(Ch. 3) Flowers

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-TW's- Mention of someone telling someone to k*ll themself, some swearing, mention of bullying

(Clover instead of being a bee is going to be a Frog ok)

Willow POV

As Willow walked into English she felt happy at the new year. It hopefully meant a fresh start from Amity and Boscha, but she doubted it. She looked at the seating chart and saw she was next to someone named Luz. She found her seat and sat down waiting for class to start. 

The first day is always boring, it's just disclosures and all. 

She brought out her sketch pad and started drawing her pet frog, Clover. Clover had been her birthday gift last year and Willow had loved her ever since. 

Somebody suddenly ran into the room, she had brown hair and had a teal anime shirt on. 

"Am I late?!" She asked Mrs. Clawthorne. "No, you made it just in time. I believe you sit next to Willow over there, in front of the seat labeled Hailey." Mrs. Clawthorne pointed at Willow and she waved a friendly hello. The girl walked over to her and sat down, she looked at her drawing and smiled. 

"Oh my Titan you are so good at drawing!!" She said. 

"Thanks!! My name is Willow! What's yours?" Willow said putting her pencil down and turning towards the new girl. 

"Name's Luz! I just moved here from Bonesborough with my mom and little brother due to umm, stuff." Luz seemed hesitant to say anything more so Willow didn't push it. 

Mrs. Clawthorne walked around the room handing out disclosures. "My name is Miss. Lilith Clawthorne. I don't care if you perfer to call me Lilith or Mrs. Clawthorne so do what you want. This is this year's disclosure, we will go over it in a minute." 

Luz was staring at the teacher in surprise and had the look of confusion. "Wait. Are you Eda Clawthorne's sister?!" Lilith looked at Luz with surprise and then quickly regained her professional appearance. "I-um yes... I haven't talked to her in years since she moved away but um- how do you know her?" 

"Oh um-" Luz seemed hesitant but then spoke up. "She's my mom, well adopted mom. We moved back here a month ago." Lilith's eyes went bright with happiness. "You mean I can finally see my sister again!! It's been too long, tell her I want to see her ok? But um I need to get back to teaching and just because you're my sister's child doesn't mean you'll get special treatment." 

Lilith went back to handing out disclosures and Willow looked at Luz curiously. "You're adopted?" 

Luz froze realizing she had just told basically most people around her that infomation. "Well uh-yeah but I was adopted by Eda after my parents died when I was around four years old. It's a long story... I understand if you don't want to be friends with someone whose adopte-" 

"What?! Why would I not be your friend because of that?!" Willow said looking at Luz. 

"Oh I don't know- Bria always said I was a burden to Eda and everyone around me and that I s-should k-kill m-myself-" Willow grabbed Luz's shoulders and looked into her eyes. 

"I don't know who this Bria is but she is a complete bitch! You aren't a burden to anyone. I know I just met you but I know we're gonna be best friends Luz!" Willow said giving Luz a hug. 

Then the door to the room opened and a blonde boy came in escorted by the school counselor and A teacher Mr. Deamonne. Darius walked up to Lilith and whispered in her ear. Lilith's eyes widened and then she ran over to her computer. She changed the seating chart name from Hailey to Hunter and then stood back up. 

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