~Chapter 2~ ~Kai~

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I finally made it to the nurses office, but as I was about to open the door I was wondering what to tell the nurse. I couldn't worry about that now, so I pushed the door open. This was my first time in the nurse's office. I saw a few beds, some cupboards, a lot of bandages, and the school nurse. She was staring at Kai in horror. She immediately dropped her clipboard and ran over towards us.

"What happened?" the nurse asked. I had to hurry up and come up with a good lie to tell her. "I... found him at the bottom of the stairs." I lied. The nurse carried Kai over to one of the beds, placed him onto the bed, and then ran over to another room.

She came back seconds later with a box labelled 'For emergencies'. She looked at me and said, "Go get the phone, it's in the room I just came out of." I nodded and ran over to the room. As I was running, I started wondering why the school only had one nurse. I entered the room, and saw a lot of boxes on shelves, and scattered around the floor. I walked around the boxes, and saw the phone. I grabbed it, and ran back to the nurse and Kai. "Here" I panted while holding the phone out towards the nurse. "Great, hold onto it, and sit on that chair." the nurse pointed to an ugly green chair. I looked at it in disgust and the nurse seemed to notice. "What were you expecting? A throne? We're on a tight budget here, kid."

I walked over to the chair, and sat on it, holding the phone in my hand, preparing to call an ambulance. I saw the nurse take out some bandage wraps. "Could you come here and help me get him to sit up?" the nurse asked. I looked up, placed the phone on the chair, and walked over to Kai. I held Kai's bleeding back, and sat him up on the bed. He was bleeding a lot, and Kai's blood dripped onto my hoodie sleeves and my hands. The nurse got a bandage wrap, and started wrapping it around Kai's bleeding torso.

I turned my head around, hoping he was going to be fine. When I turned my head around I saw Hunter standing there. I almost screamed in surprise. He floated over to me and said, "I'm sorry this is happening to you." I would have spoken back to him, but the nurse was there and I didn't want her to think I was insane. I just nodded back to him. "Oh right, the nurse can't see me." Hunter said while face palming himself. I smiled back at him. "I gotta go, bye Miko." Hunter said while fading away. I was confused on how he did that, but I reminded myself that he's a ghost.

I turned my head to look back at Kai, and I saw the nurse tightening the bandage wrap on Kai. "He's still breathing." the nurse sighed in relief. "You can let go of him now." the nurse informed me after seeing I was still holding him up. I helped lay him down on the bed, and went to sit back on the chair. Moments later Ms. Kokoro came bursting through the door. The nurse screamed, and I flinched. "ARE YOU TWO OKAY?!" Ms. Kokoro yelled. She turned around and saw Kai's unconscious but alive body on the bed. Ms. Kokoro looked absolutely terrified.

"What happened?" Ms. Kokoro asked. "He fell down the stairs." the nurse answered.

Ms. Kokoro didn't answer, but she did turn her head around to look at me. "Ms. Kokoro, how did you know Kai and I were in here?" I asked without thinking. "I was walking back to the classroom, and saw a trail of blood, so I followed it." Ms. Kokoro answered "But when you came in, you yelled 'Are you two okay?'" I kept talking without thinking. "As I was running here, Mr. Hetherman said that he saw you bringing Kai here." Ms. Kokoro answered while straightening her back, to make her look taller than she already was. I managed to stay quite this time, but I don't remember seeing Mr. Hetherman while walking here, I thought to myself. Ms. Kokoro looked away from me, "Is he still breathing?" asked Ms. Kokoro. "Yes, he will need to stay at home until his scar heals." replied the nurse. Ms. Kokoro looked at Kai, then turned around "Come on Miko, I'll take you to your next class." Ms. Kokoro said.

For the first time, I felt scared to follow Ms. Kokoro, so I didn't move. "Miko, I know you might be a bit shaken up about what has happened, but Kai will be fine." Ms. Kokoro tried reassuring me. I wanted to stay seated, but my legs forced me to stand up and walk with Ms. Kokoro. She opened the door for me, and I walked out of the nurses office. We were walking in complete silence, and the only noise I heard was the chattering of students and teachers in the classrooms we walked past.

