(Ch. 13) Math Misfortune

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(This takes place in 4th period, I skipped 3rd since there weren't any ideas on what to do)

-TW- Scar Mentions, Bullying, panic attack, etc.

Hunter POV

Hunter walked into math class and immediately wanted to turn around. There was Boscha, sitting sideways on a chair while blowing bubble gum and scrolling on her phone. None of Hunter's friends were in this class, so he was stuck to deal with Boscha alone. 

He groaned and looked up at the seating chart, happy to see he was in the back of the class far away from Boscha. He walked down the aisle and quickly took his seat, pulling out his sketchbook to finish the wolf he had started in art class. 

He started humming and zoned out before feeling a pair of eyes on him. He looked up and noticed Boscha glaring at him. He slowly returned to his sketchbook trying to ignore Boscha, but she kept staring. 

Hunter was feeling extremely uncomfortable and let out a sigh of relief when the teacher walked into the room. 

"Ok ok!! Settle down, you children!!" 

The teacher was so short that Hunter could barely see him over all the heads. He had round glasses and wore a purple suit with white pants. It seemed that most people in class hadn't heard him and they kept on talking and being rowdy.


The class immediately shut up once he started yelling. 

"I may be small but that doesn't mean I can't send you to detention. Now for the role!!" 

The teacher started calling out names and people responded when they heard theirs. Hunter zoned out a bit.



This loud shout made Hunter shoot right up. 
"Oh sorry. I'm here."

A couple of snickers ran through the students and Hunter hid his face in embarrassment. Soon enough the teacher finished the role. He pushed a block to the front of the class and stood on it so that he could be taller and everyone could see him. 

"My name is Mr. Tibbles. You may not call me anything else. I will start passing out disclosures and after that, we'll do a small math assignment. Any questions?" 

Nobody's hand rose for a second but then Boscha's went up. Mr. Tibbles nodded at her. 

"If I may ask, could I switch my seat spot, Mr. Tibbles?" 

"Why. The spot you have is perfectly fine." Tibbles responded with a calculating look. 

"Well, sir I have farsightedness so I can only read from far away, so I would like to sit in the back of the class." 

Hunter was confused and panicked. Confused because he knew Boscha didn't have any vision problems and panicked because he didn't know the real reason why she was switching. 

"Meh fine." 

"Thank you, sir." 

Boscha picked up her stuff, walked to the back of the room, and plopped herself down right next to Hunter. 

Tibbles went on with class, but Hunter couldn't focus. He didn't want to sit by Boscha but it looked as if he had no choice. He scooted a bit farther from Boscha and hid his face in his sketchbook trying to ignore her. 

Suddenly she snatched the sketchbook out of his hands and started looking inside. 

"Hey! Stop! Give it back!" Hunter whispered, trying to get the book back. 

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