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Rosalie is busy unpacking the few belongings she has brought with her to Atlantis, placing everything in their rightful place, and going through what she needed to do before reporting to duty the next day, when a knock at the door makes her stop.

Rosalie walks over to the door and opens it, revealing a very stunned Evan standing on the other side. She smiles wide at him and asks him if he isn't going to greet her. This seems to spur Evan out of the shock he had gone into when he saw her, because the next thing she knows, Evan has his arms wrapped around her and is hugging her tight. Rosalie can't help but laugh.

Evan is still trying to process how in the world Rosie is standing across from him when her voice reaches his brain, asking him if he isn't going to greet her. He doesn't even hesitate. Taking a large step forward, he hugs her, giving her a bear hug so tight that can rival the ones she had given him in the past.

Evan hears Rosie laughing and that is when he lets her go.

-"How are you?" - Rosie asks him, a smile on her lips, as she leads him to the small couch in her room.

-"A whole lot better now, that's for sure. What are you doing here?"

-"Well, after everything that happened, Jack decided that I deserved a new assignment, so he contacted Weir and asked her if she wanted a new linguistics expert to join the expedition. When Weir asked who it was and Jack told her it was me, Weir immediately agreed and here I am."

-"I had no idea, no one told me."

-"From what Weir told me, that was Sheppard's decision. He wanted to surprise you. I only found out that you didn't know when I asked Weir about you."

-"Well, consider me surprised."

Hearing Rosie laugh once again made Evan's heart swell three sizes. He can't even begin to explain just how much he missed her and now having her there, having the chance to work together again, to see her everyday, it was more than he could ever ask for. Evan makes the mental note to thank Sheppard for the surprise. He definitely needed that, specially after the day he just had.

Rosalie and Evan spend the next few hours catching up on what has happened since they last saw each other, Evan helping her unpack as they went. Rosalie has to admit to herself that she has missed him, more than she is willing to admit out loud.

Evan has always been there for her and all the years of believing that he was dead were now being quickly forgotten. All Rosalie wants now is to make up for all the lost time and hopefully make their friendship as strong as it once was.

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