~Ricciardo's house and sea

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📍Perth, Australia
August 2019
🎶Avril Lavigne- When you're gone

Once they arrive at the Ricciardo house, they enter and are warmly welcomed by Joe and Grace, Daniel's parents.
<<Max, Lyss! How long!>> exclaims Dan's mother, hugging the two Verstappen and then turning her attention to the other three <<You must be Lando, Alex and George, nice to meet you. I'm Grace and this is my husband Joe>> <<The pleasure is ours, Mr and Mrs Ricciardo>> George replies on behalf of everyone <<Come on guys, come in. Daniel, show them the rooms>> says Joe <<Ok dad. Come on>>.

They enter the house, carrying their suitcases with them but, before going upstairs where the bedrooms are, the Australian stops them
<<So... there are two rooms and both doubles so one will have to sleep with me>> he tells them, looking especially at Max- who kept his gaze fixed on the floor-, something that caught Alyssa's attention <<I'll go with him>> exclaimed George and Alex, pointing to each other and, before the other two could say anything, the girl shouted <<I want to be with Lando>> receiving a confused look from the mentioned, a grim one from his brother and a grateful one from Daniel.

They headed to their own rooms and, once away from prying eyes, Lando said <<I want to know why you preferred to be with me rather than with your brother>> <<Basically, those two stupid Max and Daniel are in love with each other. Otherwise, I hope that by putting them in the same room, they do something good!>> <<Ah, cool! But if I hear a single crowd or strange noise coming from their room, I'll punch you>> the boy jokes <<You can't! I'm a woman and I'm also pregnant>> she indulges him and then, they both burst out laughing.

The insistent knocking on the door interrupts and, when Lyss opens it, she finds herself in front of a very shaken Daniel Ricciardo, with red and swollen eyes and cheeks streaked with tears <<Oh dear God! What happened, Dan? What has that idiot done? Come one, come in".
Alyssa was the youngest in that house but, everyone who had seen them at that moment would have said that she was the older sister, who was consoling her little brother for who knows what reason.

<<Dan! What's going on?>> the Englishman had exclaimed as soon as he saw the condition of the owner of the house <<H-he h-hates me Lyss>> Daniel had sobbed, leaning on the blonde's shoulder <<Why do you say that?>> <<You should have heard what he said to me, how he treated me>> hearing that the girl couldn't see anymore <<Lando check him for a moment, I'll be right back>> she said, making the man get up from her shoulder.

She left the room and headed, at a marching pace, towards the one where her brother was.
<<Explain to me what is your fucking problem->> she began to shout at him, stopping when she saw Max curled up at the foot of the bed crying silently.
Hearing her, he raised his head slightly <<I-i'm a total i-idiot, Lyssie. I-I've said horrible things to him and I don't even know why. B-but then, s-seeing him c-cry about what came out of my m-mouth, it destroyed me>> the younger girl collapsed next to the older one and, cautiously, asked him <<How did you manage to make him cry like that?>> <<I-I told him that he's a coward. That he left Red Bull because he didn't have the balls to face the fact that I was becoming better than him and therefore, he decided to go to Renault where he also knew he would never win because it's a shitty team. And before he left the room, I told him that I ha-hate him>> the blonde couldn't believe her ears or even the words of her big brother.

Not hearing his sister say anything, he tensed and moved away from her who noticed him <<Max why?>> in fact she asked him <<You hate me too now, don't you?>> she melted upon hearing this <<I'm just a little disappointed with how you treated Dan and yes, it's true, I'm also angry but I would never, ever be able to hate you. Look at me Max. You're my brother, you've always been there, you've always protected me and defended me from everything and everyone and I will always love you... even when you're being a dickhead>> she concluded smiling, seeing her brother smile too.

<<Ok, the stress accumulated between yesterday and today was enough- which isn't good for the baby- so... I've got an idea! Put on your swimsuit, let's go to the beach>>.
Alyssa left the room, then entered her own <<How are you Dan? Have you calmed down?>> <<Yes, thanks Lyss, I'm fine now>> <<Good, I'm happy to hear that! Go and put on your swimsuits, I absolutely need the sea. Tell Alex and George too, I'm going to get ready>>.

About an hour later they found themselves in the living room of Ricciardo's house, ready to leave.
<<No, now you explain to me how you can stay in a swimsuit and short-sleeved shirt! I'm freezing!>> exclaimed the girl, seeing her friends and brother dressed lightly while she felt the cold even with a sweater on.
<<It's normal. You're not used to the Australian climate even if I don't understand how it's possible>> Dan replied, who was at a safe distance from the Dutchman <<I want to go to the seaside! So let's move!>> orders Alex, exiting the house, followed by everyone else.

The beach wasn't very far from the house so they decided to walk a bit. Every person could feel the tension between the Red Bull driver and the Renault driver, every time they exchanged even just a glance but, fortunately, they relaxed once they arrived on the beach.
they stayed there for a long time: they played, splashed, took photos, someone- the English- froze while taking a dive! It was the most fun afternoon of Alyssa's life!

[ENGLISH VERSION] Le meilleur desastre du monde~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now