Chapter 20

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(Im going to skip the dinner party because i don't know what to write for it. So i'm skipping to the Monday)

I woke up the next day and, Ezra walked in holding bed and breakfast.

"Ezra" I said as he put it on my lap.

"Well you are my love, and you kinda carrying our child for 9 months. Another 4 months" He said and he lent down and kissed me. I was showing quite abit. Well yeah i am 5months pregnant and no knows except our family, our friends and hopefully my mom didn't tell the principal, but i guess the news is half way around the school because, Claire spotted us shopping for baby thing.

"Thank you" I said to, Ezra kissing him back.

"It will be ok you know, like when the school finds out, because i'm here for you and so is your, mom and obviously your friends" Ezra said and it was true.

"I know, but i know they will think it's weird like your my, English teacher. I'm surprised no one else has spotted this ring on my finger" I said.

"Aria, all this time you've been saying that you don't care what people think about. Shall we keep it like that" He said.

"You're right, it's my body, my decision" I said and ate my breakfast fast and, Ezra took down, and i got in the shower and then got dressed not forgetting to do my hair or make-up. I walked down stairs and grabbed my bag and me and, Ezra got in the car and drove to school together. we parked up and got out of the car and began to walk in. I was tempted to grab his hand but i don't think i was at that stage doing that in school. As we were walking in i heard everyone whispering and kept saying out name. I spotted, Hanna, and, Spencer and walked over to them, saying bye to, Ezra.

"Can you hear everyone?" I said.

"What do you expect, Claire messaged like the whole school saying that you said that you were dating, and spotted you in a baby store together shopping for strollers" Spencer said.

"Ah, thought it would be the new gossip, even though it is real" I said.

"Well, i can tell your pregnant now, Aria" Hanna said.

"Thanks, i just love being fat" I said and my mom walked over to me.

"Aria, can we talk in my office" She said and i follwed her into her office,

"What's up, mom?" I questioned.

"The school knows your pregnant, about 20 students have came over to me asking" She said.

"Oh great" I said.

"You don't seem that mad" She said.

"Mom, it's going to get out somehow, and i don't wanna be the one sharing that to whole school" I said and she smiled. "What's so funny? I questioned.

"Nothing. It's just your little bump it looks so perfect" She said and i hugged her and walked out back to my friends.

"Guys i forgot to ask, where's, Emily?" I questioned.

"I don't know i think she's ill" Hanna said.

"Oh right" I replied and the bell went and i got off to my first lesson. I carried on through out the day and everyone was still staring at me when i was with my friends at luch. I stood up.

"Ok. Enough with the staring if you want to say something say it to my face i don't want you all gossiping about me" I shouted and nearly everyone heard and i could feel, Spencer and, Hanna pulling me down so i sat back down and carried on with my dinner. All of a sudden, two girls walked over to us. 

"Hi, Aria" One of them said.

"What"? I questioned.

"We just wanted to say how brave you are. You know not caring what anyone things. I don't think anyone would be able to do that at our school. We just want to wish you luck" The other girl said and i smiled.

"Thank you, that's just made my day" I said and stood up and hugged them both and they walked of. 

"Well that was nice" Spencer said.

"Yeah it was, wasn't it" I said smiling. Ezra walked over and sat next to me on the table we were sitting at.

"You ok" He said grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, feeling much better" I said smiling holding his hand tighter.

"We'll will leave you two" Spencer and Hanna said and walked off.

"Guess what?" Ezra said.

"What?" I questioned.

"I know how much you wanted to find out the gender of the baby and we haven't had much time to make an appointment. Well i have booked us an appointment for tomorrow" He said.

"That's great" I said in excitement hugging him across the table.

"Good, now i have to dash. Got a meeting" He said and walked off. The bell later then went and i got to my lesson. After school i met, Spencer and Hanna and we went and got some food together then went over to Spencer's house for abit and then, Ezra picked me up from, Spencers and we went home and went to sleep.

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