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📍Leclerc's house
11 february 2026
🎶Dove Cameron, BIA- Remember me

Alyssa and Charles, now married for three years, were sleeping peacefully in their bed when, suddenly, two children jumped on top of them, causing them to wake up with a start <<Mom! Dad! Wake up! It's our birthday!>> Jules and Mya were screaming and laughing as they jumped onto their parents' bed until Charles took them into his arms and made them fall on top of him. <<Happy birthday champion! Happy birthday princess!>> <<Happy birthday my little ones!>> Lyss also added, kissing both of their cheeks <<We are not little anymore! Shelley is the little one! We are 6 years old, we are big, just like you and dad!>> classic conversation between Jules and his parents.

Just at that moment, a blonde little girl with green eyes, at least two years old, appeared at the foot of the bed, holding a plush koala in her hands. <<Mum...>> <<Here's Mummy's little princess!>> she picked her up, making her sit on her lap <<Today is your brothers' birthday... shall we wish them a happy birthday?>> <<Happy 'irthday 'ules! Happy 'irthday 'ya!>> <<Thanks Shelley!>> the twins left a kiss on their little sister's cheek, hugging her slowly so as not to hurt her.

<<Mom they rang!>> Jules shouted from the living room to be heard by his mother who was finishing getting ready after finishing cooking for her eldest children's party. She wore a pink, knee-length dress with transparent sleeves and all covered in glitter, paired with black heels.
<<I'm going!>> Mya said, opening the door and finding herself in front of her uncles Max and Daniel and her cousin Rachel <<Happy birthday cousin!>> she said, hugging the birthday girl while her parents placed the gifts in the blonde's room.

Rachel Verstappen-Ricciardo is Max and Daniel's adopted daughter. She was a year older than Jules and Mya. They had decided to have a baby girl shortly after Charles and Alyssa got married on June 22, 2023 in Monte Carlo.
It had taken a long time for her to settle in and get used to having two dads instead of a mom and a dad but, ever since she slipped, she acted as if she had been part of that family all her life!

Just then the hosts arrived in the living room with Shelley and Alaska <<You arrived early, as usual!>> she teased her brother and brother-in-law <<It's not us who are early, it's you who's always late!>> <<But it's not true!>> and they got into a little argument - with Charles and Dan looking at them speechlessly - until the doorbell rang again.

This time at the door were Cate, Pierre, Anthoine - the son of the first two -, Lando, Melissa, George and Alex <<Have you all agreed to arrive together?>> joked the Monegasque <<Actually, yes! We wanted to arrive together but... Lance and Esteban's plane was delayed a bit and Carlos had to stop for gasoline>> replied Lando, never leaving his pregnant almost-wife for 5 months.

Happy birthday and bells later, they were all sitting at the table eating what Verstappen had cooked <<I love your cooking ma Cherie!>> Charles exclaimed, after filling his plate with yet another portion of lasagna <<It's true!>> <<You cook very well!>> all the others began to praise her <<Thanks guys! And you stop eating! We're still on the first one and you ate more than Melissa!>> they all burst out laughing when they saw the Monegasque pouting like a child and the Dutchman kissing him like a child.

<<We were thinking of taking them to the kart track this afternoon>> Alyssa told the girls and her brother, watching as the children were happy to play with Valentina.
The latter have been Arthur's girlfriend for about a year. She is Italian, with black hair and green eyes. The younger Leclerc had met her while taking a walk around Maranello since, distracted as he was, he had bumped into her.

<<Mum mum!>> Anthoine was tugging at the end of Cate's sweater looking for attention <<Tell me little one>> <<Jules said I can't go karting>> <<None of you can go alone though, with mum or dad you can race as much as you want>> at the words of auntie Melissa, the child happily went back to playing with his friends

<<You know, I'm a little afraid of letting the children get into karts with those rowdy husbands of ours>> Caterina confessed to the others <<This is because you never had to see your daughter in the car with Max! Karts are bullshit in comparison!>> Lyss replied, remembering when she left Shelley with her brother and he ran so fast he seemed to be racing a Grand Prix.

As promised, that afternoon they all met at the kart track that Charles and Alyssa had booked for their children to have some fun <<Please, love, don't go too fast or Jules might get sick>> <<I would worry more about Mya that wanted to get into the kart at all costs with your brother>> <<I've already spoken to Max about it, don't worry>>. Everyone had their own partner inside the car: Charles had Jules, Max-Mya, Daniel-Rachel and Pierre-Anthione. Then there were Lando, George, Alex and Arthur who, as usual, had to be recognized and were competing with each other like children, while the girls, Carlos, Lance and Esteban watched them from the side of the track.

At one point the Frenchman held out his cell phone to Verstappen to show her and the others a photo of a newborn <<But it's so cute!>> Valentina exclaimed with heart-shaped eyes <<But who is he?>> Melissa and Victoria were startled <<His name is Cody Stroll-Ocon>> Lance replied, bringing a bright smile to everyone's faces, including the drivers and mini drivers who had returned from the others <<We couldn't bring him today because he couldn't catch the plane and we left it to Chloe. If you want to see it before the first Grand Prix of this season, take the plane and come see him in Montreal>> they burst into general laughter.

Rachel snuggled into Max's arms and he kissed his daughter's forehead, seeing her a little tired <<Are you sleepy, darling?>> she made an almost imperceptible nod of agreement in response. Shelley and Anthoine had also fallen asleep in their mothers' arms <<It's 7pm. Maybe we should go home, we're all a bit tired after this hectic day>> Carlos looked at the watch on his wrist feeling that tiredness was setting in both adults and children.

That evening Alyssa was putting her eldest children to bed <<So, did you like the party?>> <<Yes! A lot! Especially when we went karting! When I grow up I want to be a good driver like dad!>> Jules exclaimed, elated <<Me too!>> Mya chorused <<I'm sure you'll be able to achieve your dream. Now sleep, it's late. Goodnight little ones>> <<Goodnight>> she turned off the light and left the room going to check that Shelley was asleep.

Once in her room, she found her husband already in bed reading a book. <<Are all three asleep?>> he asked his wife when she lay down next to him, putting away what he was reading <<Yes. Do you know what the twins said to me?>> <<What?>> <<That when they grow up they want to become good drivers, just like you>> they smiled and hugged each other as they both fell asleep happily, thinking that having Jules and Mya - by mistake - was the best disaster in the world.

[ENGLISH VERSION] Le meilleur desastre du monde~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now