Checking In

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Sitting in her lab, looking at one of the artifacts that Rosalie and her team had uncovered while at the Ancient outpost, she can't stop thinking about what happened in the cave and what could've happened if Sheppard hadn't been there.

Rosalie knows that every time she goes through the gate to a new planet there's a chance that she can get hurt, or worse. Hell, for five years that was a thought that was always present in her mind, but she always managed to stay alive and now it hasn't been any different.

Looking back at the artifact in her hands, Rosalie is sure that she made the right call when she told everyone to pack up and leave, but a part of her wonders what other secrets that outpost held. She is half-tempted to ask Weir to let her go back alone and look for herself. At least that way, only she would get hurt, in case something went wrong.

Her attention is pulled to the present when she hears footsteps entering her lab. Lifting her eyes from the artifact in her hand, she sees Evan walking in her direction, smiling at her, and she smiles back, happy to see him.

-"Hey. How did the mission go?"

-"It went okay. We got a few promising leads to where a new ZPM might be hiding. I'm just going through a few things we brought back to see if there's something else that might help find it." - Rosalie places the artifact down, knowing that she's not going to be able to concentrate on it.

-"That's good. From what Sheppard told me, you guys had a pretty close call with the ceiling almost crashing down on the both of you."

-"He told you about that, hmm?"

-"Yes, he did."

-"Well, he's right. It was a close call. But that is why we decided to call it quits before someone got seriously hurt." - Rosalie swallows hard, remembering how if it hadn't been for Sheppard, she would be driving Beckett crazy right now.

-"You made the right call, Rosie. That had the potential to be extremely dangerous."

-"You're not wrong about that."

-"As long as everyone is safe, that's what matters. Now, I'm headed to the mess hall. Wanna take a break and grab something to eat with me? Knowing you, you probably haven't eaten anything yet."

-"Sure, why not? It's not like these artifacts are going anywhere."

Evan smiles at her and gives her his arm, as they walk out of her lab. Evan hadn't been wrong when he said that she hadn't eaten. The last time she had eaten had been that morning before going on that mission and just the mere mention of food was enough to make her stomach grumble.

Walking side by side with Evan, Rosalie can't believe just how lucky she is. Here she is in a legendary city, in a galaxy far away from home, making new friends and working side by side with her best friend. What more can a girl ask for?

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