Chapter 5

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We got home, and me and mom got out the car.

"So then. What time is, Ezra coming round then" My mom said as we were walking through the door.

"Um, 5" I said checking my phone.

"Ok, don't tell your dad he's coming round until he get's here, because you know what he's like" My mom said and i agreed. "So then i'm going to start the food, you coming to help"

"Um... No sorry can't. Just gotta nip out" I said as my phone went off and it was, Ezra.

"Ok don't be late" My mom replied and walked out and got in my car and drove to, Ezra's house. I got out my car and knocked on his door and he answered straight away.

"Hey, what's up" I said.

"I can't come round for dinner. I don't wanna get punch again because the last time i spoke to your dad/brother i got punched" Ezra replied.

"I know, please do this for me, and anyway my dad don't know your coming round yet, and Mike is out with his friends and my mum can calm my dad round and he will if he don't wanna lose me. Please trust me" I said and he kissed me.

"Of course i trust you but when your parents hate me it's hard. I'll be there in 2 hours" Ezra said and i kissed him again and left and drove back home and walked in to the kitchen where my mom was.

"So what we having then" I said to my mom.

"A curry is that ok" My mom replied.

"Yeah that's fine" I said kissing her on the cheek. My dad arrived home another 2 hours later and walked in to the kitchen.

"How are my two favorite girls" My dad said when he walked in.

"Good" I replied and my mom smiled.

"I thought Mike was out tonight" My dad said realizing there was four place mats out on the table.

"Yeah we have someone else coming" My mom said.

"Oh really who?" My dad questioned.

"Who i'm dating" I quickly said.

"Since when were you dating anyone" My dad asked concerned and then there was a knock at the door.

"Oh that must be him, i'll get the door" I said and ran to the door and my dad followed still concerned and opened the door and flung my arms around, Ezra and began to kiss him.

"Ezra. What are you doing here" My dad said and i could tell he was angry.

"He's my date" I said and i grabbed his hand and took him to the kitchen, and my dad followed us.

"Ella, are ok with our daughter dating her English teacher" My dad said looking and us and then my mom.

"Well no, but we are going to lose our daughter and i don't want that, i care who she dates, but if he cares and loves her then what's wrong about the age, Byron. Your need to get use to the idea. That's why i brought him over her to get to know us" My mom said.

"I am not ok with this, Ella" My dad said and me and, Ezra just sat next to each other on the table.

"Just give an hour or two, let's get to know, Ezra because at school he's nice and caring and i want to get to know him more" My mom said and i couldn't believe it but my mom got my dad to agree. My mom brought the food out and we all sat at the table, and my dad wouldn't stop staring at, Ezra.

"So, Ezra, where would you see your self in 5 years then" My dad said.

"Um. Well hopefully still teaching because i love the job and with house in rosewood with, Aria" He said what was sweet.

"Oh right ok. Would you ever have kids in the future with my daughter" He said.

"Dad stop with the questions" I butted in.

"Ezra you haven't answered the question" My dad said.

"Well, only if she would like kids i wouldn't like to force her into having kids and if she didn't then i would accept that" He said.

"Well that's good then" My dad said smiling looking at me. "You love my daughter"

"Yeah very much, Mr Montgomery" Ezra said and under the table he grabbed my hand.

"Call me, Byron. You are an ok lad, but i still don't like you dating my daughter but then again i don't wanna lose her. Ella was explaining what it would do to her and i don't want anything to happen to her because i love her, and so does, Ella, and so do you so if you hurt her or even make her cry you better start running" My dad said and then put his hand in the middle of the table to shake it and, Ezra let go off my hand and shuck his hand.

"So your allowing us to date then" I said to my dad.

"Can't believe i'm saying this but yeah i guess i am" My dad said and ran up to him and hugged him.

"Thank you" I said and we carried on eating and chatting away and they were all finally making, Ezra part of the family and that made me happy. My dad allowed, Ezra to stay because it was late so me and, Ezra went straight to bed looking forward to another day...

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