Going Through The Motions

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As soon as Rosalie arrives on the other side, she knows that she's in a closed space, the lack of a breeze being a dead giveaway. She goes through the motions as she's pushed and pulled in different directions, while walking through multiple corridors. She doesn't know where she is, but it's definitely not outdoors, the ground being too smooth for it and she can hear the small echo that the multiple conversations and their footsteps create in the space around her.

Eventually she slows down, in what she can only assume is an infirmary due to the constant beeping of machines and the smell of disinfectant. Rosalie hears doors open and she is lead through it, before the large man's hand leaves her arm and the doors close again.

A voice, that has a distinct Scottish accent and comes from her left, tells her that she can take the blindfold off. Rosalie takes a deep breath and removes the blindfold, taking a minute or two to allow her eyes to adjust to the brightness of the room she is now in.

Once that happens, she looks around and realizes she's in a quarantine room, complete with a viewing gallery up above, although she can't see who's watching. Her eyes eventually find the man to whom the voice belongs, along with two Marines.

-"Hello. I'm Dr. Carson Beckett. What's your name, dear?" - the man tells her with a smile.

-"Rosalie Williams." - she answers, returning the smile, albeit a little nervous.

-"Well, Miss Rosalie, can you take a seat, please?"

Rosalie nods and climbs onto the bed that is placed in the middle of the room, her back to the wall, not wanting to be exposed if something were to happen.

-"Rosalie, I'm going to do a full check up on you, as well as draw some blood and also check your shoulder. Is that okay?"

-"Whatever you need to do, Doc."

In the gallery above, Elizabeth and Sheppard are watching Beckett and Rosalie.

-"Do you think she's who she says she is?" - Elizabeth questions, not sure herself.

-"You didn't see the look of relief on her face when she saw our uniforms and realized who we were, Elizabeth. But there's a way to see if she's telling the truth, at least until the results of the tests Beckett's gonna run come back."

-"How?" - Elizabeth asks, looking back at him.

-"Back at the planet, she told us that she watched her best friend cross the gate back on Earth to come to Atlantis. Her best friend? It's Lorne. The only problem is that she believes he's dead."

-"Dead? Well, none the less, it might be a good idea to have the Major come to the gallery and confirm from here."

-"That's what I was thinking. Lorne is currently off-world, but he's due to return in the next thirty minutes, give or take."

-"I'll have him meets us here as soon as he arrives."

Sheppard nods and they look back down to what Beckett is doing. It is clear for both Elizabeth and Sheppard that, if she is who she says then there's a lot that needs explaining, such as how in the world did she get to the Pegasus Galaxy in the first place. But if she's not, then what the hell are they going to do about her?

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