(Ch. 12) Thespian's Have No Braincells

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Yes. I have finally uploaded. It's a miracle to mankind!!!

Hunter POV

Hunter, Luz, Willow, and Gus had the same class next. Much to Luz's dismay, Amity wasn't. Even though Amity wasn't with them Luz still had a bounce in her step. 

"Why are you so happy?" Hunter asked as he walked beside her. 

"Because..." Luz threw her hands out in celebration. "We're going to theater class!!!!!" 

Hunter was silent.

"What's theater?" He finally asked. 

Luz stopped dead in her tracks and looked back at Hunter with a horrified stare. 

"You... don't... know... what... THEATER IS?!?!" She exclaimed grabbing his shoulders and shaking him. 

"Woah Woah calm down Luz." Willow pulled her away from Hunter. "It's not too big of a deal." 

"Yeah but like, how secluded do you have to be to not even know what theater is?" Luz directed at Hunter. 

"Well... My uncle has kinda kept from the world until now soooo... pretty secluded?" 

"You poor soul..." Luz continued to the classroom and they all stepped inside. A corner of the classroom had a stage in it and there was a closet in the other corner with all kinds of props and costumes inside. There were a bunch of unnamed people that they didn't know, well that Hunter, Willow, and Gus didn't know. 

Luz's eyes widened when she saw two familiar green-haired twins. 

"Hey! You two are Amity's siblings!" She said running over to them and sitting down, the other three following behind. 

"Oh hey, Luz!!" Emira said with a smile, Edric was playing on a switch that was hidden underneath the table. 

Willow suddenly recognized them. "Hi, Emira and Edric." She sat down next to Luz, Gus next to her, and Hunter on Gus' other side. 

"Heyo Willow, long time no see!" Emira leaned back in her chair, blowing some bubble gum. 

There was some silence before it was broken by Gus. 

"Where the heck is the teacher?" 

"Oh him? He's always late to his first classes of the new school year, wants to make a 'dramatic' entrance." Edric added some air quotes with his fingers to the dramatic part. "Other than his extreme goofiness he's quite chill."

More silence.

Even more silence. 

The bell rang to symbolize the start of class. 

But the teacher still wasn't there. 

Then suddenly out of nowhere, the teacher appeared out of thin air next to the white board. 

"You must be my class! Welcome to theat-" 

He was cut off by another student who had green-blueish hair and was wearing a pumpkin sweater. 
"HOW THE HOLY SOURCES DID YOU JUST RANDOMLY POP OUT OF NOWHERE?!?!??!" She yelled with enthusiasm and excitement. 

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