~Melissa White

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📍Spa, Belgium
01 september 2019

The weeks at Ricciardo's house had flown by and, before they knew it, it was already time to fly to Belgium for the GP.
The waters between Max and Daniel had calmed down however, even if they said they were simply best friends, Alyssa had seen them kissing on the veranda believing that at that hour, naturally, there would be no one awake, able to see them.
They were slightly wrong but the girl had kept it to herself and therefore, the two men didn't know anything.

Both free practice and qualifying had gone very well for Ferrari, with Charles and Seb finishing first and second respectively.

All the happiness that came from this, however, was lost when during the Formula 2 race, there was an accident involving Anthoine Hubert and Juan Manuel Correa.
It had been frightening and had caused the sudden death of the French driver.

Alyssa, who was watching the race on her PC in her hotel room, together with her brother, jumped up and ran to the Monegasque's room, in tears.
She couldn't believe how much bad luck that boy had: within a few years he had lost his father, his godfather and friend Jules Bianchi, his grandmother and, now, Anthoine too.
Afterwards she would have to call Arthur and console Pierre too.
Upon entering Charles' room, she found both him and the Frenchman looking at the ceiling trying not to cry.
Seeing them like this was like a stab in the chest for Lyss and, if they were reduced to that, she couldn't imagine how Arthur could feel.

At that moment, she didn't worry about the fact that she was wearing a rather tight t-shirt and that her belly was starting to show, she threw herself on the bed between the two drivers and hugged them both.
<<I'm so sorry, guys>> in response, they return the hug: Pierre placed his hand on her leg, while Charles placed it on her belly causing thousands of shivers from the Dutch.
Now there was always a rather sad atmosphere- as was normal- but they had relaxed and this had put the two boys to sleep while Verstappen stroked their hair.

Realizing this, Alyssa took out her cell phone and dialed Arthur's number <<H-hello?>> asked the youngest Leclerc <<Hey, I'm Lyss... how are you?>> <<Shit. What did we do wrong to deserve all this pain?>> she could feel that he was crying <<I don't know Ar, I don't know. But you have to be strong for him. Your brother and Pierre looked like corpses when I entered the room. They're asleep now but they're still as bad as you. Rest Arthur, you'll see then you'll get better>> <<Thank you Lyss, you're a wonderful person. I don't know how Charles prefers Giada to you>> she immediately turns red <<Come on, go to sleep, I'll talk to you later>> <<Bye>> and they hung up.
Alyssa put the phone on Charles' bedside table, settled between the other two, and fell asleep.

The following morning at the track, Lyss is hit by a rather agitated Lando Norris <<Hey, calm down. Have you met your new mechanic? Did you like him?>> she asks him, knowing that it wouldn't be easy for the Brit to adapt to the new member of his team <<Well, he seemed nice and all, except that he's a girl! Don't get me wrong, you know I have nothing against female mechanics but... she's wow! She's about your age, she's quite tall, with a perfect body, long black hair, curly, tied in a high ponytail and big brown eyes" describes the new one with the heart-shaped eyes and the Dutch, realizing this, looks at him tenderly.
<<I have a few minutes free before I have to go to the pits... How about you let me meet her?>> <<Of course! I think you'll get along very well>> <<I hope so!>>.

Arriving at the McLaren garages, Alyssa immediately notices the mechanics while conversing with Carlos.
<<Hey guys!>> Lando exclaimed as he approached them, followed by the blonde <<Hey!>> <<Hi!>> the brunette and the driver number 55 reply <<So... Lyss, meet Melissa, my new mechanic. Mel, she's Alyssa, a friend of mine>> <<Nice to meet you Mel>> <<The pleasure is mine... if I'm not mistaken you're Max Verstappen's little sister and the Ferrari mechanic>> <<It's me!>> <<See that I'm not as stupid as you say?>> says Melissa, turning to Lando <<Sorry if you didn't know who Christian Horner was!>> <<Don't worry, unless you're particularly interested in Red Bull, you won't need to know about him>> says Carlos, smiling.

The race had been pure emotion: Charles had maintained his first position until the last moment, and had reached the top step of the podium with Lewis Hamilton just 0.9 seconds behind.
Sebastian had only finished 4th, preceded by Valterri. Alex and Pierre had done an extraordinary race, finishing 5th and 9th.
The same could not be said of Antonio, Carlos and Max who, due to various problems, had had to withdraw.

There was one thing in particular, however, that made Alyssa burst into tears: once he got out of his car, after positioning it behind the sign with the number 1, the Monegasque raised his head to the sky and then indicated it as a dedicate this victory, so important to him, to his friend Anthoine.

[ENGLISH VERSION] Le meilleur desastre du monde~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now