(Ch. 16) Growing Worry

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-TW- Implied Abuse, Bruises, Implied Eating Disorder, etc.


Willow POV

Willow was worried. For the past couple of weeks, she'd noticed different things that had made her paranoid, keeping her on edge. These things mostly revolved around her friend Hunter, who she'd met in English class along with Luz. 

About three weeks ago on their third day of school, Willow had noticed a small bruise on Hunter's chin. She had asked about it, but he had brushed her off saying it was an accident from when he tripped down the stairs that morning. Willow had thought nothing of it until gym class, where Hunter refused to change out of his long-sleeved shirt. The teacher had told him it'd be his fault if he got overheated but Hunter had just shrugged and subconsciously pulled his sleeves down lower on his arms as if hiding something. This was just the start of Willow's worry. 

A week after that, Hunter had brought his lunch like always. However, on this day, his lunch consisted of only one piece of bread and a carrot, even less than what he normally brought. Willow had asked him about it, but he had brushed her off again, saying he didn't have time that morning to pack more. 

Willow was zoned out and didn't know whether she was overthinking all this, or if she was correct in thinking that Hunter was going through something. Boscha didn't help either, she was leaning back in her chair with her feet on the table. Every time Willow tried to think, the sound the sound of popping gum would interrupt her thoughts. 

Miss. Snapdragon, the geography teacher, walked up to Boscha and smacked her ruler down on the pink-haired bitch's desk. "Miss. Hemlock!! Get your feet off the table and spit out that gum, unless you want another detention for the week." 

Boscha groaned and rolled her eyes before doing what Miss. Snapdragon had asked. The teacher went back to the lesson, which was about the different types of boundaries there are like relic boundaries and subsequent boundaries. It made Willow want to die, her brain could not handle geography on top of everything else. To make it worse Boscha was also getting bored and when she gets bored, well we know what happens. 

"So how's your friend freaky face doing?" Boscha whispered into Willow's ear. Willow groaned and turned to look at the girl. 

"Freaky face?" Willow asked. 

"Yeah, your freaky friend with the scar," Boscha taunted, knowing this would provoke Willow. 

"Don't call Hunter that," Willow snarled, glaring at Boscha with a hatred so fierce that anyone else would have coward. 

"Why not? It's what he is. Those bruises made him even more of a freak than the scar though," Boscha pushed, wondering if Willow had noticed them, knowing this would tick her off even more. 

"Bruises?" Willow realized Boscha was talking about the bruise she had seen on his cheek. "He just tripped and fell that day!! Everyone does that!! The only freak here is you for bullying people." She stuck a finger in Boscha's face. 

"I sit next to him in Math class, maybe if you paid more attention you would have caught a glimpse at his arms that day," Boscha replied moving Willow's finger away. 

"His arms?" It clicked into place, Hunter not wanting to switch out of his long sleeves in gym and him wearing long sleeves that entire week even though it was in the 70s. Willow's worry just increased even more and she got angry at Boscha's smirk. "Wow, you're so cool for making fun of someone Boscha, especially for things like that. I doubt you would like it if I told anyone about the scar on your heel, would you?" 

That hit a nerve in Boscha and the pink-haired girl glared at Willow. "Thats different- it doesn't make me a freak because I got it through sports." 
Willow rolled her eyes. 

"So if it's different, how about you tell everyone?" 

Boscha glared at Willow and turned away, suddenly becoming interested in the textbook in front of her. 

"Exactly, so leave Hunter alone." 

Boscha didn't respond, she just stared at the textbook. Soon enough the bell rang and everyone started filing out of the class. Willow was picking up her textbook, thoughts about Hunter filling her head, when Gus approached her and tapped her shoulder. 

"Hey, Willow? Whats all this about Hunter having scars and bruises?" He asked, genuinely curious. Willow froze and turned to look at him. 

"How do you know? Are you a mind reader Gus," Willow replied looking at her friend, confused about how the heck he would know about what was going on in her head. 

"Did you forget that I sit behind you and Boscha?" 

Oh... right... shit...

"Oh- please don't tell anyone, I don't want anyone bullying Hunter even more or asking him personal questions or anything. I also don't know what's exactly going on so I want to figure that out first..." Willow pointed out. 

"I know," Gus said while nodding, "I'm just worried about him too. If anything bad happens will you please inform me? I want to help." 

"Ok- I swear to hell though if Boscha is doing anything to him I will snap her in half," Willow replied with her fists balled up. 

"Hey, I'm sure it's gonna be ok," Gus said putting his hand on her shoulder. 

"Y-Yeah- It'll be ok... right?" 

Hehehehehehe I love writing angst :3
More chapters coming soon, maybe, idk, hopefully in the next week or two :3

Also credits to @That_Silly_Sylas @Andy_sasha & @LordCheeseRat 
For helping me come up with Boscha's last name "Hemlock" since her canon one hasn't been revealed. 
I chose Hemlock because its a poisonous plant, implying that Boscha is toxic. :3

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