(Ch. 7) Goblin Janitor???

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A Goblin? Wonder who that could be...
Because I have made so many characters overly mean I made Kikimora nicer in this fanfic :3

Hunter POV

Hunter walked down the hallway away from the gym trying to find somewhere he could hide out during PE class. He peeked around the corner to see if anyone was there and after seeing nobody he let out a breath. 

"First day at a real school and I'm already sneaking around," Hunter said under his breath, slightly panicking that he was going to get caught. 

Then he heard a crash behind him and saw that the Janitor was there. She had accidentally knocked over her janitor chart and it had spilled fluids on the ground. "AhHHHhHhhHhhHhh!!!" The little janitor yelled in frustration kicking the cart and then plopping on the ground defeated. 

Hunter ran over, pulled the cart up, and then began to wipe up the cleaning solution. The Janitor looked up in surprise and then helped Hunter clean up her mess. Hunter thought she looked a bit like a goblin but he didn't say it out loud, that would be rude. When they finished cleaning up the janitor looked over at Hunter and smiled a little smile. She had little sharp teeth. 

"I-uh-Thank You-" She said looking away before looking back at him in confusion. "Wait- Shouldn't you be in class young man?" 

Hunter froze, not even celebrating that she called him a man. "I-uh-I-I-I-" 

"Hey it's ok I won't get you in trouble- I just don't want to lose my job if people know you were out here and I was involved."

"I-Uh yeah, I skipped PE class," Hunter said. "I'm trans so I didn't know what to do..." 

She chuckled and looked at her hands. "You poor boy- Wait boy right?" 

"Yeah-" Hunter said smiling. 

"Well, I have to send you back to class, but I'll make a late note so the teacher doesn't count you as late ok? Also, you can use the singular gender-neutral bathroom that's in the teacher's lounge to change, I don't think many people use it except Mx. Whispers and I'll get you a pass that says you can use it. The Principal and I are good friends so I should be able to get it." She said helping Hunter stand up. 

"Oh! Thanks... What's your name?" Hunter asked her. 

"Kikimora, kinda a weird name cause my parents were crazy-" Kikimora said chuckling to herself while walking Hunter back to the gym. She wrote out a little note and handed it to Hunter before he entered.  

"Thanks-" Hunter said before walking into PE. Everyone was doing laps except for the few people who were done and he felt a shiver go up his spine. He walked to the teacher and handed him the note. "Sorry, I was late, was helping the Janitor with her fallen cart." He said and Mr. Wrath looked skeptical but nodded. 

"Go get changed then meet back here." He said. Hunter went into the boy's bathroom this time because nobody was in there and he quickly got changed before coming back out. He went and sat on the bleachers next to Willow who was sitting quietly. Hunter crossed his arms and leaned forward to make sure nobody could see his chest very well even though he had a binder on. 

"Hey, Hunter!" Willow said greeting him as he sat down. "Why were you late?" 

"The Janitor's cart tipped over and I helped her clean up the mess, she gave me a late pass," Hunter replied chuckling. 

"Anyyyyy other reasons-" Willow asked to pry, she wanted to make sure he was transgender before just assuming anything. 

"Ummmmmmmmm- No?" Hunter said looking away. 

"You're lying-" Willow said smiling. "I can tell." 

"Ok fine I'm lying- I just- I- I- I-" Hunter looked at the ground and contemplated telling her. "I'm Transgender female to male and I just-" 

Willow leaped forward and hugged him. "I KNEW IT!!!!" She yelled making some people look over curiously. Hunter was taken aback. He had thought that he would lose his friends after coming out but he was wrong. 

Willow suddenly realized she had hugged him for too long and pulled away with a light blush on her face. "Sorry, I just wanted to confirm before I assumed," Willow said smiling before fidgeting with her fingers. "I just- How are you- Um- Changing rooms??" 

"Oh! That Janitor Kikimora is getting me access to the single gender-neutral bathroom in the teacher's lounge." Hunter replied cheerily looking at his hands and smiling. 

"Ahhhh!!! That's so nice of her!!" Willow giggled but then the bell rang, signaling the end of the first day. "Oop, well see you tomorrow Hunter!!!" Willow said running out of the gym and to her car outside. 

Hunter smiled and then giggled. 

I came out to someone!! I CAME OUT FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!

He felt so happy he skipped out of the gym and to the car outside. His happiness drained though once he saw his uncle. He opened the door and sat in the front seat. 

"How did your first day go Hailey," Philip asked starting the car and starting to drive home. 

"G-Good, It was f-fine." 

Da end of first day
The school days following this will happen faster just the first day was important for introductions and crap ya know. 
Idk why I just wanted to make Kikimora nice in this fic, I just felt like it
Anyway till next Wensday-

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