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📍Istanbul, Turkey
13 november 2020
🎶One Direction- Last first kiss

She no longer even remembered the last time she had made the trip to the place where the Grand Prix would be held with the team but, since she and Charles had cleared up things had improved so, now, she was on the plane together with the Monegasque, the children and all the rest of the Scuderia.

<<Are you sure you don't mind sleeping with me?>> <<For the two hundredth time: no Charles, I'm fine with sleeping with you! And then we slept with you yesterday too>> they smiled at each other. At the time, they were in the hotel elevator while Alyssa held the twins in her arms and he carried both of their suitcases.

Friday's free practice had proven particularly good for Max and the Ferraris. The latter had surprised everyone by this sudden improvement, especially Alyssa who had a smile permanently on her face, which made all her friends happy.

<<So... What's all this happiness?>> it was late afternoon and, having finished the day on the track, the blonde was returning to the hotel with her brother and Daniel. He had left Jules and Mya to Charles - after countless prayers from the Monegasque - who was still in the pits to talk about some things with the track engineers

<<Do you remember the famous meeting between me and Charles last week? Well.. We talked a bit, we clarified ourselves well and... now we're trying to be together>> her eyes shone with happiness <<But it's fantastic!>> the Australian immediately exclaimed.
The other boy, however, seemed possessed by some sort of superior demon, scaring the younger one <<Max? Are you feeling okay?>> <<I'm fine! I'm wonderful! Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with the fact that you're finally happy, but if he tries to make you suffer again, I swear to Dan that I'll throw him off the track so violently that I'll kill him!>> <<Ok, we get the idea. Now calm down>> <<Hey! But why do you swear on me?>> said the eldest confused <<Because, of course, you are the most precious thing in my life>> <<Aww! Baby!>> Ricciardo wrapped his arm around Verstappen's waist, then left him a kiss.

In Lyss' room everyone was getting ready for bed: she was putting the twins into their pajamas after giving them a bath, still dressed in their clothes from that afternoon, while she waited for Charles to come out of the bathroom so she could put on her pajamas too.
Once she was done she placed them on the rug at the foot of the bed, watching as they played and crawled around. <<Cherie, go and change, I'll check them>> the Monegasque, wearing only tracksuit bottoms, hugged Verstappen from behind, earning a kiss from the girl <<Thank you>>.

The blonde changed very calmly after all, she didn't have to worry about leaving Jules and Mya alone for too long now.
However, when she came out of the bathroom, she found herself in front of a beautiful scene: the children, leaning on the bed, had stood up and were taking their first steps approaching their father <<Daddy!>> <<Dad!>>.

A lonely tear rolled down Alyssa's cheek in happiness as she watched the scene and moved closer to her family. As soon as she settled next to Charles, he placed his hand on her cheek and wiped away that drop of salt water.
<<Hey, what's happening? Why are you crying?>> <<I'm happy. We are all together>> <<And I promise you that we will stay together forever>> it all ended with a kiss which was interrupted by the two children who came to their parents walking and laughing.

The next day, just before the time for qualifying, it started to rain. All the drivers took to the track anyway but a few minutes into Q1, they were forced to return to the pits and the session was stopped, seeing Esteban in pole position.
When they started racing again, the circuit was still very wet and this was to the detriment of many and Max, who had dominated the whole weekend up until now, saw his pole taken away from under his nose by Lance Stroll.

The Dutchman was very upset about it, so much so that he didn't want to talk to or see anyone, having dinner brought to his room so as not to leave there.
On the contrary, the Canadian was really happy: it was his very first pole position since racing in Formula 1! From after he got out of the car and throughout the evening, he had a bright smile on his face.

Then in the evening, while Lyss was on Instagram and scrolling through his friends' stories, he found a photo in Esteban's stories of him and Lance - still wearing everything and wearing a helmet - hugging. They were a very sweet couple but, unfortunately, due to the discriminatory and racist society, they could not show their love to the world, as Max and Daniel.

<<What are you looking at?>> Charles lay down on the bed next to her after putting Jules and Mya to sleep <<Instagram>> she put the phone on charge and then snuggled up to the boy's chest <<Are they asleep already?>> <<Yes. Strangely enough it took them very little time to fall asleep today>> <<It's the rain. I don't know why but, since they were born, the rain relaxes them and makes them fall asleep much earlier than usual>>.

They were silent for a while then, Alyssa decided to reveal a thought to him <<I'm afraid when you drive in the rain. I've always had it since I was a child. I'm terrified that something terrible could happen to you with the track so wet>> given that while she was speaking she had lowered her gaze, the Monegasque put two fingers under her face to be able to look into those wonderful blue eyes - as he always said - <<Nothing will happen to us. Not to me, not to Max, not to Seb, not to anyone else! We are used to running even With these weather conditions, it's very difficult for a bad accident to happen. Trust me, everything will be fine, okay?>> she stared into his green eyes to see even the slightest sign of insecurity in what he was saying and, when she didn't find it, she smiled, cuddling up on his chest again and closing her eyes <<Goodnight>> <<Goodnight, ma cherie>>.

A race with more twists and turns than the Turkish Grand Prix is ​​hard to find!
Lance was first, but after a painful pit stop, had found himself finishing ninth; Max and Alex were having a really good race, but some bullshit had cost them dearly; Lewis, from sixth, had won the GP, also winning his seventh World Champion title, equaling Michael Schumacher; Charles had been in third place practically all the time but, following a stupid mistake after managing to overtake Sergio Pérez, he ended up fourth, however earning Sebastian a podium.

Alyssa had been holding her breath throughout the entire race. Every time he saw a car turned around, she always hoped that nothing worse would happen and, fortunately, his prayers were answered.

Once the interviews were over, the younger Verstappen brothers were waiting for Charles to finish changing so they could join the others with him. It never took him that long and so she decided to go in to see if everything was okay, however, she found herself faced with a magnificent surprise.

All the drivers + Melissa were in that motorhome and some were holding signs in their hands that spelled out Do you want to be my girlfriend?, with the Monegasque kneeling in front of everyone, with a giant teddy bear in his arms.
She was literally speechless, she didn't expect such a surprise but she had no doubts about the answer she would give him <<YES, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES!>> everyone started clapping and shouting happily, including Jules and Mya who had been picked up by Alex and George, while the newly couple merged in a long kiss <<Take it easy on my little sister!>> <<But shut up for once!>> Max was also heard in the background being filmed by her boyfriend, sparking a lot of laughter.

[ENGLISH VERSION] Le meilleur desastre du monde~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now