From The Beginning

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Rosalie is laying in bed, when the doors open. Looking over, she sees Heightmeyer walking in, a gentle smile on her lips. She greets Rosalie and asks if they can talk, as she sits down on the chair. Rosalie shrugs while sitting up, knowing that, after her explosion earlier, there's no point in hiding anything anymore.

-"Can you tell me what happened, from the beginning?" - Heightmeyer asks her.

-"Sure." - Rosalie says, shrugging her shoulders. -"I was off-world with Colonel Edwards and his team when we were ambushed by a squad of Jaffa. While making a run for the gate, myself and a Marine got separated from the rest of the team. We managed to shoot our way back, but when we got close to the DHD, I slipped and fell. I watched the Marine cross the gate, Colonel Edwards was laying some cover fire, and when I looked at Edwards as I was getting up, he looked back at me and just crossed the gate himself."

"I remember screaming his name but he didn't even looked back. I always knew that Edwards didn't like me, but I never thought he would go as far as leaving me behind to fend for myself against a squad of Jaffa."

-"Do you think that maybe Colonel Edwards thought you had been fatally shot?"

-"No, there's no way that would've happen. The Jaffa that were chasing us were still far enough away that they couldn't get a clean shot of me, even after I fell."

-"I see. What happened next?"

-"I saw the gate close and I took off in a sprint, hoping that I could escape in the forest that surrounded the gate. I shot as many Jaffa as I could, but when I ran out of bullets, I knew that my only hope was to outrun them. Only, when I reached the tree line, I ran into a second squad of Jaffa."

"I surrendered, thinking that maybe I could escape at a later time, however they brought me straight to Am-he. The moment that Am-he was impressed with my knowledge of their technology, was the moment I knew that I was never going home. The next five months were pure hell, given what I already told you."

-"How did you escape?"

-"Because Am-he had, basically, decided that I was his pet, he gave me a certain amount of freedom within the ship. I was allowed to walk around the ship, with the exception of critical areas, and only when we were going from one planet to another. I would take long walks, mapping out the ship in my head, trying to figure out how to escape."

"One day I was walking past their version of a gate room and saw a few Jaffa working on something that was connected to the gate. I put on my best innocent face and asked the Jaffa standing guard what they were doing. The Jaffa told me it was none of my business and hit me. Well, needless to say that that reaction was enough to spike my curiosity."

"Up until then, I would block out any and all conversations that Am-he had with the Jaffa, whenever I was in the bridge of the ship with him, but after that, I started paying more attention. Until I finally heard what I was hoping I would."

"One of the Jaffa told Am-he that they were having trouble finding a power source strong enough. When Am-he complained that Pegasus was there for the taking and the Jaffa couldn't give it to him, I knew what he was trying to do."

"Am-he wanted to come to the Pegasus Galaxy, and I couldn't let that happen. The people of this galaxy already have enough to worry about with the Wraith. The last thing they needed was to add a Goa'uld to the mix."

"Then, one day, one of the Jaffa told Am-he that they had been successful. I knew that it was now or never, I had to sabotage the device before he could use it. So I excused myself, saying that I wasn't feeling well and, after escaping my room, made my way to the gate room. I had to find a way to stop him, even if it meant that if Am-he found out it had been me, he would kill me."

"I had seen a Pegasus address a few days before, and memorized it. I was able to sabotage the device, but when I was about to leave, I was caught by a Jaffa. We fought and I killed him. Unfortunately, the fight draw the attention of a few others, so I did the only thing that made sense to me. I dialed the gate and went through. It was either that or die at the hands of Am-he."

"When I reached the other side, the gate became unstable, which meant that the device blew up as it was intended. I can only hope that Am-he's ship went along with it."

-"You took a great risk by doing that."

-"Like I said, the people here already have their hands full with the Wraith, they don't need to add a Goa'uld to the mix. Plus, I would've gladly given my life if it meant that Am-he wouldn't get what he wanted."

-"It was still very brave of you."

-"I just did what anyone in my position and with my knowledge would do." - Rosalie shrugs off the compliment.

-"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Lets take a break and talk a little more later. Is that okay?"

-"Sure, Doc."

Rosalie lays back down, watching Heightmeyer leaving. She doesn't believe what she did was brave. If she was honest, it was more of an act of desperation. She had already accepted that she was going to die in that ship, the only reason she decided to go through the gate was because at the time it seemed like the only sane option she had. But if she went back in time, she would do the same thing all over again, without hesitation, even if it meant that she would be dead now.

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