(Ch. 4) Wish

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-TW's- bullying and depression/S*lf H*rm implied

(I'm gonna just call him Matt because I don't want to type out his entire name every time cause i'm lazy as fudge)

(Takes place during the last two chapters, like at the same time. Im gonna be doing alot of this later so just try to keep everything straight. WAIT THIS CANT BE STRAIGHT!!! Im kidding you know what I mean :)

Matt POV

First day of school, another year of having no friends.

Matt thought as he walked into the school he loathed. He wished his brother Steve still went here, but he had graduated last year. Matt quickly walked to Math, his first class. Matt never had good grades, but Math was the only class he excelled in. It was the only class he actually tried in, because it was the only class that contributed to his dream. Matt wanted to be a builder one day, he wanted to be strong, but he never felt strong. Especially with Boscha around to remind him. 

Matt looked at the seating chart and saw that he was sat by Gus. He blushed hard, this was going to be the closest he'd ever been to Gus. 

Maybe I can work up enough confidence to talk to him this year.

Matt sat down and prepared himself for Gus to come in. He ran his fingers through his hair and put on a happy face. 

Then Gus walked in. Matt tried to act casual by looking at his papers when Gus sat next to him. 

"Hi." Gus said sitting down and pulling out his own math binder. 

AHHhHhHHh! He SpOkE To mE!!!

Matt was internally freaking out that Gus had talked to him and glanced over at him. Noticing Gus' Pokemon binder, words came out of his mouth before he could stop them. 

"You like Pokemon too?!" Matt exclaimed before slapping his hands over his mouth. "Oops sorry..." Matt stared at his feet before hearing a chuckle from Gus. 

"Yeah... It's my favorite show!" Gus said turning towards Matt. "Do you like it?" Matt nodded, flustered and freaking out that Gus was talking to him again. 

"I-uh which is your favorite version?" Matt asked Gus, trying not to sound too excited. 

"My Favorite is Pokemon Y and X!! But I love all of them!!" Gus replied. "What about you?" 

"Mine is Sun and Moon! But I also love them all too! There isn't really a bad version." Matt replied, sounding enthusiastic. Gus smiled and then looked at the seating chart. Matt just sat there and went back to staring at his feet. 

"Matt?" Gus asked making Matt's head shoot up. "Huh??" Matt responded.

"Oh sorry, I was just finding out your name." Gus said before staring at his Pokemon binder embarrassed. Both of them stared at their desks with red faces before the teacher walked in. 

"Hello Class. My name is Mr. Tibbles. You may not call me anything else. Here is your disclosure, make sure to turn it in next class or else it will be a zero. No exceptions." Mr. Tibbles handed out the disclosure and after that the class went very slowly. Gus and Matt didn't talk any more due to embarrassment but they did glance at each other a couple of times before turning red and looking at their feet. 

When the bell rang Matt ran out of class as fast as he could with a face as red as a tomato. He ran into a hallway and leaned against a wall panting. A wide smile grew against his face and he was freaking out. 

"Oh my sources!!! I just spoke to Gus!! I actually talked to him!!! This is the best first day ever!!" Matt continued talking out loud to himself before realizing that he wasn't alone. Boscha had come into the hallway with her friends Amity, Skara, Cat, and Amelia. Amity and Skara as usual stayed in the back not making eye contact with Matt. 

Matt looked up at Boscha, hoping and praying that she hadn't heard him crush on Gus. But Matt never had luck with him. 

"We're you crushing over that nerdy thirteen year-old?? You barely talk to him you wimp. At least I talk to my crush and make moves on her. You're so weak Matty." Boscha said laughing and pushing Matt against the wall. 

"S-Stay o-off o-of me B-Boscha!! L-Leave M-Me a-alone..." Matt whimpered closing his eyes. Boscha flicked Matt on the cheek chuckling at him. "You're such a suck-up. Chasing after a nerd- You really couldn't go lower." She then slapped Matt across the face and dropped him to the ground before kicking him in the stomach. "You know your place Matty. Don't move from it." 

Boscha and Amity walked off to their second period and Matt winced at the pain. Skara approached him and helped him up. "I'm sorry M-Matt. I-I always t-try t-to get my confidence up-but B-Boscha..." 

"I-I-I know Skara... T-Thanks f-for helping m-me a-again. I k-know w-what Boscha would d-do to you i-if s-she knew y-you always help me a-after y-ya know..." Matt replied trying to walk. "A-At least I got a b-break for one s-summer..." 

"Whats your next class?" Skara asked Matt helping him walk. 

"Chemistry..." Matt replied. 

"Me too!! I can help you walk." 

"B-But what if o-one of B-Boscha's o-other friends sees y-you?" 

"To be honest I'm done with Boscha. She treats you and everyone else horribly. With everything that she did last year I don't care what she'll do anymore. I just want better friends." Skara replied as they entered English class. 

Matt and Skara looked at the seating chart and Matt perked up after seeing that he was behind Skara. They sat down and Matt looked at his hands. The small scars shone bright on his hands and Matt quickly pulled his hoodie sleeves over his hands. 

I just wish I could have real friends for once... Skara's nice but we can't exactly sit together at lunch or else Boscha would hit me more.

Someone came in and sat next to Skara, she looked rugged and like a trouble maker. Matt saw on the board that her name was Viney. Then a blonde boy and an anime shirted girl came in and sat down in their seats. He smiled and then looked back at his hands, remembering his promise to himself. 

No friends... Or else Boscha could hurt them

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee depression is not funnnn
Also we hate Boscha in this fic :3
And yes the Math teacher is Tibbles...

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