(Ch. 9) Calamity Amity

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-TW- Manipulative Parents, etc. 

Amity POV

 Amity woke up in the morning and checked her phone. There were about 100 messages from the group chat with Boscha, Skara, Cat, and the rest of Boscha's gang. Amity immediately dismissed all the messages and got out of bed. She went through her normal morning routine and then went down for breakfast. 

"Good morning Amity-" Odalia said not even looking up to meet Amity's gaze. 

"Good morning Mother-" she said automatically. Amity sat down at the table and Odalia handed her a small stack of two plain pancakes for breakfast. Amity had two while everyone else had five and while her siblings were allowed to have toppings she wasn't. Odalia didn't want her perfect daughter to gain weight. 

After breakfast, Amity and the twins went out the door and started to walk to the bus station. 

"Come on Amity, cheer up!!" Emira said slapping her on the back while walking. 

"What's there to cheer up about? Every day is the same old routine-" 

"Yeah but you get to see uh- I forgot her nameeee ummmm- you know the cute brunette with the golden eyes and the over-the-top energy!!" Edric said pushing Amity a bit. 

Amity's eyes lit up. "Oh yeah, Luz!" Amity smiled knowing she was gonna see Luz on the bus. Edric and Emira giggled and gave each other knowing looks and at the same time yelled, "Someone has a crush!!!" 

"Hey!! I do not!!" Amity said defensively but her face was heating up and quickly became a red tomato. 

"Yeah sure you don't," Emira said while rolling her eyes and chuckling. 

Soon the three siblings arrived at the bus and climbed on board. Amity sat in the same spot as always and brought out the Azura book Luz had lent her. She had stayed up almost till midnight reading and couldn't stop until she had fallen asleep with her face in the book. She chuckled a little bit when she remembered how excited Luz was about sharing the book with her. 

At the next stop, Boscha got on board and sat in the row across from Amity. 

"You cooled off from yesterday??" Boscha said chuckling and putting her feet on the seat in front of hers. 

"It's your fault I got so hot-headed in the first place," Amity said not looking up and Boscha.

"I was just having some fun, no need to be all defensive-" Boscha said popping some bubble gum into her mouth. Amity ignored her and continued reading the book. She had just gotten to the second-to-last chapter when they got to the last stop and Luz got on. 

Amity looked up and smiled before trying to hide her face because she knew her face had just turned red. Luz giggled and went to sit down next to Amity when Boscha stuck her foot out making Luz trip and fall earning a bunch of giggles from the kids on the bus. Luz's face turned pink and she quickly stumbled over herself trying to get back up but Boscha kicked her ankles out making her fall again earning more giggles. Amity quickly grabbed Luz's hand and pulled her up to sit next to her. Their faces came close and they both blushed intensely before turning away. 

"Y-You g-good?" Amity asked sticking her face into the book. 

"Y-Yeah, T-Th-Thanks-" Luz said looking at her feet embarrassed before noticing the Azura book. "Oh! You're almost finished!"

"Oh yeah... I stayed up a bit too late last night." Amity said making Luz giggle. 

That laugh... it's so beautiful...
Wait don't think that!! No!! You aren't gay!!! Stop it!!

Suddenly the bus stopped and Luz stood up quickly. 

"Well see you later Amity!!" She said before running off the bus. Amity saw Boscha stand up and she grabbed her arm. 

"Leave her alone Boscha-" Amity said looking straight into Boscha's eyes. Boscha just laughed and pushed Amity off. 

"No, I'm gonna play with her if I want to-," Boscha said quickly walking off the bus without another word. 

Amity got a sick feeling in her gut and stood up to get off the bus. 

Thats all for now. 
I'm sorry that my uploading schedule has been crap lately but I'm trying to fix it :)

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