of course we can do that. I just want you to be happy, Rosie." - Evan smiles at her, but he can tell that there is something that she isn't telling him.

-"Thank you for always having my back, Evan."

-"I'm always here for you, Rosie, you know that."

Rosalie hugs him and feels Evan hug her back, still not hundred percent sure if this is the right thing to do. She thanks him as she pulls away and gives him one last kiss goodbye, before leaving his room, not wanting to give herself a chance at changing her mind.

Evan watches Rosie leave, the doors closing behind her, and he is left with a hole in his heart. As much as Evan hates to admit it, he is fairly certain that he just watched the love of his life walk out of his arms and straight into the arms of his best friend, and he can't help but think that he should've said something.

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