Chapter 9

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My soon arrived and so did my friends.

"Mum we are going up" I said.

"Um. No. I want to know why you wasn't in English having a headache isn't a good excuse because you are always there for, Ezra's class and the day Ezra isn't there your not" My mom said.

"Mom can we not talk about this now" I said look at my mom then at my friends.

"Fine, but tomorrow straight home, because i want answers" My mom said and i walked upstairs with the girls. We walked in to my room and made sure my door was closed and we all sat down.

"So then why did you rush off today" Spencer said.

"Yeah why was Ezra not there?" Emily questioned.

"Well me and, Ezra went to the hospital together. It was him who texted me" I said.

"Why did you need to go to the hospital?" Hanna questioned.

"For the baby, Hanna. Did you have a scan" Spencer said.

"Yeah i did" I said.

"So can we see it?" Spencer questioned.

"Oh yeah" I said and went in my bag and pulled it out and showed my friends.

"Aw cute. Even though it looks like an Alien" Hanna said laughing.

"Yeah it does" Emily said.

"Thanks guys" I said laughing.

"Why does this say that your 9 weeks when you told me you were 4 weeks?" Spencer questioned.

"Oh yeah i was 9 weeks i thought i was 4 but the test was obviously wrong" I said.

"So how's, Ezra taken it all then" Hanna said.

"Amazing. He truly does love me" I said.

"Aww" They all said. We all talked about a lot of things and all went to sleep as we had class in the morning.


We all got up early and got dressed, did our hair and went down for breakfast and then left for school. The first half was boring and then i was lunch.

Ezra's P.O.V

It was lunch and me and some of the teachers went for lunch. Ella was standing next to my when we were waiting for the people to put food on our plate.

"Oh, dam. I forgot my purse in the staff room" Ella said.

"Here you can borrow some off me, so you don't have to go back" I said pulling out my wallet.

"Who's that?" Ella questioned as she saw the scan photo.

"Mine" I said not realizing what i just said.

"What?" Ella questioned.

"I mean, my brother came round yesterday and his girlfriend is pregnant and they left there scan photo round mine and knowing me i'll lose it" I quickly said making up an excuse.

"Right.." She said..

"Um here" I quickly said and gave her the money and shoved my wallet in my pocket, hoping she didn't get a suss that it was her daughter who was pregnant.

Aria P.O.V

School went really quick, don't know why... I walked to the staff room to meet my mom and my mom and Ezra were in there. I walked in.

"Hey mom, hey, Ezra" I said.

"Hey, anything new happened?" My mom questioned.

"What do you mean" I said in a confused look.

"Nether mind. I've just gotta finish packing these books then we will go" My mom said.

"Ok, Ezra can i speak to you out here?" I said and, Ezra came and walked out.

"What's going on with my mom?" I questioned.

"She kinda left her money in the office so i offered to pay and when i went to give her the money she saw the scan" Ezra said and my stomach went.

"She knows?" I questioned.

"I don't think so because i made an excuse that it was my brothers girlfriend and they left the scan and mine yesterday" Ezra said and i gave him a kissed.

"What was that for?" He questioned smiling.

"For being you" I said and kissed him again just as my mom walked out.

"Come on, Aria, oh and Ezra would you like to come round for tea?" My mom said.

"Sure" He said.

"then i can talk to you both " My mom said walking off and me and Ezra walked slowly behind worried. Ezra went home and got dressed and soon came arrived at mine. He knocked on the door and i answered it and he walked in.

"So mom when's dad going to be back?" I questioned.

"He has a business conference he's gone for 2 days" My mom replied.

"Ok. So why did you invite, Ezra round" I asked.

"Where did you go yesterday?" My questioned again.

"I had a doctors appointment" I said.

"Well why didn't i know about this?" My mom questioned.

"Becuase you act liek this" I said.

"What about, Ezra" My mom said.

"I took her. She told me she was going and i wanted to be there with her" Ezra said.

"What was it about" My mom asked.

"Um. Just that i was getting lots of headaches" I quickly said.

"Ok then" My mom said but i could tell she wasn't going to let it go. Tea was soon ready and my mom allowed Ezra to stay as we had no school in the morning. So we went to bed soon after..

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