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August 2019
🎶Cascada- Everytime we touch

Max entered Alyssa's room and found her on the bed curled up and crying.
He approached her cautiously, trying not to scare her, but she heard him and threw herself at him, wrapping her arms and legs around her brother's neck and hips, making him sit on the bed so as not to lose his balance.

<<I'm always there for you little sister, you know that, right?>> <<I know Max. I just didn't expect them to take her like that, especially Victoria>> she revealed it to her brother <<If you want, I'll talk to her>> <<No! Now I just want to get out of here>> she didn't think about it not even half a second and says <<Call Daniel, we'll reach him in Australia>> Max blanched <<A-are you sure?>> <<Very. He told me that if something went wrong, I should have gone there>> the boy still didn't seem very convinced but, despite this, he said <<Oh ok. T-then I'll call him huh>> before he could grab the phone, Lyss took his arm <<Tell me what's wrong with you>> <<I- I...>> <<Is it about the pregnancy?>> <<No! Of course not! How can you think of that!>> <<So what?!>> she saw him take a deep breath, as she had done a few minutes before <<It's not true that Dilara is my girlfriend. She's a friend, a great friend, but nothing more>> <<But then... Why do you pretend to be together?>> Max froze for a moment <<B-because...>> <<Wait, I'll change the question... what does Ricciardo have to do with all this?>> <<...>> <<Max..>> <<I remember the kiss we gave each other and I think I'm in love with him...>>.

The youngest looked at him for a while with her mouth open <<And you tell me this after three years after the event?!>> <<I was scared, okay?!>> they were getting upset and in Alyssa's condition, that certainly wasn't good <<About what?>> <<To be rejected!>> suddenly, silence fell <<I was afraid that you would never see me in the same way again, knowing my sexual orientation... and then Daniel no longer speaks to me>> she looked at him with tenderness: she had never seen the one who had protected her from a very young age, so fragile in front of something <<I'll tell you what a person said to me one day: I will always be there for you>> she smiled at him and his eyes filled with joy, so he hugged her eagerly making her burst out laughing <<Good! And now call that idiot Australian and let him know: we're leaving tomorrow>>.

With still a bit of hesitation, Max dialed the number of his former teammate <<Ah and tell him that Lando, George and Alex will also be there>> <<But how did you manage to...>> <<Magic... no, actually we have a WhatsApp group, we call ourselves The little children❤️>>.

Within half an hour they had notified Dan, printed the tickets and packed their bags.
<<Come baby, let's go to bed, it will do you good after all the emotions today>> <<Night Maxie>> <<Night Lyssie>> and after a kiss on the forehead, they both fell asleep.

At 6:45 am the following day, the two Verstappen brothers were already boarding the plane that would take them to the Honey Badger.
<<If you feel sick or something, wake me up, got it?>> the blonde was telling her as he settled down to sleep. Everything was quiet but, just before the door of the vehicle closed, the very fast and super late Lando Norris, George Russell and Alexander ALbon boarded the plane, the last two sitting in front Alyssa while the first one sat next to her.

<<Always on time you three, huh?>> makes fun of them the little Verstappen <<Shut up, please>> George tells her, dejectedly <<What has Alex done this time?>> asks Max <<Why does it always have to be my fault? You should defend your new teammate!>> <<For the simple fact that it is the truth Albon! However, the young gentleman here had the brilliant idea of falling asleep on the chairs at the airport while George and I went to get something for breakfast. When we returned to him we were in the perfect time but he decided not to. Wake up until we throw him to the ground>> says Lando while the brothers laugh like crazy and the Anglo-Thai sinks deeper and deeper into the seat.

<<Passengers are asked to sit down and fasten their seat belts. We wish you a good trip!>> their discussion is interrupted by the stewardess's voice, coming from the speaker.
Everyone quickly prepares to follow the orders and then, little by little, the plane begins to move, preparing for departure and then, finally, taking off.
Next destination: Australia!

Once they arrived, Daniel was waiting there and, as soon as Alyssa noticed him, she ran towards him and hugged him "I'm happy to see you too, little one, but I take it that you didn't come here just because you missed me, right?>> in response, she tightened her grip on him and the others looked down at their shoes <<What happened?>> <<Maybe it's better if we go by car first, Daniel>> Max had told him, with a cold tone, surprising everyone who, however, listened to him as they headed towards where Dan had parked his car and they got in: Daniel in the driving seat, Max- annoyed- in the passenger seat, the three drivers behind and Alyssa in Landdo's arms.

<<So?>> asks the Australian, impatiently. Everyone looks at each other to decide who will tell them and, gaining courage, Lyss begins to tell him the truth about why they went to visit him, only to be helped halfway by her brother, seeing as she was crying.
No one said a word when the story ended and, still in silence, Daniel started the car and drove off with the roar of the engine in the background accompanied by Alyss's irregular breathing.

[ENGLISH VERSION] Le meilleur desastre du monde~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now