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📍Maranello, Italy
september 2020
🎶5 Seconds of Summer- Just Saying

After the disaster that happened between Alyssa and Charles, the Scuderia of Maranello had done nothing but mistakes in all the races.
Nobody blamed anyone except the Ferrari Team Principal, however, even the youngest Verstappen had a minimum of blame given that she was constantly distracted thinking about how to remedy what happened with Charles.

Perhaps it is precisely because of these constant distractions that, for the Italian Grand Prix of that year, Mattia Binotto had preferred that she takes a break from work, to disconnect a bit, to spend time with his children and, maybe even with some of her friends.

Of course, however, he could have told her a few hours in advance, and not on the morning of the race when she was already ready to go and check the cars!

Fortunately then, by sending a message to the girls' group where she "complained" about this, Cate had invited her to come over to watch the race and so, she found herself on the sofa at the Masetti Zannini house together with Jules and Mya.

<<So... tell me why Binotto preferred to leave you on the bench for this race?>> the household had asked her, shortly before the start of the race.
She still didn't know about what happened between the driver and the mechanic - even though two months had passed - because she preferred to keep it to herself. It had been and still is very bad, so much so that, more than once, Arthur had proposed to beat up his own brother, only to be immediately stopped by the blonde.

Now, however, it was definitely time to tell at least her best friend <<About two months ago something happened and it's my fault>> she took a deep breath and continued, looking at her children who were crawling on the carpet on the floor <<You know that in the first GP of this season Arthur was in the hospitality area so, I decided to leave him the twins during qualifying and the race. Once it was over, Jordan and I joined him and started talking a bit. At a certain point ... Arthur asked me if sooner or later I intended to tell the truth to Charles... I got a little upset and answered him with all the things that were on my mind...>> she feels again her eyes shining for the tears <<...just at that moment he came in... he had heard everything... he got angry and then... when he found out what I called them... he told me not to talk to him anymore, that I no longer exist for him>> and she started crying again, she was tired of continuously shedding tears.

The brunette had not hesitated to hug her friend, just at the exact moment in which the Grand Prix began <<It's okay Lyss... He didn't really mean it... He was just angry... Sooner or later things will be resolved>> <<I don't think it's that simple... You should have seen him... He looked like a different person and...>> the blonde's words were silenced by little hands that had placed themselves on her bare feet and by a little voice <<M-mo-mmy>> the eldest widened their eyes in surprise <<Mommy>> repeated Jules, making a radiant smile appear on Alyssa's face, who was hugging her son tightly - being careful not to hurt him - making the latter laugh.

Almost immediately afterwards the little girl's voice was also heard, intent on watching the race, particularly interested in the car number 33 <<Un-cle M-ax>> and she pointed to the television.
The mother grabbed her cell phone, turned on the camera and played a video <<What did you say Mya?>> the person interviewed repeated <<Uncle Max!>>.

The race had been... how to say... unexpected! All sorts of things had happened: penalties for Lewis and Antonio, retirements for Max, Kevin and the two Ferrari.
Not to mention the podium!: Pierre, Carlos and Lance found themselves first, second and third respectively!
Caterina started screaming when her boyfriend crossed the finish line first, scaring the twins too, making them almost cry out of fear.

When the older Verstappen had picked up the phone again, after the interviews had also ended, his mood was low but, seeing the video sent to him by his sister, he was moved, making Alex worried, not used to seeing him like this. However, it was enough for him to show him the recording too to make him understand everything.

Returning to the girls, they were feeding baby food to the twins when Alyssa's cell phone rang, alerting them to the arrival of a message. Thinking it was her brother, she hurried to unlock it to see what reaction he had, however, she was surprised when she found herself in front of a video sent to her by Daniel

<<Who is it?>> asked Pierre's girlfriend <<It's Daniel, he sent me a video>> <<What are you waiting for? Watch it!>> she pressed play and... He found the scene too cute!
There was Lance, still wearing his overalls and hat, holding the bottle of champagne, being tenderly hugged by Esteban on the back of the latter's motorhome, and then ending everything with a very tender kiss <<I KNEW IT!>> she sent a voice message to her brother-in-law, also celebrating with a strange dance, which made Jules, Mya, Cate and Alyssa herself laugh.

[ENGLISH VERSION] Le meilleur desastre du monde~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now