~Love is love

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📍Montecarlo, Monaco
march 2020
🎶MIIA- Dynasty

The sunrise, in Max's eyes, had always been beautiful. It helped him relax with its beautiful colors and shades. It brought out all his inner peace and even the worst of the anger would magically go away.

But for some strange reason, that time, not even the dawn was managing to calm him down from that sense of uneasiness that he had been carrying with him ever since his boyfriend had made that announcement to him.

A few days ago they were supposed to take part in the first Grand Prix of the 2020 season but, due to COVID-19, they were unable to and had returned home.
The next day, however, Max saw Daniel particularly absorbed in his thoughts and when in the evening, after yet another distraction from the older, the Dutchman asked him what was wrong, the other man came out with <<In two days I'm going to Australia, before they block travel>>.
The blond didn't reply, he knew that when the other made a decision, not even the end of the world would make him change his mind.

In fact, on the pre-arranged day, Daniel had left and, five days later, Max still couldn't sleep. It was so strange to feel a cold and empty part of the bed, without the body of the person he loves so much. Every night he went to the living room, settled into an armchair and watched the sky until dawn came. Immediately afterwards he returned to the room, managing to sleep for no more than 3 hours.

That morning he was woken up - as well as by the light coming through the window - by the sound of his cell phone ringing. Still a little sleepy he grabbed it, replying without reading the sender
<<Good morning love!>>his boyfriend's voice was immediately heard which automatically made him smile <<Hey. How's it going over there? If I'm not mistaken it should be afternoon right?>> <<Right. Everything's fine here. Sorry I didn't get in touch sooner, but I've been a bit busy between the trauma of the jet lag and the change in climate...>> <<I understand, don't worry. I miss you>> admitted the youngest, blushing slightly <<I miss you too love! And don't think I don't know that you're blushing>> the honey-badger teased him <<You know me too well>>.

They continued talking for a while longer, telling each other what had happened since they were apart from each other, then they said goodbye and Max went down to the kitchen to have breakfast, still in his pajamas (Dan's t-shirt and boxers).

While he was drinking the milk, someone rang the doorbell. After turning off the gas, he hurriedly went to open the door, finding himself in front of his sister Alyssa with the twins in the stroller.
<<Could you help me get this thing in? It's heavy enough>> she complained from under the mask, while arranging the blanket on her children <<I'm coming! I'm putting on my jacket>> and, in the blink of an eye, they were all inside the warm Ricciardo-Verstappen house.

<<Ugh! I can't stand this mask anymore!>> <<But did you come to my house to complain about everything?>> her brother teased her as he went back to his breakfast <<No, I missed you and I thought about visiting you but... If I bother you I'll leave...>> <<Come on Lyss, you know I was joking! And then I missed you too!>> the blonde smiled and, after taking off Jules and Mya's jackets, she took off hers, leaving herself with a fuchsia sweater and a pair of black trousers.

<<Haven't you had breakfast yet?>> she asked him, as soon as she noticed the cup of milk that was on the kitchen cabinet <<No, I woke up a little while ago...>> just at that moment, the little girl turned her head seeing her uncle and immediately stretched out her small arms to be picked up

<<Take her, come on>> Alyssa smiled, while Jules played with her hands <<Are you sure? I don't know how to hold her... What if I hold her too tight? What if I drop her? What if I hurt her?>> <<Max, calm down! You won't hurt her, I trust you>> she took Mya and handed her to her brother who, still a little hesitant, grabbed her and arranged her as her sister was doing at that moment with the other child <<See that it's not so difficult? She adores you>>.

<<What's it like to look after these two pests?>> the eldest asked her curiously after he had had breakfast and prepared himself properly, joining the girl who, sitting on the sofa, was watching her two children while they played on the carpet in front of her.

<<It's not easy. Waking up at the most unlikely hours of the night to breastfeed them, change them, see if they're okay... However, they are the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me! I love them with all of myself and I could never do anything without them... they've been here for just over a month... Jules looks more and more like Charles...>> she confessed with a melancholy smile

<<Mya on the other hand is the perfect photocopy of you when you were little, she just has a little darker hair than yours>> said Max, intent on looking tenderly at his niece and nephew <<Mom always tells me that too... By the way, a few days ago, Vic was cleaning the attic and found some things that belonged to us when we were little... I'll go get them, they're under the children's stroller>> and in fact, immediately afterwards, she returned with a box containing all kinds of toys.

<<Lyss, do you remember this one? You and Victoria always fought about playing with it>> Max remembered, taking out a doll with dark, curly hair <<You can't understand, you're a boy! This doll has the most beautiful hair in the world!>> the girl took out something else and continued talking <<This was your favorite game! A remote control car, I would never have thought it>> they laughed, finding their other games and remembering when they were children until, at a certain point, the eldest distracted himself by looking at a photo placed on the cabinet near the TV.

Alyssa followed his gaze, finding a photo of her brother and Daniel hugging each other with loving smiles on their faces.
<<You miss him a lot, don't you?>> <<Like the air. When he decided to leave I didn't open my mouth, I'm nobody to stop him from being with his family during this difficult period but...>> he was interrupted by his little sister who, in the meantime, had taken the children, settling them on the sofa with them <<You can't live without him... You're no longer used to being away from him for so long and... You can't sleep>> <<Wha-? Is it so easy to tell?>> <<Not even exaggeratedly. I noticed it because I've always paid attention to details, you know. Then, this morning you were wearing one of his t-shirts - yes, I noticed that too -. When was the last time you heard from him?>> a smile immediately appeared on the twenty-two-year-old's face. <<This morning. He called me and... Hearing his voice was like breathing again>>.

The two Verstappen brothers remained together for a while longer, until Jules and Mya, when it was time for lunch, fell asleep and, knowing full well that when they woke up they would be hungry, she said goodbye to Max and went back to her house.

[ENGLISH VERSION] Le meilleur desastre du monde~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now