Deja Vu

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Living in Atlantis for the last six months has been definitely different for Rosalie. Not only does she spends her time between the lab that Weir had set up for her and going off-world with the multiple teams, including Evan's and Sheppard's, she has also became close with both Weir and Sheppard.

At first it was a bit awkward, trying to find her place in a city where everyone has already been working together for a long time. At times it almost felt like she was the new girl at school and it sucked. However, for the most part, the people that she worked with on a more regular basis were surprisingly welcoming, aside from a few ego trips here and there, but nothing she wasn't used to.

Rosalie is off-world with Evan and his team as she remembers the last six months, while waiting for the okay from the local priestess to translate a section of Ancient language that it's inside a private chamber within their "House Of Prayers", as they called it.

Rosalie is sitting with an Airman on the front steps of the "House", when she hears screams and gunfire coming from the other end of the square where the "House" is located, making her stand up and be on high alert. As if on cue, Evan's voice reaches her through her earpiece.

-"Nelson, Williams, get to cover. Now!!!"

-"Yes, Sir." - Airman Nelson answers, pulling Rosalie to the alley beside the "House" and behind some crates.

-"What's going on, Lorne?" - Rosalie asks, the gunfire getting louder.

-"You got Genii headed your way."

At first Rosalie thinks she has been mistaken, that Evan hasn't really just said that there were Genii coming their way, but when she sees three of them running into the square and shooting back at Evan's team, she is sure that she heard it right.

"Shit!!", Rosalie thinks, before starting to shoot alongside the Airman. Shots begin being fired at them from the opposite side of the square and Rosalie sees a new squad of Genii approaching. Either they leave now or they will end up being completely surrounded by them, not to mention ridiculously outnumbered.

She hears running footsteps coming from behind them and almost shoots Evan, as he and the rest of the team come running down the little alley where she and Nelson have been hiding. Evan tells them it's time to move and Rosalie doesn't question his decision.

Getting up from behind the crates, cover fire being provided by Nelson and a Marine, Rosalie takes off in a run, following Evan and the rest of the team towards the gate. It is at times like these that she wishes they had brought a jumper with them.

Making strategic stops to cover each other as they run away from the Genii, Rosalie can't help but feel a sense of deja vu. She has been in this situation before with Evan, the only difference being who they were shooting at, at the time.

The team is almost blindsided by the Genii and is forced to separate if they are going to make it to the gate. Evan pulls Rosalie with him, not wanting to be separated from her. He knows her history with the Genii, and the last thing he wants is for them to get their hands on her.

They can see the gate and that it's being guarded by a couple of Genii. Evan makes the call to just shoot them so they can get out of there. Once they are on the ground, Rosalie reaches the DHD and quickly dials a secondary address, just in case.

Shots are still being fired at them when they cross the gate, Rosalie thanking the heavens when she takes a look around and sees that no one was hurt. She looks over at Evan and smiles at him, letting out a breath she seemed to be holding ever since this whole thing started.

By the time they reach Atlantis, they are tired, out of ammunition and adrenaline is still running high. They give a quick report to Weir and Sheppard, make their way to the infirmary to get checked out, and each go their separate ways, some to the locker room, others to their private quarters, hoping that a hot shower will help with the adrenaline. If only it were that simple...

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