Chapter 22

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(So, i'm going to skip it another 3 1/2 months because i don't know what else to write. Btw everyone knows about them and the pregnancy and stuff)

I woke up feeling fat. Tomorrow is going to be my last day at school until after the baby comes. I got out of bed slowly as i was that fat. I got dressed into some baggy clothes and walked downstairs and, Ezra just walked through the front door.

"Where did you go?" I questioned, Ezra as i was sitting down.

"Just nipped out, someone wanted to meet me" Ezra said.

"Who?" I questioned.

"You don't them" He said.

"Ok" I replied.

"So how's my heavily pregnant girl" Ezra said kissing me.

"Hungry" I replied.

"Here let me get you something" Ezra said and poured me some cereal into a bowl and passed it me. After i had my breakfast i grabbed my bag and me and, Ezra walked out and got in the car with, Ezra helping me. We drove to school and parked up. I went straight to class as we came abit late. The first couple of lessons wen quick and at break i walked over to my friends.

"Your getting bigger everyday" Spencer said.

"Well i am due in 2 weeks, Spencer" I said in angry tone.

"Sorry, what's up?" She questioned.

"Nothing. Hey, have you seen, Ezra i haven't seen him since this morning?" I questioned.

"I saw him in a rush, when walking to second period and he got in his car" Hanna said.

"Didn't he tell you he was going out" Spencer said.

"Um no, he's been kind of distance this past week. He walked in at 8am today and said he met someone, i didn't know" I said.

"Well we have him after break any way, do you wanna go to The Brew?" Hanna questioned and we all agreed and, Spencer drove us there.

"Wait slow down" I said as i saw, Ezra sitting inside The Brew with another girl.

"What?" Spencer questioned.

"Look" I said pointing.

"Who's she?" Emily questioned.

"That's what i'm going to find out" I said and unbuckled my seat belt.

"Wait, talk to him tonight. Don't make it into something big, because it will go round, RoseWood like that, and it's not good for you or the baby to stress" Spencer said and she was right.

"Your right, can we just go back though" I said and, Spencer drove us back to school. The bell shortly went and we had, English with, Ezra. I walked in and my mom was there.

"Mom, where's, Ezra?" I questioned.

"I thought you might know, he said he's going to be 10 minutes late" My mom said.

"Ok then" I said and sat down. 10 minutes later he walked through the door. I immediately stood up and walked over to him.

"Where were you?" I questioned.

"Meeting a old friend, He's just came into the town. We had a drink at the local pub" Ezra said and i knew it was a lie. I ignored him and sat back down. Ezra got up and walked over to me.

"What's up?" Ezra questioned.

"Nothing, just go away and sit down" I replied.

"No tell me, Aria" He said.

"Please, carry on teaching" I replied and he slowly walked back. A few moments later there was a knock on the classroom door, and a girl walked in that looked just like the one we saw, with him. 

"Could i speak to you, Mr Fitz" The girl said. He slowly walked out and before the door closed i heard him say to her .

"I told you not to come to my work" He was out there for a few more minutes and walked back in looking happy. I don't know what happened out there. I stood up and walked over to him.

"Who's she?" I questioned.

"I don't know, she was lost" He said.

"But she happened to know your second name. Don't lie to me, Ezra i saw you with her this morning that's where you go speaking of all the time isn't it" I said and slapped him round the face. "It's over" I shouted and threw the ring at him and walked out the class. The girls quickly rushed up and followed me out. I heard all the other class mates laughing at him. The girls walked over to me and hugged me. 

"Please can we go to your, Speakers" I said and she hugged me. Ezra came running out.

"Please, Aria. I can explain" He said and at this point there was an audience from our class surrounding us.

"Get out my life, Ezra" I shouted and walked out and the girls came running. I got in, Spencer's car and we started to drive off, and i could see, Ezra in the background running after the car. We soon got to, Spencer's at we went up to her room.

"Are you ok" Spencer said.

"obviously not, she's just dumped her baby daddy" Hanna said.

"I can't believe i ever trusted him, these past months he's been so distance to me. The truth is i've actually seen him with this girl so many times, i just didn't want to believe it" I said nearly crying.

"It's ok, come here" Emily said hugging me and then the girls all came over and hugged me.

"He is going to be part of your life forever now though" Spencer said.

"Yeah, i know. Can i crash here for the night" I replied.

"Yeah of course you can" Spencer said.

"Thanks, i don't wanna go back to my mom's tonight. Can i have a nap" I said.

"Of course. We'll leave you here. Come on let's go get a drink. We'll be just downstairs if you need us" Spencer replied. They all walked down and i soon drifted to sleep but not for long.

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