~GP d'Italia

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📍Monza, Italy
08 september 2019
🎶Offenbach- Be mine

Alyssa had now entered her third month of pregnancy and everyone within the Ferrari team had noticed the girl's growing belly. They had secretly organized a small party in the garage once they arrived in Italy.

After a long time, the Dutch had made the Belgium-Italy trip together with his team, rather than with her brother, and she could say that she really missed all the laughter and jokes between colleagues.
She had always been with Seb, who - poor thing - had also had to give her some of his food since the girl was very hungry.
<<You could have left me something>> the German had joked once they got off the plane making everyone else laugh <<I'm sorry but the little one needed it>> <<I forgive you just for this>> <<I know you love me>> <<Go with conviction !>> she missed these moments with her best friend between one GP and another.

<<So you landed safely?>> that same evening she found herself in the room, with Alex on the phone for an hour already <<Yes! It's the third time you've asked me this FUCKING question!>> <<OK sorry! It was to be 100% sure>> <<I wasn't even alone, the whole team was with me...and then, I don't understand why we continue to be on the call if we are in the exact same hotel, in only 5 rooms away>> the Anglo-Thai had started to answer, then stopped by knocking on Lyss' room door <<Coming! Sorry Alex, I'll talk to you later>> <<Bye sweetie!>>.

Having opened the door, she certainly didn't expect to find a rather agitated Melissa outside.
<<Luckily you're here! I thought you were leaving for Milan together with your Scuderia>> <<Breathe Mel! Come in so maybe you can explain to me in detail, for example, what makes you so nervous>> they both sit on the blonde's bed who grabs the chocolate from the mini-fridge in the room and hands a piece to the Mclaren mechanic <<Do you want it?>> <<Thank you>> <<Good! Now that you're more relaxed and I've spread out my hunger for chocolate, can you explain to me what's happening?>> Verstappen had settled better, ready to listen to the raven

<<I'll tell you that I would have preferred not to disturb you but Carlos isn't familiar with these things and he told me to ask you...>> <<Mel, relax, tell calmly>> <<So...we arrived yesterday and, since we were alone, the boys and I decided to go to the swimming pool. So far everything was normal. It took me about half an hour to find the only swimsuit I had brought with me, then I put on a semi-transparent white dress and left the room to reach my destination. Initially I stayed on the sunbed to relax but, Lando had the brilliant idea of ​​throwing me into the water... so far so good, too, right? Good! The fact is that, when we resurfaced we were very close and I started to feel things I had never felt before>>

Lyss had listened carefully to the Englishman's entire monologue and was more than convinced of what she was about to say <<You love Lando>> Melissa remained silent, but lowered her gaze and blushed, confirming the Dutch's hypothesis.

<<Seb, come on! Can you tell me where you're taking me?>> it was about the fifth time that the youngest girl in the Verstappen family had asked the same question to her best friend, while she was blindfolded and he was carrying her across the paddock
<<No Lyss, I told you it's a surprise! And now, instead of complaining, take off the blindfold>> as soon as she did it, the blonde was attacked by a chorus of <<Surprise!>>, complete with cake, buffet and banner reading <<Congratulations Mother Verstappen>>.

With tears of joy in her eyes, Alyssa thanked her colleagues one by one, leaving her drivers and team principal for last.
<<Thank you so much guys!>> she had hugged her best friend and the father of her son, and then went to Mattia Binotto.
<<Thank you Mattia!>> <<There's no need to thank me, you deserve it! Just... When you'll enter your fifth month, I'll put you on maternity leave and don't try to protest because it won't help. This doesn't mean, however, that you won't be able to come to the Grands Prix, on the contrary!>> <<Ok Matt. Now I'm going to eat>> <<Go, go>>

Free practice and, above all, qualifying saw the two Ferraris as protagonists. Charles seemed to fly on the Italian circuit, making both the fans and the entire team confident.

Race day arrived quickly.
While Alyssa was checking the last things on car number 16, the owner of it approached her.
<<Hey Lyss>> <<Hi Charles. Do you need anything?>> <<I actually wanted to tell you something>> she settled down and looked at him <<Tell me everything>> <<Here I...I just wanted to congratulate you and Alex again for the baby. I wish you all the best>> after that he got into the car and was taken to the track, leaving the girl there, mentally cursing herself.

How much Charles Leclerc had to sweat for this victory, but when he crossed the finish line first, all of Monza and all of Italy exploded with happiness!
Best race ever for Alyssa.

[ENGLISH VERSION] Le meilleur desastre du monde~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now