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📍Montecarlo, Monaco
february 2020

Waking up after a very long and painful birth, and understanding that it wasn't a dream at all, that her children were really born, that she can finally hold them in her arms, brought a beautiful smile to Alyssa's face. After all those months, dismayed by suffering, pain and so on, she felt so good, so carefree, that it didn't seem real to her.

<<Good morning, miss Verstappen. How are you feeling?>> that morning a nurse had entered her hospital room, while the girl was still fantasizing about what had happened <<Good morning. I'm a little sore but, thanks to the sleep, I'm recovering>> Lyss replied, putting herself, with a little difficulty, sitting.
<<I'm happy to hear you say this because in half an hour we'll bring your children to you. I'll leave you your breakfast here. Do you want me to let your family in?>> with the croissant in her mouth, she could only nod in response to the question.

Ten seconds after the nurse left, two blonde furies catapulted themselves onto their younger sister's bed, followed by their mother who instead sat down on the chair placed nearby. They spent about twenty minutes talking as only a family can do, before the same nurse as before returned with a cot containing Jules and Mya who had their bright little eyes open and were looking around curiously, being placed next to their mother's bed.

The little girl stretched out her little arms, as if wanting to be picked up and Alyssa immediately satisfied her, starting to play with her little hands which, after a while, went to rest on her mother's left breast, as a sign of being hungry, so with the help of the nurse, she settled in and finally little Mya's wishes were fulfilled.

<<Look how the little one eats! She got it all from you Lyss!>> said Max, smiling tenderly <<Maybe, in terms of appetite, yes. But the hair is light brown, almost as if it were a mix between mine and Charles's>> he replied to his brother, continuing to look at the little girl who, just at that moment, she pulled away, already satisfied.

She was about to arrange her so she could burp when the baby boy also woke up hungry <<Mom, will you take care of Mya while I let Jules eat?>> <<Of course honey!>> in the blink of an eye Sophie was walking around the room patting the back of her niece leaning on her shoulder while Alyssa was breastfeeding her other child.

<<Lyss...>> <<What Max?>> <<I don't want to make you sad or anything but... how- how are you going to hide it from him now? I mean... Jules looks a lot like him and, now, he won't even believe that they are Alex's children>> the blonde's gaze fell on her children , analyzing his brother's words <<I don't want to think about it now. I'll have plenty of time to do it when I get home but, for now, I just want to enjoy Jules, Mya and your company>> she replied, smiling slightly and, setting up to make the child burp
<<Speaking of company, yesterday I heard from Melissa, and she told me that as soon as the car presentations finish, she, Cate, Lando, George, Alex and Pierre will come to visit you to see your children>> exclaimed Victoria, immediately cheering up the morale of those present in the room.

Precisely a week later, Alyssa was sleeping, finally in her comfortable bed, after having to wake up at 3:00 that night to breastfeed her twins. Max and Victoria had asked her if she wanted one of them to sleep with her to help her but she had refused saying that she could do it alone and also wanted to make her brothers rest.

<<Vic, please, can you go and wake up Aly? Try not to wake the kids though>> the new grandmother spoke in a low voice, turning to her eldest daughter, as she continued to prepare breakfast <<Of course mom!>>.

The scene that appeared before her once she opened the door was very tender: Lyss was sitting in the center of her large bed, with her shoulders pressed against the headboard, while she played with Jules who had eyes bright with happiness.
Seeing his sister on the threshold of the door, she signaled her to come in and started talking to her son <<Look darling, Aunt Vic is here. Say hello to your auntie>> he started shaking his hand delicately as a greeting
<<Hello little one! How come you're already awake?>> <<Jules woke up hungry a few minutes ago. I had just come out of the bathroom so I nursed him before he woke up his sister>> immediately after her words Mya woke up crying <<Speak of the devil...>> the eldest whispered smiling <<Come here love! Tell mom I'll feed the baby and I'll be there. In the meantime, could you give food to Alaska?>> <<Don't worry, mum has already taken care of her. I'll go downstairs, I'll see you there>> <<See you soon>>.

In the late afternoon of that same day, the new mother was lying on the large sofa in the house, watching Teen Wolf, while the twins were dozing, one in the crib in the living room and the other on her stomach.
The ringing of the doorbell had destroyed the momentary quiet in the house and Alyssa was forced to stop the bet and get up, with Jules in her arms, to go and open the door.

The surprise was immense when she found herself in front of all her friends in the paddock, holding gifts after gifts <<Guys! Oh God, I missed you so much! Come on in! But try not to make so much noise>> the others seemed to notice the child only then held in the girl's arms <<My God! It's just like him!>> said Cate, while everyone settled down on the sofa and on the carpet <<Meet Jules Verstappen. Mya is resting in that crib>> the little boy woke up at the same time as the little girl who had been taken by her mother a few moments before.
They looked around bewildered, perhaps dazed by the presence of those people in the house <<Little ones, they are your other aunts and uncles. They love you, don't be afraid>>.

Melissa and Caterina immediately started talking to the twins in strange voices, while the others laughed and made fun of them.
The evening passed like this, with the children happy and carefree, Alaska a little jealous who was caressed by Alex, Lando, George and Melissa, Cate telling Pierre that she wanted a child and him embarrassingly diverting the topic.

[ENGLISH VERSION] Le meilleur desastre du monde~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now