(Ch. 15) Reunion

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Here is a fun, fluffy chapter to make up for making Hunter more traumatized than he already is :3

Lilith POV (Hehe :)

Lilith paced in the driveway, feeling extremely nervous. She hadn't seen her sister in years and had a million thoughts swirling in her head. 

What if she doesn't want to see me? What if she just slams the door in my face? What if she...

And it went on and on. Finally, after lingering in Eda's driveway like a stalker for thirty minutes, Lilith finally got the confidence to walk up the porch to the front door. She took a big deep breath before ringing the doorbell. 

The doorbell chime was an owl hooting a melody, which reminded Lilith of her childhood with her sister. She knew that Eda had always loved Owls, they were her favorite animal. 

Suddenly the door opened with a grumpy-looking Eda standing there in some sweatpants and a shirt that read "40 and flirty." Her face went from grumpy to shock when she saw Lilith standing there. 

"L-Lily?" She asked in shock and confusion. 

"Hi, Edaline..." Lilith walked up and hugged Eda. "It's been a while, hasn't it." 

"Yeah... wait how did you know where I live?" Eda replied stepping back and giving Lilith a suspicious look. 

"Well, I might just be your daughter's English Teacher," Lilith said with a chuckle. 

"LUZZZZ!! WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT SNOOPING INTO PEOPLE'S BACKSTORIES!!!" Eda yelled over her shoulder at Luz, who was reading The Good Witch Azura on the couch. 

"Plenty. I just choose to ignore you." Luz smirked, getting up from the couch and walking over to the door. "Hi, Lilith, or aunt, or whatever I'm supposed to call you." 

"Hi, Luz." Lilith gave Luz a warm smile.

Eda was still glaring daggers at Luz. 

"Whaaaaaaaatttttttt!! It got you back together!! Why wouldn't you want to see your sister?!" Luz gave an innocent smile. 

"Luz... I-just- ugh- Come on in Lily." Eda gestured for Lilith to come inside, before closing the door behind her. Eda sat at the kitchen counter and invited Lilith to sit beside her. Lilith sat down and the tension in the air was dense. Luz got the gist and slowly made her way out of the room, going back to the living room. 

"So... how did you go from a military general to an English teacher," Eda joked giving Lilith a pat on her arm.

"Well when fighting becomes too much for you, you look for something quieter and I've always loved English and books. So I became an English teacher for some pain in the ass teenagers," Lilith said with a chuckle. 

"Heeyyy. My kid isn't that bad." Eda crossed her arms giving Lilith a look. 

"I'm not talking about Luz, I'm talking about the kids who don't want to learn and are just downright disrespectful. They would die if they acted like that out in the army," Lilith replied, crossing her arms. "Anyway, what have you been up to Edaline? Mom and Dad miss you."

"Yeah sure, after what I did to dad? No way." 

"Eda that happened when you were 16, it wasn't even that big of a deal. They don't hate you, they miss you." Lilith put an arm around Eda, giving her a side hug.

"I know, I'm just not ready to see them yet. Can we talk about something else please?" Eda replied leaning into the hug. 

"Ok. So what's your job." 

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