(Ch. 17) It's A Date Then!

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Matt POV

Gus and Matt were walking in the hallway after Gym class. Thankfully the two had gotten lucky today and Boscha hadn't bothered them at all. Matt was walking with a bounce in his step, something he hadn't done for a while, but it felt good to be happy for once. They walked to the front of the school and were walking by the tree when Gus grabbed Matt's wrist to stop him.

"Hey um Matt, can I ask you something?" Gus asked with a small, nervous, smile. 

"You just did," Matt replied snarkily and Gus punched his arm. 

"Oh shut up- I was wondering if you wanted to go for ice cream at Swirls in about an hour," Gus asked looking away from Matt, whose face just turned a bit pink. 

"I-I-uh-yeah- yeah! T-That sounds a-amazing!" Matt stuttered, his face getting redder. 

"Great! It's a date then! See ya later Matt!" Gus immediately ran away with his face slowly turning red too. "Gosh, why did I say- why did I say that- why did I say that-" He whispered to himself as he ran back home. 

Matt just stood there completely stunned. 

A date? Like romantically? No that can't be it, can it? What is going on? Why am I freaking out? Gosh, stop freaking out!! I'm overthinking this! He must have meant it as friends, It has to be that. But what if he meant it romantically and I accidentally friendzone him!? AHhhHhh!!

Matt was overthinking this, but he shook his head and walked down to where his brother Steve was waiting on his motorcycle. He tried to focus on walking and not on Gus, but that was impossible. I mean what would you do if your crush asked you out on a date but wasn't exactly clear about what it was?

"So, what was that all about?" Steve asked knowingly, leaning his head on his hand. 

"N-Nothing!" Matt replied, still flustered, as he sat behind Steve on the motorcycle.

"It's not nothing if your face is bright pink Matt," Steve chuckled as he buckled a helmet on his younger brother's head. 

"Steeeveeee!!" Matt replied angrily, shaking his brother's shoulders. 

"Calm down I'm just teasing you, but I would like to know if you're willing to tell me," Steve replied with a laugh, patting Matt's head. Matt crossed his arms and sighed. 

"Well Gus asked me to go get ice cream at Swirls in an hour and after I agreed he said 'Great! It's a date then!' Then he ran away! Without confirming whether it was an actual date or if it was just a hangout between friends!!" Matt revealed with a groan. "Now I don't know what it is and it's making me stressed." 

"Well, just go with the flow. It'll turn out amazing and maybe you'll have a boyfriend after this!" Steve teased as he started the motorcycle. 

"I am going to kill you," Matt muttered under his breath as the motorcycle pulled away from the school. Matt rested his head on his brother and held tight, not wanting to fall off. The town zoomed by as they drove and he enjoyed the wind blowing through his hair. It was calming and helped relieve some of the stress. 

Soon enough they arrived home. It wasn't that big of a house with only one floor, a tiny kitchen, a small living room, two bedrooms, and a bathroom, but it was home. Steve parked the motorcycle in the driveway and the two brothers got off, before walking to the front door together. The door was old, and weathered, but sturdy, giving a loud screech as they opened it. 

"Steve, can I have a couple of bucks for ice cream? Can we afford it?" Matt asked hesitantly as they walked into the kitchen. 

"I don't know, I think I can spare about five dollars. So you can get a small with no toppings," Steve replied with a sigh as they sat down at the counter. 

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