(Ch. 5) Crush

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-TW's- Bullying, Implied S*lf H*arm, Depression, some little swears (hell, bitch), Etc.


Gus started walking to his third period after lunch, which was English. Gus hated A days already, but mainly because of geography. 

Math is a fun class though... Matt is nice...

As he walked Gus kept thinking about Matt, how quiet he was, but how excited he was to talk about Pokemon. It was so cute and sweet how flustered Matt got. The more he thought about Matt, the pinker his face got. 

Wait... CRAPPPP!

Gus realized that he had a crush. On someone he barely knew anything about. He tried not to think about Matt anymore but the boy kept sneaking into his mind. Gus mentally face palmed himself, hating himself for liking someone on the first day of Sophomore year. 

"I barely even know him!! One conversation and suddenly he's in every little corner of my mind..." Gus said to himself quietly. 

He walked into English, greeted by Mrs. Clawthorne. "Nice to see you back Gus!! You sit in the second row right there, next to Boscha." 

WHyYYYYyYy!!! WhHYHY AMmmM I In EvEry OnE Of HeR ClAsseS AnD Im NeXt To HeR!!!

Gus sat down and hid his face in his binder again, preparing himself for a whole quarter of death and depression. His only good class today was freaking Math and he was trying not to think about that. Gus heard people walk in and tried not to look up, but he was curious who else was in this class. He saw Amity, who was right on time as usual. Then Cat and a few unnamed kids came in. He sighed, wishing one of his friends was in this class. 

Then Matt came in followed by Boscha. Boscha was flicking his head and taunting him a bit, but Gus saw Matt was just empty. Matt looked like he had no emotion in him, no fight. Gus went back to looking at his very interesting binder, trying not to look at Matt. 

"Oh look at this!! I'm next to the Brainiac!!" Boscha plopped down next to Gus and then whispered in his ear. "Mind if you help me on the tests and such..." She said chuckling. 

Of course she's going to cheat off of me... But maybe she'll leave me alone if I let her.

Matt sat down behind Gus and buried his head in his arms. Gus looked at Matt and got worried a bit. He could see a mark on Matt's face that wasn't there during Math. 

Lilith got up and started handing out the disclosures for English and Gus took it silently not looking at the teacher. He signed his part of the disclosure and then put it away while Lilith talked about the rules and requirements. Gus zoned out, already knowing most of the rules. 

Boscha, as usual, was not paying attention at all. Instead she was leaning back in her chair, pestering Matt by flicking his head again. "Matty~ Aren't you happy we're in the same class? Oh come on, why won't you say anything. At least Brianiac is here too, maybe he'll be more fun than you."

Gus tried to ignore Boscha but he could hear Matt sniffling a bit. "Oh come on Boscha! Lay off him for a bit. Don't you have anything else to do?" Gus snapped at her. Boscha smirked and then flicked Gus' head. "You need to calm dooooowwwwnnnn buddy... I'm just having a little fun~ Plus it's not like you can stop me- You're thirteen for Sources sake~ I mean how are you even this smart? I bet you're dad doesn't even know you failed PE last year." 

"I failed PE because I'm not at the same fitness level as fifteen year olds... I moved up for my smarts not my fitness level..." Gus said looking at his feet. "And for the record my dad does know I failed that class, and he understands why unlike some people." 

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