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Elizabeth and Sheppard make their way to the overview gallery, meeting Dr. Heightmeyer and Major Lorne there. She knows this can't be easy for the man, most likely because all he wants is to go down there and talk to Dr. Williams, but protocol is there to prevent any further complications, as harsh as it may sound.

-"Dr. Weir, Colonel Sheppard." - Dr. Heightmeyer greets them as they walk in the room.

-"Dr. Heightmeyer. I trust you have been brought up to speed by Major Lorne?"

-"I have. It's quite an intriguing situation. You want me to do a full psych eval, correct?"

-"Yes. I have sent you Dr. Williams' personnel file."

-"I've reviewed it, not in depth though, but I know enough to start a conversation."

-"Good. One more thing before you leave. Although psych evals are usually private, this is an exceptional case, so we will be watching."

-"Dr. Weir, I don't think..."

-"I know what you're about to say, Dr. Heightmeyer, but, as I said, this is an exceptional case, and since we can't be sure if Dr. Williams is truly herself, we need to cover all our bases."

-"Very well."

It is clear to Elizabeth, as Dr. Heightmeyer leaves, that the woman isn't happy about having them watching the psych eval, but right now Elizabeth is more concerned about the safety of Atlantis than pleasing the good doctor.

-"Elizabeth, I know that Lorne isn't a senior officer, but would it be possible for him to stay? He might be able to confirm or refute whatever Dr. Williams tells Heightmeyer." - Sheppard asks, seeing Lorne looking back at Elizabeth with a kindle of hope in his eyes.

-"I don't know. If you stay, Major, whatever you hear remains in this room, understood?"

-"Yes, Ma'am. I would never betray Ros..., I mean, Dr. Williams like that, Ma'am."


Elizabeth nods, before looking down to where Dr. Williams is. She knows this isn't gonna be easy, and she can only hope that, by the time this is over, no one leaves this place with more questions than answers.

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