Chapter 10

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Me and, Ezra woke up the next day late... He leaned over and began to kiss me patiently and wrapping his arm round my waste, just as my walked in.

"Wow i've just seen abit to much" She said putting her hands on her face.

"Mom, can't you knock" I said.

"Sorry, but it is my own house" My mom said.

"Well this is awkward" Ezra said.

"Ezra, it's weirder a person i work with is dating a student but my daughter is even weirder and seeing this is just weirder. Don't make me come in to see this because it will be your farther one day and i don't really want to see that" My mom said and walked out.

"Well that was just a tiny but awkward" Ezra said laughing.

"You never say" I said laughing and began to kiss me.

"I need to get up" I said standing up and getting dressed.

"Yeah same, do you wanna go out for breakfast?" Ezra questioned.

"Yeah sure, i just need to get dressed" I said.

"Yeah i'm just going home get some clean clothes and then i'll come and pick you up" Ezra said and he kissed me and he went down and left. I got dressed and my mom walked in.

"Hey up darling" My mom said.

"Hey mom, what's up" I said and my mom sat on my bed.

"You know how you said you went doctors the other day" My mom said.

"Yeah why?" I questioned and sat on the bed.

"Well i rang up the doctors and they said you had no appointment booked" My mom said.

"You actually rang up" I said standing up getting mad.

"Yeah, and they said on your record you went to the hospital for some type of scan, but they couldn't tell me what type of scan over the phone" My mom said grabbing my hand and telling me to sit down.

"I can't believe you would do that, like omg. You make me so mad" I said and then felling sick come up and ran to the toilet and threw up and my mom came running after me and began to hold my hair up.

"It's ok you can tell me" She said tapping my back as i finished and looked in the mirror wiping my mouth.

"What is there to tell, mom?" I questioned.

"I know, Aria" She said and i began to stutter and walked in to my room and sat down.

"Know what?" I questioned trying to pretend i knew nothing.

"Your pregnant aren't you" She said and the room went silence.

"How did you guess?" I questioned.

"Your my daughter, and the scan kind of gave me a clue at school yesterday when, Ezra lent me some money" My mom said.

"And you not mad?" I questioned.

"Of course i am, but i can't be mad forever because it's happened and shouting at you isn't go change that. I think it's sweet how, Ezra is going to risk carrying a scan picture around. Do you have one I'll like to see it?" My mom questioned and i went in my purse and grabbed the scan out and showed her.

"Wow, i don't know how your farther is going to act but you need to tell him when he get's back tomorrow" My mom said and hugged me.

"I need to go, Ezra is here" I said and hugged my mom again and left. I explained to, Ezra about my mom knowing and invited him round tomorrow to tell my dad. After having breakfast we went over to, Ezra's.

"I been thinking how are we going to be able to afford everything?" I asked concerned.

"We will find away.." He said and then paused for awhile.

"Ezra why did you pause like that?" I asked and he pulled out his laptop.

"I've just remembered, my nan used to put in about £40 month for collage in this account, but i never used any of it because my mom ended up paying for it and she stopped putting money it it when i was 16 or 17 so there must be at least $100,000   in there" He said getting excited and i was to. He opened his laptop and logged on to his account and checked the balance.

"Bingo, $200,000" He said throwing his arms around me.

"Are you being serious, like that is way more than enough" I said kissing him.

"Yeah, i know. I'm just going to change my details just so my mom can't take any off it out because when she finds out your pregnant she will go kind of ballistic" He said laughing and i hugged him tightly and kissed him...

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