~Begin again

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📍RedBull Ring, Spielberg
03-05 july 2020
🎶Kurt Hugo Schneider- Clarity

That morning Alyssa woke up with the knowledge that, starting from that day, everything would return to normal.
Since the children were already almost 5 months old, Mattia had given her the green light to go back to work, to take part in the first Grand Prix of this strange season.

She had convinced her sister to come with her to help her a little with the children on the plane and when she was in the garage, when she had to check the cars and during free practice. For qualifying and the race, Arthur would help her and he had warned her to be present for anything she might need.

<<Are you sure of what you're doing?>> it was the millionth time that Max asked that question to his poor little sister while she was giving the bottle to his nephew <<Big brother, I understand that you are euphoric and nervous because you will see your boyfriend again after 4 long months, however, that doesn't mean you have to come and stress me out! Everything is fine! I have everything under control! The babies drink milk from the bottle now, so Vic can very well give it to them when I have to stay in the pits. Then, during qualifying and the race, when she stays with you, Arthur will help me. Now, just calm down and breathe, okay?>>.

Put like this, this plan was flawless. But will everything really go so smoothly?

Once they landed, the driver ran to the runway for a call from Christian received as soon as they put one foot on the ground, while the two sisters called a taxi to take them to the hotel.

<<Little sister, Alaska is starting to get a little restless>> <<It's normal, it's practically lunch time! Don't worry little one, once you get to the room I'll give you something to eat straight away>> she replied first to Victoria and then turning to the dog kept on a leash by the eldest, while she was pushing the twin stroller

<<Luckily they took the suitcases to our room, otherwise I wouldn't have known what to do>> Victoria confessed as she put the children to sleep <<Ugh! Ok! I gave the food to Alaska, Jules and Mya are sleeping... I still have to get dressed and in half an hour I have to be on the track to check the cars!>> <<It may be just my impression but you seem more stressed now than when you were pregnant>> as a response she received a not very nice look from her sister, who was looking for the Scuderia t-shirt.

Right on time, the mother showed up at the track, proudly showing off the team shirt and hat, black shorts, and comfortable black and white Nike Air Max shoes.
Of course, her body had not yet returned to how it was before - it would take another few months - however, she was proud of how it was even now because those extra kilos she had were the consequence of the best thing that had happened to her in life.

<<Welcome back Alyssa!>> unfortunately they couldn't hug each other because of this virus but they were all very happy to see her again <<Hi guys!>> they immediately began to fill her with all kinds of questions, until she was called by Mattia

<<Yes? What's happening?>> <<I would like to introduce you to someone>> they approached a very tall, dark-haired boy <<He is...>> the girl interrupted him <<Jordan Smith?!>> <<Alyssa Verstappen?! Oh God I don't believe it!>> they smiled at each other from under the Scuderia mask
<<Oh, do you already know each other?>> the Team Principal was amazed <<Yes yes! I met him at an event I took part in about three years ago. Clumsy as I am, I ran into him and made him spill the smoothie on another boy>> the embarrassed blonde said.
<<Anyway, he's the one who replaced you during this period. He's very talented... You won't mind if I make him your assistant, right?>> <<Of course not!>>.

[ENGLISH VERSION] Le meilleur desastre du monde~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now