~No more

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📍Nürnbergring, Germany
11 october 2020
🎶Pink- What about us

New race weekend for Alyssa meant: taking the jet with her brother, the kids and Alaska; deal with jet lag; arrived at the hotel, feed both the twins and Alaska; find someone to leave Jules and Mya with; change and rush to the circuit for free practice.

For that Grand Prix, Hanna had offered to watch over them while their mother was busy on the track, however, with the promise that at the end of the race she would take them to the circuit where Alyssa would then take them to her uncles, and then return to the hotel all together.

<<You know, I always forgot to ask you, how did Lando take the fact that Carlos will be one of us next year?>> The third free practice session had just ended, and now Lyss and Melissa were going to lunch with the twins and Alaska always present <<I remember that he and I were making a video call via PC when Carlos called him to tell him about it. He had put it on speaker and I could hear his happiness very well because, let's face it, it's anyone's dream to drive a Ferrari! Lando was very happy for him though, I also could see very well that he was a little sad: after all the Spaniard has been his teammate since he arrived in Formula 1 last year. They had a lot of fun together, they love each other and it was a hard blow for him to discover that from next year they will no longer be teammates>> everyone could see that she was sorry too and it was a little sad like that, the blonde decided to change the subject

<<How do you see this race today?>> immediately the two got lost in both technical and joking conversations to laugh a little <<Mom... Uncle Dan!>> <<Yes, uncle Dan!>> the children exclaimed at a certain point, seeing their uncle enter the club together with Esteban <<Daniel Ricciardo, you're wanted!>> Verstappen called him, also greeting the Frenchman who, however, gave her a hint of a smile and sat down at a slightly isolated table.

<<What's the matter with him?>> <<It's for Lance. He's ill and can't drive, Esteban's very worried and, many times, with his head in the clouds>> replied the Australian while playing with the children <<It's normal, if Max were in his place I think you would be like him, right?>> <<Absolutely, maybe even worse>>.

No one knows how, but Charles managed to qualify fourth, behind the two Mercedes and Max's Red Bull. Everyone in the pits was very happy with this result because, even if it wasn't the best, it was the best they saw happen after so long- too much time.

Alyssa was waiting for her brother outside his motorhome when Charles came out of the Ferrari's. The two still didn't speak to each other because of what happened in Austria, however, the girl decided to be strong and congratulate him
<<Congratulations on fourth place Charles>> <<Thank you>> was the only word she received in response before he turned and headed towards the exit of the circuit, leaving her very sad <<Haven't you solved it yet?>> Max suddenly asked her, scaring her a little <<No, not at all. But now let's move>>.

Hanna had been joined by her husband outside the circuit and, when the Verstappen brothers arrived, they were both watching Jules and Mya playing with each other in the stroller.
<<They're very close, aren't they?>> the German asked his best friend, but saw her sad when she nodded <<What's happening darling?>> <<He tried to talk to Charles, congratulating him but he just thanked her and left>> Max answered for her <<I'm convinced he hates me and doesn't want these children>> <<But if when he passed through here and he saw them and started playing with them making them laugh! He looked at them as if they were pure crystal>> Alyssa's eyes widened, then she smiled happily. Maybe there was still a chance he would forgive her.

In the evening, the youngest Verstappen hadn't come down to dinner because Mya had had some stomach pains and wouldn't stop crying so she had dinner brought to her room to check on the little girl.
It had taken a good three hours before he managed to put her to sleep.

She was eating while checking that Jules didn't fall while playing on the bed, when there was a knock on the door.
<<It's open!>> almost the entire paddock appeared in front of her! Luckily they always got her a huge room because she had children otherwise they wouldn't all fit in: both the McLaren, Red Bull and Renault drivers were there, plus Pierre Gasly, George Russell and Sebastian Vettel <<What are you all doing here?>> <<You didn't come to dinner and we were worried>> said the Williams driver <<Mya had some stomach pains, she wouldn't stop crying. I ate here so I could check on her>> everyone relaxed, going to sit where there was room.

She slowly approached Esteban, who was standing alone looking out the window <<Hey, are you okay?>> <<Hey>> he sniffed <<Yes, I think. I mean... I'm worried. I know it's most likely nothing serious but... I can't stay calm. With everything that's going on with this virus.. I just wanted to stay with him but I can't because only a few people know about us...>> she hugged him, comforting him a little

<<You'll see that he'll be fine and, for the next Grand Prix you'll be together again>> <<Uncle Max!>> said a little feminine voice, warning that Mya had woken up <<Hey little one!>> the blond picked up his niece, who laughed, and placed her on the bed next to his brother, while he started playing with both of them

<<Come>> the Dutch took the Frenchman by the hand heading towards her brother and the children, settling there together with them <<Jules, darling, come to mommy for a moment>> he crawled up to the girl's knees and smiled at her, with his first little teeth starting to show <<Well done little one! Now play a bit with Uncle Esteban ok?>> then she whispered to him <<He's very sad, make him smile, ok?>> he immediately exclaimed <<Uncle Eteban>> causing the aforementioned man to smile immediately.

Race day had arrived!
After the little girl's little discomfort the night before, Alyssa had decided to take them to the garage with her, immediately putting headphones on so as not to hear the noises of the track. The two little ones looked around in amazement, almost in love with all those cars.

<<I see that these children really like Formula 1>> joked Andrea, Charles' athletic trainer, while I was checking the driver's car and the twins were watching her enchanted from their stroller <<You can't understand how much! They are just 8 months old and are already avid fans of this sport!>> she left her seat to Jordan and went to clean her hands

<<Are they talking already?>> Andrea continued <<Yes, they say a few little words like: mum, uncle Max, uncle Dan... yesterday Jules also said uncle Esteban!>> it was almost time for the start of the Grand Prix, the cars were being brought onto the track <<What was their first word?>> Jordan joined in the conversation <<Jules said mom, while Mya said uncle Max while watching the race on TV>> she chuckled as she remembered the scene and the two boys laughed too as they imagined it.

This German Grand Prix had been...strange: Lando had gone very fast at the beginning then, most likely, he had some problems with the car and ended up retiring; the same had happened to George, Valtteri, Esteban and Alex; Nico Hulkenberg - Lance's replacement - had a wonderful race! He started last and finished 8th!; Unfortunately Charles had finished in seventh place but better than nothing.

The most beautiful thing to see for Alyssa was the podium: as expected, on the top step was Lewis, on the second Max and, on the third... Daniel! When he crossed the finish line in that position she didn't even believe it!
Everyone wanted to see his famous shoey but, unfortunately, he had forgotten about it. But that doesn't mean he didn't do it later!

It had been a great race and Lyss was convinced that Max or Daniel's roommates wouldn't have been able to sleep that night.

[ENGLISH VERSION] Le meilleur desastre du monde~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now