(Ch. 14) Shattered Glass

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-TW- Abuse (physically & verbally), $u!c!dal Ideation, Alcohol Mentions
(Do not read this chapter if this will trigger you)

-Takes place right after the previous chapter-

Hunter POV

Hunter stepped out of the car, pulling his backpack onto his shoulder. Philip turned off the car and got out before locking it. They both walked into the house as Philip pressed the button to close the garage. 

Hunter walked into the living room and noticed the empty bottles spread across the table and couches. The house always had stray bottles around, except for Hunter's room. His room was the only room that was free of them. 

He started walking to his room before hearing his uncle calling him. 

"Hailey! Get your ass back over here!" His uncle's tone sounded harsh as always and the use of his deadname made him flinch as always. Hunter set his backpack down in the hallway and returned to the kitchen. 

"Yes, Uncle?" Hunter said standing in front of him. Philip reached out his hand and touched his cheek before frowning with a harsh stare. 

"What happened to your foundation? It's supposed to cover your scar," he said crossing his arms and giving Hunter a disapproving look. 

"W-Well I was w-wiping my eyes cause t-they were watering e-earlier, guess it j-just rubbed off!" Hunter replied, visibly nervous. 

"You were crying? I thought I raised you better than that, but of course, you're a girl. Girls are always way too emotional," Philip scoffed. "What were you being so weak for?" 

"A g-girl just s-said something t-that made me u-upset, it's nothing," Hunter replied avoiding eye contact with his uncle. 

"Wow. A girl made you cry. I'd understand if it was a boy but a girl? I need to teach you to be less emotional," Philip scoffed grabbing Hunter by his arm and shoving him to the floor, making the poor kid let out a surprised yelp. 

"Can't even handle a little push? You're even weaker than I thought." Philip grabbed Hunter's hair and yanked him up.

"I-I'm s-sorry uncle. I-I'll get b-better I p-promise." The panic in Hunter's voice was obvious. 

"You better," Philip said leaning in close enough that Hunter could smell the alcohol on his breath. Hunter gulped, it was always worse when his uncle was slightly drunk. 

His uncle's grip was tight on his arms and Hunter already knew that bruises had started forming. Philip pushed him back down to the ground again before grabbing a bottle off the counter. Hunter got out of the way just as the bottle shattered against the tile. Philip quickly grabbed Hunter again and slapped him across the face, before stepping away from the frightened kid. 

"Get out of my sight." 

Hunter didn't think twice as he quickly scrambled out of the kitchen. Grabbing his backpack he made his way to his room, shutting the door behind him. He let out a huge breath and slid down against the door holding in his tears. 

He hated these days. 

The days when he would make a mistake and he got taught a lesson. 

And it had been a drunk day, which made it worse. 

He slowly made his way to his bed and laid down to take a small nap. 

Thinking it might just be better if he never woke up.

Yeah, the boy's traumatized

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