Chapter 25

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+1 Week

I woke up the next morning and looked next to me. Ezra wasn't' there  It's been so hard with, Theo. I wouldn't of been able to do it without him. I walked downstairs in my robe and slippers and saw a note on the table.

Hey babe. 

I had a meeting early in the morning. Didn't want to wake you and only got the call this morning. I took, Theo because i thought you could have a lie in. I probably won't be in for first period when i have you, but your mom said she will take over. 

Love you, Ezra. xx

He is so sweet and he is the one i am going to marry. I can't wait to call him my husband and be, Mrs Fitz. All Fitz in one house. I walked upstairs and had a quick shower. I then got dressed and then did my hair and makeup. I then searched the house for my car keys. I haven't drove my car since, Ezra got his new car. I finally found them in the back of my bed side table. I grabbed my bag and put it in the back of the car. I drove and picked up, Spencer. 

"Why are you driving today?" Spencer questioned me.

"Ezra had a meeting" I replied.

"Did he take, Theo?" She then questioned.

"Yup, had a lie in for once" I replied smiling.

"A lie in till like 7am" She then said.

"Spencer, that is like such a big lie in with a 1 week year old" I replied and we began to laugh. I drove to school and parked up in car park. We both then got out the car and saw, Hanna and Spencer and we walked over to them.

"Where, T" The first thing, Hanna said.

"T, Hanna?" I questioned.

"Yeah, T for Theo" She said. "Where is he?" She questioned.

"With his father at a meeting" I replied.

"He's so cute though" Hanna said. I think she kinda has an obsession over him.

"You wouldn't think that if he wakes you up so many times in the night" I replied and that smile went straight of her face. The bell went and we all had, English together. I walked in and my mom was teaching. I sat down in my seat.

"Miss where is, Mr Fitz?" A student at the back questioned.

"He's at a meeting. Not quite shaw when he will be back" My mom said.

"Aria, when will he be back?" The same kid questioned me.

"I don't know sorry" I replied. We carried on with the lesson and about 20 minutes later, Ezra walked in with, Theo's car seat and, Theo's bag. 

"Mr Fitz. Your here" My mom said. 

"Actually i have to go. I have a ergent meeting and they said i couldn't bring, Theo into this one becuase he's crying" I heard him say.

"I would take him, but i have your lesson" I heard my mom say. I stood up and walked over.

"Give me my son. You do know i am the mother and you can ask me to take care of my own son" I snapped and took his car seat and bags. "Ezra what meeting is it?" I questioned. 

"I can't talk right now" Ezra said.

"Tell me, Ezra. You said no more secret" He said and he took me outside. 

"I wanted this to be a surprise, but i was looking into the bank and i wanted to buy, The Brew. It's at a really good price and we would get so much more money and that means the wedding of our dreams" Ezra said and kissed me.

"Are you being serious" I questioned smiling.

"Of course i am. I want the best things for you and, Theo" He said. "Anyway i better go. Now one more kiss" He said and then kissed me and walked off. I carried, Theo's chair into the class because he was silent, but as i sat down he began to cry. I picked him up to try to make him be quiet and he got louder.

"Miss, how we supposed to learn with a baby crying" The guy at the back asked.

"You know what. I will take him somewhere else then" I snapped and strapped him back in his chair and grabbed his bag and carried him out. I sat by my locker with him trying to make him quite. 

Hanna's P.O.V

I raised my hand and, Mrs Montgomery pointed at me.

"Can i go to her. Make sure she's ok?" I questioned.

"Your a star, Hanna" Mrs Montgomery said then the other girls asked and we were all aloud and walked out. We didn't know where she went, but we knew where she were because we could hear, Theo. We walked over to her and she was holding, Theo rocking him trying to get him to be quite. 

Aria's P.O.V

I saw the girls come out the classroom and they spotted me and came running over to me.

"Aria, are you ok?" Spencer questioned.

"Aria?" Emily said. 

"Do you want me to try?" Hanna questioned and took, Theo of me and and he was quite. 

"Aria what's up?" Spencer questioned.

"I can't cope" I finally said.

"What do you mean?" Emily questioned.

"I love, Theo so much, but i'm a rubbish mom" I said.

"No your not. We've seen you with him your amazing" Hanan said.

"When i'm with someone. That is the first time i've been left alone and i can't even get him to be quite for one second" I said.

"Liek you said, Aria it's your first time alone and look where you are at school. The place where he is most likely to cry. He's not used to being here. He's used to being home and cuddled by you and, Ezra" Emily said.

"Seriously who wouldn't cry being at school" Hanna said and we all started laughing.

"This isn't you, Aria. Where's the, Aria that will take on challengers?" Spencer said.

"You're all right. He's my son. My fleshing blood. It is my first time i just need to get used to the idea of being a mom" I said and stood up. I took, Theo of, Hanna. "He's quite" I said in happiness. 

"When i become a mother i would like to be just like you" Hanna said hugging me.

"Thanks, Han" I said.

"Now we better strap him in that chair and get him to the staff room because the bell is going to go in a minute" Emily said and we strapped him in his chair and walked to the staff room and the bell went. The halls were crowded and i waited for my mom. She soon came and asked if i was ok and i was now becuase of my friends. I soon left and got on with my lessons. I decided to have last period off the school said i could as it was P.E and i didn't feel like it after having a baby. I got, Theo and took him to my car and drove home. Ezra's car was there. I got, Theo out and carried him in. Ezra then ran to the door and helped me with my bags. I picked up, Theo and he was asleep and put him in his moses basket and fell onto the sofa and sat. Ezra came and sat next to me.

"How was he?" Ezra questioned.

"We got there" I replied.

"Are you going to ask how it went" Ezra said and mind went black.

"Oh yeah, the interview. Are you going to buy it?" I questioned. 

"Well i told you a lie. That meeting was me paying for the place and getting the keys" Ezra said and jumped onto him and kissed him.

"That's amazing, Ezra. What about your teaching job" I questioned.

"Well i'm going to quit. I will get to spend more time with, Theo and earn more doing it" He said.

"That was your dream job" I said.

"Well a writer was, that was my second and i have to think about you and, Theo now. This is the start of something new" Ezra said kissing me and it's true start of a new life with our son...

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