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Trigger Warning: Mentions Of Sexual Assault and Suicide Attempt

For the past two days, Heightmeyer talked to Rosalie everyday, always trying to get her to tell her what happened after she got captured and before she had escape. Rosalie has to be honest, it's wearing her down. She doesn't know how much longer she will be able to keep it to herself.

That day was just like the last two days, Heightmeyer came into the room, asked her questions and, as always, eventually asked her about the mission that went wrong. Rosalie is sitting on the floor, her head leaning against the wall, her knees to her chest, tired of the same damn question.

-"Rosalie, what happened when you were captured? We need to talk about it, it's the best way for you to move forward." - That was the last straw for Rosalie.

-"What do you want me to tell you, Doc? That I was left for dead by Colonel Edwards? That he left me behind for the Jaffa to catch me, probably thinking that they would kill me? That, in an attempt to buy myself some time so I could escape, I offered to repair Am-he's ship? That he was so impressed that a human knew so much about Goa'uld technology that he made me his pet? Collar and leash included? That he would beat me up every other day to, as he would put it, 'take the human weakness out' of me?"

"Or do you want me to tell you that he would come into my room every single night like clockwork and rape me, two, three times every night? That I would be so sore the next day that some days I would barely be able to move and would still get beat up? That I wished every day for him to just kill me because I couldn't take it any longer? Or that I thought more than once about just ending my life and the only reason why I didn't was because of a fucking promise I made to Evan?"

"That's what you want me to tell you? Doc, I lived through hell for five months with Am-he but in the end I was able to escape and stop him from coming here and put the people in this galaxy in more danger than they already are. No one came for me. I did it all by myself. So I'm sorry if I'm not so willing to tell you certain things but they aren't exactly nice and pretty to talk about."

Rosalie is out of breath by the time she finishes, her explosion having been enough to shut the doctor up and shock her with what she was telling her. She didn't mean to start yelling at the doctor, but she was just so tired of the same question that she just...

-"Sorry, Doc. I didn't mean to yell at you. I know you're just doing your job." - Rosalie tells her, wiping a few tears from her face.

-"There's no need to apologize, Rosalie. I understand. How about we stop for the day and we can talk some more tomorrow? In the meantime, try and get some rest."

-"Thanks, Doc. You think I can have a drink instead?" - Rosalie asks, a sad chuckle leaving her lips, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

-"I'll see what I can do."

Rosalie sees Heightmeyer smiling at her and she smiles back, nodding. She hadn't meant for it to come out as it did, and she definitely didn't mean to yell at the poor woman, but she couldn't hold on anymore.

Leaning her head back against the wall, she closes her eyes, tears still free falling, and thinks that it's a good thing that Evan isn't there. She never wanted for him to know what she went through, especially not this. Definitely not this.

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