Chapter 17

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I woke up the next morning laying next to, Ezra in our new house. We still haven't moved in yet but it feels like home. We still have a few to do like paint the nursery and get that all ready before the baby. Build some of the stuff we ordered up. I got up and got dressed with the spare clothes i brought just in case i did stay there. Ezra soon got up after me and it was early.

"I haven't brought anything to eat, do you want to go out for breakfast before school" Ezra said.

"Yeah sure, we would have to go in different cars though" I said.

"Why what's the point the principal is going to find out today. Please my new car is getting dropped off here in about 10-15 minutes and i would like us both go get some breakfast and drive to school together" Ezra said and he was right. So what, other people think i love him, for him. Age is just a number..

"Your right" I said going into a kiss and he kissed me back. Ezra jumped in the shower and got dressed. After he was ready the there was a knock on the door. It was the salesman delivering, Ezra's car. Ezra and i walked downstairs and opened the door. Ezra signed the papers and got the keys.

"So are we going to go then?" Ezra questioned.

"Yeah let me just grab my bag" I said and, Ezra went to his car. I ran upstairs and grabbed my bag and walked down locking the door behind me and got into, Ezra's new car.

"Wow, i love this car" I said sitting in comfy. Ezra just laughed and reversed off the drive way and we went to cafe for some breakfast.

"I wonder what the principal is going to say?" I questioned.

"Let's not talk about that, because whatever happens i am with you. The ring proves that i love you" Ezra said, and then i thought about what, Hanna said about the ring.

"So the ring, Hanna said it was real and very expensive" I said.

"Yeah, i would of told you but i know what you're like, Aria if you knew it was worth how much you wouldn't want to wear it, you would get scared you would lose it" Ezra said.

"Where from?" I questioned.

"My mom, handed it down to me because i told her i wanted to propose and she wanted me to give you that ring. That's why i didn't want you to know" Ezra said.

"That's sweet" I said and leaned over the table and kissed him. We soon finished breakfast and, Ezra paid and we got back into the car and drove to school. Everyone was turning up by this point so everyone could see me get out, Ezra's car. As we parked my mom was just parking up. We got out the car and my mom walked over to us.

"So you guys are just letting go now" My mom said.

"Yeah well what's the point. The principal is going to find out today and soon the students are" I said.

"Did you get a new car, Ezra?" My mom questioned.

"Yeah do you like it?" Ezra questioned smiling.

"Yeah, very fancy. Looks like it cost a lot" My mom said and we all walked into school together. Everyone was staring at me and, Ezra because the time me, Ezra and, my mom spoke it was already round most students that we drove to school together. It was kinda creepy because everyone moved out the way as we all walked down the hallway of the school, to the principals office.

"Man, it feel's like i'm just staring school. Walking down the hallway to the principals office while everyone stares" Ezra whispered in my ear, i just laughed. I saw the girls as we were walking down the hallway and to them 'that i'll speak to them later'. We knocked on the door to the principal and he came straight to the door. My mom was there sticking up for us.

"What can i do for you three?" The principal questioned.

"We need to talk to you about something serious" My mom said.

"What may that be?" He questioned.

"Well your probably not going to like it, but i'm perfectly fine with it and don't want anything bad happen" My mom said.

"Ok, Ella. Your worrying me now" The principal said laughing.

"Well, my daughter, Aria and, Mr Fitz. I mean, Ezra are dating, and are engaged" My mom said and there was a long pause.

"Well, you two have put me in a difficult situation. For how long?" He questioned.

"8 Months" Ezra said.

"Oh, ok" The principal said. "Could i just speak to, Ella for a moment" We agreed and sat out side in the waiting area.

"Do you think she's going to tell him?" I said in worry.

"I don't know, but you have me" He said and i leaned in a kissed him as there was no one around.

Ella's P.O.V

He made me stay in with him. I don't know why when he should be talking to, Aria and Ezra the ones who got together.

"Ella, i'm sorry i put you in this position, but are sure on this?" He questioned.

"Why wouldn't i" I replied.

"Because she has just turned 18 and is your only daughter, and he is her, English teacher. You can still call the police. I won't if you don't though because we can sort things out without them getting involved" He replied.

"The truth is, i fine with it. Not 100% obviously but he is the best guy she has ever dated, and who cares about her. If i ring the police he will go to prison and she will be on her own. We would of lost a daughter and a grandchild" I said not realizing i just told him she's pregnant.

"What? She's pregnant?" He questioned.

"You shouldn't of heard that from me. Don't tell her you know. Please don't call the police because i don't think she will be able to cope with a baby on her own" I replied.

"Guess we have a deal then. I can't fire him after this anyway because he needs the money for the baby and he is the only one working" He replied. I thanked him and walked out.

Aria's P.O.V

My mom walked out looking happy so it must be all good.

"Does he want to talk to us?" Ezra questioned.

"No it's all fine. He's letting you stay and not getting the police involved" My mom said and i smiled lot's.

"Thank you, Mom" I said and hugged her.

"We're free" I said kissing him... The bell went for first period. We said our goodbyes for a few hours and went to our lessons. I met up with the girls at break and told them everything. They were so happy for me, and i couldn't stop smiling all day...

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