What Are You Hiding?

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In the overview gallery, Weir, Sheppard and Evan are listening to the conversation between Rosie and Dr. Heightmeyer. It is clear to Evan that Rosie is hiding something, but he doesn't say anything.

When Rosie says that she's been in that galaxy for the last five years, surprising the three people watching, it's hard for Evan not to think about how close he had come to losing her and how much she must've changed in order to survive.

He sees Dr. Heightmeyer leave the room and, soon after, entering the one they are all in.

-"What are you thoughts so far, Dr.?" - Weir asks Heightmeyer as soon as she's in the room.

-"Well, I can tell that Dr. Williams is hiding something. I believe it is about what happened between the time she was captured and when she was able to escape."

-"Doc, you think that whatever Dr. Williams is hiding, it might be something that can put Atlantis at risk?" - Sheppard hates himself for asking that question in front of Lorne, but he has a whole city to think about.

-"I can't be sure, but it feels more personal than that. Also, Dr. Williams is certain that Major Lorne is dead. I was thinking that, once I can convince her to talk about what she's hiding, I can tell her that Major Lorne is actually alive and bring him down to see her."

-"I think that would be a good idea. Are you alright with that, Major?"

-"Yes, Ma'am." - Evan tells Weir.

-"Before I continue, I'd like to take a closer look into her personnel file."

-"Of course. I need to give the SGC an update. I'll be back shortly."

Evan watches as the two women leave the room, wondering what could've possible have happened to Rosie that she's so keen to keep hidden.

-"I gotta ask, Lorne. What's with the necklace?"

-"It was gift. I gave it to her before I left. It was meant to remind her that I'm always with her, no matter how far away I might actually be."

-"Is that why you have the same pendants on your dogtags?"

-"Yes. It's to remind me that she's always with me, even if she doesn't know about them."

Sheppard nods, looking back down at Dr. Williams, who's now laying on the bed, clearly trying to get some rest. He can't help but think that it couldn't have been easy for her, all those years in a galaxy she doesn't know and running from dangers she knows nothing about.

It takes a special type of person to be able to survive all those years in the Pegasus Galaxy, especially without any real knowledge of it, and it was clear to him that Dr. Williams was one hell of a woman if she had made it for five years all on her own.

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