I started to think about the shadowy figure that attacked Kai. I remembered how I almost fainted from fear. How does Hunter know it? Who is it? What is it? All these questions started to fill my head, and I didn't notice that I was about to hit an open locker. I quickly dodged it. "Miko, what floor were you and Kai on when he fell down the stairs?"

"We were on the third floor, and he fell down the stairs leading to the second floor." I lied. "Miko, the blood trail I followed started in the boys washroom on the first floor, the floor we are currently on." Ms. Kokoro said. I was starting to freak out, I looked up and saw Ms. Kokoro looking down at me.

Her eyes scared me, and I didn't know what to do or say, so I just stayed quiet, thinking of something to say to her. "You're lying to me aren't you?" Ms. Kokoro asked, I started freaking out, I wanted to run away, but I was too scared to. "M-Ms. Kokoro, what if the trail you followed wasn't actually blood?" I suggested. "Then do you think I followed ketchup?"

She didn't sound like herself, and she wasn't acting like herself, "Miss, if you saw Mr. Hetherman on your way to the nurses office, why didn't he come with you?" I don't know why I asked that. "Mr. Hetherman was too busy." Ms. Kokoro replied. "Too busy to see if an injured student was okay?" I asked while raising my voice a little. The both of us didn't talk, and when I was about to speak, I realized that we were standing in front of the door to my next class, Art. "Have a good day Miko." Said Ms. Kokoro. "You too." I replied, but she was gone.

I opened the door to the art room, and saw a lot of canvases and people standing in front of all of them except for one, which was mine. Nobody turned around to see me standing there, it seemed like nobody even cared, I should be used to that though. I closed the door behind me, and walked over to my canvas. Everyone was painting different things, Stella Almond was painting a cat, Andrew Limmings was painting a tree, and Veronica Solomun was painting a forest.

When I finally made it to my canvas, I saw the words "Paint what you like" written on the whiteboard. I got some paint brushes, paints, a cup filled with water, and some paper towels. I really like bears, so I decided to paint a bear coming out of its den. I dipped a paintbrush into the water, then the brown paint, but the second my paintbrush touched my canvas, the bell rang. I rinsed out my paintbrush, and cleaned up my not-so-dirty area. Once I finished cleaning, I decided to go and check if Kai had woke up. I left the art room, and saw a lot of people crowding around a certain area. "You wanna check that out?" I turned around and saw Hunter silently floating beside me, smiling.

"So are you gonna go check out what's happening or not?" he asked. "I want to, but I'm gonna go see if Kai's awake." I replied in a whisper. "You can go, but I'm gonna see what's going on." Hunter said, I nodded, and started to walk to the nurses office. As I was walking I saw more people running to the crowd Hunter was at, I started to become more curious on what was going on. I finally made it to the nurses office, but as I was reaching for the doorknob, Kai came out of the room. "I'm fine on my own, bye." Kai said, he turned around and almost bumped into me.

"Hey Miko." Kai greeted me. I was wondering why he wasn't laying in the bed at the nurses office. "Why aren't you resting?" I worriedly quizzed. "I'm fine, okay?" Kai replied, sounding a bit annoyed. "So what happened back at the washroom?" Kai asked. "I don't know, I just heard you scream, so I ran in to check on you." I lied. "Then why did the nurse say you told her I fell down the stairs?" Kai asked. "I told her that because I didn't want her to ask any questions I didn't have the answers to." I spoke quickly, lying in every word that came out of my mouth.

I remembered the crowd Hunter went to, so I turned around, and started walking to the crowd. "Where are you going?" Kai asked while jogging after me. "While I was coming here, I saw a crowd of people, so I'm gonna go see what's going on." I explained. "Can I come?" Kai questioned. I looked back at Kai, and nodded. Kai gave a toothy smile, and started to walk towards me. We walked to the crowd together, with Kai following close behind me.

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