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📍Silverstone, England
14 july 2019
🎶The Rembrandt- I'll be there for you

It was now Sunday 14th july at Silverstone, which meant race day.
Everyone was asleep in the hotel- except a certain blonde Dutch woman who was in the bathroom throwing up the previous day's dinner.
She had been feeling so bad for a couple of days now: she had constant dizziness, nausea, she ate and slept a lot but, according to her, it was due to the fact that her period was due to return.
She collapsed next to the toilet once she had finished emptying her stomach and stared at a fixed point in front of her, while a thousand thoughts ran through her mind.

The morning after the party organized by Lewis, Alyssa woke up in a room that wasn't hers, naked and with Charles next to her, also naked.
The embarrassment felt by the two guys was incomparable to anything else: they had become completely red in the face and were trying in any way to get out of that situation.
When Alyssa finally made it back to her room, she changed into something more comfortable, then threw herself in the bed and returned to dreamland.
She woke up only a couple of hours later, with a hangover and an absurd hunger which, fortunately, Caterina had appeased with a Nutella croissant, a chocolate muffin, a cappuccino, water and an aspirin.

The youngest Verstappen, however, had not told anyone about what had happened between her and the monegasque, neither to Cate, nor to SEB and much less to Max.

Alyssa was distracted from her morning thoughts by the ringing of her cell phone. Picking it up, she discovered that it was her mother calling her so, before answering, she quickly tidies herself up and then accepts the video call.
<<Hey honey, did I wake you up?>> exclaims the smiling mother <<Hi mom! No, you didn't wake me up, don't worry>> <<How are things there? We miss you a lot>> <<It's quite good here, and I miss you too but, I promise, that during the summer break I'm coming back home>> her daughter smiled at her, with a tired face <<Are you okay, Aly? You don't look good>> <<Yes, mum. I've been feeling nauseous for a few days but I think it's my period's fault>> <<If you say so...how's it going with Charles?>> Sophie showed off a mischievous smile while Alyssa's face was completely on fire <<Mom! How many times do I have to tell you that he has a girlfriend?! And we haven't spoken to each other for a week, since...>> the girl realized she had talked too much when it was already too late and, due to her agitation, she had gone into her room while she was talking without realizing it.
<<Since when? What happened between you two, Alyssa?>> <<Um... so mum... between us... it happened that... Oh! There's a knock on the door, see you!>> and before the woman could respond, the phone had already been hung up in her face.

Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief and then threw herself on the bed, hoping to go back to sleep. The fact is that, after less than 2 minutes Max burst into the room, starting to shake his poor sister <<Wake up little sister!>> <<Max, it's still early! Why did you wake up at this time?>> she replied, sitting down on the bed <<Come on Lyss, as if I didn't know! I know perfectly well that you check the cars in the morning and before the race, so you can stay in the pits and watch us with Caterina>> <<Ok ok, you won! Now wait for me here and then we'll go to breakfast>> then she takes several clothes to decide which ones to wear and goes into the bathroom.
However, when she tries on many of them, she realizes that they either don't fit her or are very tight so, in the end, she wears very simple black leggings and a Ferrari sponsored t-shirt, stolen from Seb's wardrobe.
<<I'm ready! Let's get moving, I'm starving>> <<As you wish, my lady!>> Max joked, getting an <<Idiot>> and a slap on the back of the head in response from Alyssa.

The hours passed quickly and before she knew it, it was almost time for the race to start.
The dutch, after checking for the umpteenth time that everything in the two Ferraris was fine, headed to the RedBull garage where Cate was waiting for her, but not without first wishing the German good luck.

Caterina immediately saw that something was wrong as soon as Alyssa reached her <<Hey blonde! Why this change of look?>> in fact she asked her friend <<This morning my clothes really didn't fit me! I'm very swollen due to my period which, as if that wasn't enough, is late! So I was forced to wear these>> said Lyss who immediately afterwards, was hit by an attack of nausea, and ran to the bathroom followed by the Italian.

The brunette, calculating the facts and what her friend had told her, only one thing came to mind <<Tell me the truth Lyss... what happened between you and Charles at the party?>> she asked her, when she had recovered <<How do you know something happened?>> <<Do I need to remind you that mine and Pierre's room is next to yours? I heard what you were saying to your mother this morning, so... tell me what you did>> <<We were drunk and went to bed together>> <<What?! Did you use the precaution, right?>> <<Well... I don't know... I don't think so>> <<At this point... aren't you pregnant?>> Alyssa didn't answer but deep down she knew that MAYBE she really was.

[ENGLISH VERSION] Le meilleur desastre du monde~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now