(Ch. 10) Laughter

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Woah- a chapter without trigger warnings?!?! 
That's a first... well for me... hehe

Matt POV

Matt opened his eyes and immediately bolted up out of tiredness. 

"Gus? Gus!" 

"Geez man I'm right here-" 

Matt looked behind him a realized that he had been lying on top of Gus. This made his face turn a bit pink. 

"Ummmm, was I on top of you?" Matt said embarrassed. 

"Y-yeah," Gus said with a giggle sitting up. 

"Ohhh maaa goshhh i'm so sorryyy!!!" Matt said helping Gus up. 

"Don't apologize! It's completely normal to roll onto somebody in your sleep. Plus I wasn't even ready to get up at the time so it was fine-" Gus said with another giggle. Gus' laughter was infectious and Matt started to laugh a little bit. 


It's good that he's laughing.

"Come on let's go get some breaky-" Gus said teasingly punching Matt lightly on the arm. Mat flinched in pain and Gus immediately felt bad. 

"Oh sorry... I uh... forgot..." Gus said rubbing his head. 

"It's ok I'm used to it," Matt said shrugging it off.

Used to it...
Nobody should have to be used to things like that...
Nobody. Especially Matt. 

Gus and Matt walked downstairs into the kitchen. Gus grabbed a bunch of cereal from the pantry and laid it out on the counter. 

"Pick out whatever cereal you want-" Gus said grabbing some fruity pebbles off of the counter and pouring himself a bowl. 

"Oh- I'm fine. I don't like breakfast." Matt said casually sitting down next to Gus and shrugging. Gus thought about it and then poured another bowl of fruity pebbles. 

"Na you can eat breakfast today, even if you don't normally," Gus said pushing the bowl in front of Matt. Matt froze but picked up the spoon and took little nibbles of the cereal. 

"Thanks-" He said making Gus smile. After both boys had finished with their breakfast, Gus' dad called them to the car. They both climbed into the back and had to squeeze together due to a large box in the back. 

"Sorry bout the squeeze boys. I  have to bring this box to the DI before this afternoon." Perry said starting the car. There was an awkward silence as they drove and it made Matt extremely uncomfortable. Perry noticed this and tried to start up a conversation. 

"Soooo what classes do you two have together?" 

"Um, I think we have math and gym together... or was it English and gym..." Gus responds hesitantly not remembering exactly what classes they had. 

"Well, I'm glad you have a friend in gym Gus. I hate how that teacher won't let us opt you out... Is Boscha still bothering you?" Perry asked. 

"Unfortunately yes... but I have lots of friends in that class so it should be bearable for once." 

"Willow with you?" 


"Thats good. She's a strong girl." 

Suddenly the car stopped in front of the school and Matt tried to open the door but it was locked. He hyperventilated a bit before Gus unlocked it with a laugh and they both got out. "Sorry I'm just a bit claustrophobic..." Matt said rubbing his head. 

"Nah you're good. Every has their fears." Gus said nonchalantly pulling Matt towards the school. Suddenly Luz came barrelling towards Gus and she gave him a huge hug. 

"GuS!! gUs!! GUS!!!" She screamed in his ear making him wince. 

"Stop screaming at me!!" Gus said playfully pushing Luz off of him. Luz jumped around all happy and her face was turning red. 

"Amity is just the cutest girl everrr!!! She's almost done with the book I lent her an-and she's so cute when she's excited a-and!!" Luz stumbled over her words her face blushing. "Just ahhhh!!" 

"Sounds like someone has a cruuuuussssshhhhh!!!" Gus said teasingly pushing Luz. 

"Heeeyyy!" Luz said her face still red. Just then Amity was walking towards the front of the school making Luz squeak and hide behind Gus and Matt. "Quick hide me!! I can't let her see me like this!!" 

Amity passed by, giving Gus and Matt a little smile before hurrying inside. 

"Her smile is so cute~" Luz realized what she said and covered her mouth. Matt and Gus chuckled and steered Luz towards the school. 

"Come on, I'm sure you'll have classes with her today." Gus said smiling, wishing Matt felt this way about him. 

I'm so sorry this took so long to get out ToT
I'm so terrible at uploading :(

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