~Mum and Victoria

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📍Mexico City
27 october 2019
🎶Conor Maynard- Don't let me down

A month had passed since the day of her arrival of Alaska and she had now become the mascot of the paddock.
Alyssa's friends tried to make her make as little effort as possible to the point that Max wanted to buy her a wheelchair but, after a scolding from his sister and a blow from Daniel, he gave up on the idea.

Since she entered her fifth month, it had occurred to the Dutchman more than once to call her mother because, after all, she missed her. But she was afraid that he would yell at her, that they wouldn't love her anymore! That's why she hadn't done it yet.

<<Max, do you think I should call her?>> she asked his brother while the two of them and Daniel were relaxing together with Alaska, in the room of driver number 33 <<I don't know Lyss. Do what you feel like>> he replied, handing her the cell phone and motioning for her to go out onto the terrace to make the phone call.

Following his advice, Alyssa sat down on one of the chairs there and, still hesitant, dialed her mother's number, holding the phone to her ear. After the third ring, the call was accepted and Verstappen heard that voice, which she hadn't heard for three months now
<<Aly...>> <<Mom...>> moments of silence followed, in which the blonde struggled to hold back her tears <<...I'm sorry, my child! I should have been by your side right now, but I panicked. Forgive me!>> <<I'm sorry too, mumy! I should have been more responsible, I disappointed everyone. Victoria doesn't talk to me, nor does dad, I don't know how I had the courage to call you, the only one who's with me is Max>> now the tears flowed copiously on her cheeks
<<Aly, little girl, how about we meet? Come home and I'll see you>> <<In Monaco?>> <<Yes, in Monaco. I miss you darling>> <<I miss you too mum. It's ok, I'll be there tomorrow>>.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Max and Daniel were lying on the bed, one next to the other, with their hands clasped
<<Max I have to ask you something...>> <<Go ahead>> he didn't show it but the Dutchman was afraid <<Maybe it's too hasty and you can very well tell me no, I would never force you to do anything you don't want, also because I love you too much. But that's not the point! I wanted to ask you... When the winter breaks, and if you want forever, how about coming to live with me?>> <<Of course I do! I love you Dan!>> the blond threw himself on him, hugging him, and then kissing him

<<Aww, how cute!>> <<Lyss! How did it go with mom?>> <<I was going out to ask Mattia if I can stay at home starting tomorrow. I'm going! Let me know if you want me to send you the photo I took of you. Bye!>>

It wasn't the best walking through the streets of Mexico City, with a huge belly and a hyperactive dog but, fortunately Alyssa had reached the paddock without problems
<<Mattia I need a very important favor>> <<I'm all ears Aly>> <<I could stay home starting tomorrow?>> <<For me there are no problems, on the contrary! I'll book the flight for you, ok?>> <<Okay, thanks Mattia>>.

And so it was that, the day after a magnificent 2nd place for Seb and a 4th for Charles, Verstappen found herself on a plane that would take her back to her beloved Monaco.
Once she arrived, thanks to a taxi, in front of the villa she shared with her brother, she never expected to find Victoria waiting for her together with her mother outside the house.

She smiled at them both, before opening the door and inviting them to enter. The tension in that room could have been cut with a knife until Vic decided to speak <<Please forgive me Aly! I don't know what came into me that day. I don't know why I reacted the way I did, but I know for a fact that I made you suffer and I didn't want to>> <<I know how difficult it is to carry on with a pregnancy but, like a fool, I left you alone! If you can, forgive us!>> Sophie had spoken, while a smile appeared on the youngest girl's face <<Of course I forgive you! I missed you a lot!>> she hugged them as much as her belly would allow.

<<Now that everything is settled, you have to tell a lot of things to your mother and sister>> says the mother <<But let's sit down because my back is starting to hurt>>
<<Let's start with something basic: How's the baby doing?>> asks Victoria <<I went to a gynecologist a few days ago in Mexico: he told me that everything is fine. Ah, they're twins>> <<Really darling?! How nice! And do you know if they're boys or girls?>> the eldest was very excited

<<At first I didn't want to know, I wanted it to be a surprise. Then, the curiosity was too much and the last time, I made them tell me: they're a boy and a girl>> <<Aww! We'll have two grandkids mom!>> Vic's eyes sparkled with joy <<But I want to know who the father is>> Sophie exclaimed, making her youngest daughter's smile fade <<It's Charles. We were drunk when it happened. But he doesn't know and, he thinks, I'm pregnant with Alex Albon, Max's teammate>>

Seeing her daughter in difficulty, the woman decided to change the subject <<Speaking of your brother...how is he?>> <<Good mum. He's the happiest person in the world now that he's found his soulmate. No Vic, I won't say who she is. You'll wait for Max to find out. Now, let me introduce you to the new arrival in the Verstappen household: she's Alaska. The boys gave her to me in Sochi>>.

The rest of the afternoon, the three women spent talking about everything and playing with the dog. Alyssa was finally happy to have made peace with her family - even though her father was still missing.

[ENGLISH VERSION] Le meilleur desastre du monde~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now