~Finally together

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📍Montecarlo, Monaco
november 2020
🎶Ariana Grande- One last time

Monte Carlo illuminated at night, with the moon reflecting its light in the sea, was truly a wonder for the eyes. The huge window in Alyssa's room let in all the city's lighting.

The girl had never liked falling asleep late. Even as a teenager, when everyone is a bit rebellious and usually spends the night watching TV series and messing around, Verstappen never went to bed late, unlike her brother.

That night, however, she just couldn't sleep. She had returned from Imola a day ago and, following the message sent to her by Charles, she was constantly agitated even if she didn't show it so as not to make the children restless. She was lying on her bed, covered up to her neck by the duvet, and looking outside.

At a certain point she got up slowly, trying not to make any noise and, after checking that Jules and Mya were sleeping, left the room. She headed to the kitchen for a glass of water.

She couldn't stand that constant feeling of agitation. It made her feel helpless and she hated feeling that way. At that moment, she just needed one of those nice hugs that only Max was able to give her.

Suddenly she thought she heard a noise coming from her room and, when she entered, she saw Jules sitting in his bed and looking around disoriented.
<<Hey, darling>> she whispered <<Mom!>> he raised his arms and Lyss picked him up <<Easy, okay? We don't want to wake your sister, do we?>> the little one shook his head <<Do you want to sleep with mommy?>> <<Yesss!>> <<Very good. Come here then>> she lays down, arranging her son so he couldn't fall and kissed his little head <<Goodnight>> <<ight>>.

The next morning she was awakened by laughter and soft fur which, upon opening her eyes, she discovered was Jules and Alaska. The baby had crawled and was now on top of his mother's chest while he was stroking the head of the dog who had her muzzle resting on the bed.
<<Mom!>> <<Good morning little ones>> she yawned, realizing that Mya was awake too <<Shall we go to breakfast?>> in response, the twins clapped their hands and Alaska wagged her tail happily <<I'll take that as a yes>> she took the two in her arms and then, once she arrived in the living room, made them sit on the carpet with some toys around them.

For a moment she even forgot that she was supposed to go and talk to Charles that day and, when her brother called her to tell her not to panic and to be careful, she almost fainted!
Fortunately they had decided to meet after lunch, however, in order not to risk being late as usual, as soon as she finished eating her pancakes she immediately went to get ready, wearing a long pink sweater with jeans underneath slightly torn at the knees and simple white shoes.
Jules and Mya were dressed particularly warmly because it was really cold that day and so, at 3pm sharp, she left the house as always with the stroller and Alaska, heading towards what would be the best day of her entire life.

As soon as she arrived at the park she could immediately see the Monegasque sitting on a bench away from prying eyes. Alyssa approached him slowly, inhaling and exhaling deeply to calm herself
<<Hi>> she whispered once she sat next to the boy and placed the stroller in front of them both <<Hey>> she smiled weakly. Moments of pure silence followed, broken by the children's words <<D-dad!>>.

Both adults turned to them who, at that very moment, were staring at them while smiling <<W-what d-did you say?>> the boy asked <<Dad!>> and they clapped their hands happily. Alyssa had tears in her eyes, however, she didn't notice that the other man was also in the same condition as her.

Maybe it was for this reason - or maybe not - that the middle man of the Leclerc brothers finally decided to gather courage and start talking seriously with Verstappen <<Lyss>> she immediately turned around <<Tell me...>> <<If I wanted to meet you here today, it's to talk seriously about an important topic>> panic seized her

<<If it's about children, I'm willing to let you see them as many times as you want but, please, don't take them away from me... I>> he interrupted her, confused <<I don't have any intention to take them away from you. How can you think such a thing?! However, it's not just about the children...it's also about the two of us>> Alyssa opened her mouth to say something <<...and please don't interrupt me. I don't know if I would find the courage to say these words to you again after all the harm I've done to you>> he took a deep breath
<<I'm so sorry for how I treated you that day in Austria. I was wrong to react that way but, understand me. I didn't expect it at all! I was completely convinced that the twins were Alex's because you spent so much time together! God I was stupid! You don't know how many times Arthur tried to punch me after that day - I deserved it, anyway -. I spent whole sleepless nights trying to understand why you hadn't told me, then my mother told me that you were most likely scared of my possible reaction, especially because I had a girlfriend>> <<You HAD a girlfriend?>> she asked dazedly <<Yes, Charlotte and I broke up or rather, she broke up with me, after telling me that I deserved to be truly happy and with her I wasn't happy enough>> silence.

<<Do you remember in Germany? When you were waiting for your brother and, seeing me coming out of the motorhome, you complimented me on my qualifying place? That same evening, leaving the circuit, I ran into Hanna and Seb with the stroller where there were the children playing with each other. The temptation was too strong and, in the end, I ended up cuddling them a bit before you arrived>> Alyssa smiled

<<I knew it, they told me so>> <<Traitors>> he whispered <<Anyway, this whole thing is to tell you that I want these children. With all my heart. And I know it will take time to make it up to you but I would like to be part of your life too, you know what I mean?>> listening to those words, the blonde took courage and planted a light kiss on Charles' lips, leaving him surprised but happy

<<You're right, it will take some time. But you will always be welcome both at home and in our lives, right children?>> <<Yesss! Daddy, Daddy!>> <<So what do you say, do you want to come to dinner with us?>> <<It would be a pleasure>>.

As they headed towards Verstappen's house, however, the Monegasque realized that, throughout his speech, he had forgotten the most important part <<Hey, in any case if you had any doubts I love the names you gave to Jules and Mya>> they smiled at each other, happy to finally be together.

[ENGLISH VERSION] Le meilleur desastre du monde~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now