(Ch. 11) Artistic Nerds

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I finally re-made the schedules!!!!!! So I shall be uploading this again :D 

Amity POV

As usual, Amity walked into Art Class 15 minutes before the bell rang. The teacher, Mr. Deamonne, was sitting at his desk working on his computer. 

"Hello, Mr. Deamonne!!" Amity said walking up to him. 

"Amity I told you just to use Darius. I get your mom likes formality but I don't." Darius said looking up at Amity and giving a smile. 

"Ok Darius, um where do I sit?" Amity asked, feeling weird for using a teacher's first name. 

"Second row, third table," Darius said pointing to the seat. Amity nodded and sat down, taking out her geography homework from yesterday. 

Amity zoned out while working on her homework and jumped slightly when she heard the bell ring. Darius went to the front of the class and waited for the rest of the students to file in. As they came in he would direct them to their seats. 

She watched the door, wanting to know who would be in her class. 

Then she almost fell out of her chair when Luz walked in, accompanied by Willow, Gus, and Hunter. Amity quickly hid her face to hide the slight blush and almost panicked when she saw Luz come over to her table and sit down. 

"Hi Amity!! Look at that, we're next to each other!!" Luz said before looking around to see where Hunter, Willow, and Gus were sitting. Willow and Gus were a row over and on the second table. Hunter was at the table behind them sitting next to some unnamed kid. 

"Y-Yeah! Hi Luz!" Amity said nervously while tucking a part of her mint hair behind her ear. 

"Welcome Class!! I'm glad we can be here today, since it's your first B-day we get to do boring disclosures. Yaaaaay." Darius said with a fake yay at the end. Luz noticed Hunter perk up at the sight of Darius and remembered that the art teacher had been the one to bring Hunter to English. "Once we're done with the boring stuff we won't have much time so you're welcome to sketch or something. Just no phones." 

There was a moan from some of the kids in the class, the kids that didn't want to be there but had to since it was a required class. 

Darius went on with the disclosure and Amity paid attention very closely while Luz was almost falling asleep. Amity giggled a bit at seeing Luz's tired form and then looked away trying to focus even though there was a very pretty girl next to her. 

Wait no! I'm not gay! Stop thinking she's pretty!!

They finished up disclosures and people were allowed to move around the room. Willow, Gus, and Hunter walked over to the two and sat down by them.

"I am so excited for this class!!!" Hunter exclaimed. "Darius is gonna be a great teacher." 

Amity looked at Willow and smiled slightly, earning a smile back from Willow. Amity was surprised that she was on good terms with Willow now, after all their childhood together wasn't all that great because of Amity's mom, but she knew it was because she had stood up for Gus yesterday. 

Everyone else was doodling so Amity took out her sketchbook and started drawing Azura and Hectate. Without realizing that someone was watching over her shoulder as she drew. 

"That's so good!!!!!" Luz said startling Amity, who fell out of her chair. "Oops sorry!" Luz held her hand out to help Amity up, making the girl blush a deep red. 

Gus and Willow exchanged knowing looks and smiled evilly. They knew exactly what was happening. These two were very oblivious gays. Extremely oblivious gays. 

Hunter didn't notice anything, as he was too immersed in his sketchbook. He kept on frowning and erasing and frowning and erasing. 

"What's wrong?" Willow asked him. 

"I can't draw. I'm terrible at it! I mean look at this, it's complete trash." Hunter said showing Willow the sketch of what seemed to be a wolf. 

Willow sighed. It was time for this talk. 

"Hunter. Art takes practice. You can't be amazing at it on the first try. Just keep drawing and eventually, you'll be the best artist alive. I mean Luz has been drawing for uh- how many years?" Willow asked turning to Luz. 

"Six! Been drawing since I was ten years old." She responded. 

"Yeah see? It takes a long time. You just have to be patient!" Willow said giving him a pat on the back. Hunter smiled and looked back at his drawing. 

"Yeah, I'll get there eventually." 


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