~Chapter 24~ ~The Forest~

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As Kai and I were watching the movie, all I could think about were my parents. Are they ghosts right now? Where are they? Why haven't they come to me? Kai seemed to notice that I wasn't paying attention to the movie. He grabbed a remote, paused the movie, and worriedly looked over at me. "Hey, are you okay?" he worriedly asked. "Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine... just thinking." I reassured him. Kai didn't seem reassured though. "Are you... thinking about your parents?" I closed my eyes, and slowly nodded. "They should've turned into ghosts..." I muttered. Silence. "Maybe they're searching for you?" I looked over at Kai, and sighed. "I don't think so." I brought my knees to my chest, rested my elbows on my knees, and buried my face in my hands.

"What about your grandpa and father? Have they returned to see you?" I asked. Kai didn't speak for a few minutes and it worried me. I looked over at Kai to see him shaking a little. "Kai...?" What's wrong? Did I ask something too personal? I wondered. "No... they've never returned." Kai answered after a few minutes of silence. "...Kai, are you okay?" I worriedly asked. He sighed. "I... don't know anymore." Kai admitted. I looked over at him. "I'm sorry if what I asked was too personal." I said apologetically. "No, no, it's fine." Kai said while rubbing his eyes. "You... you didn't know." he added. "I am so sorry, Kai." I apologised, feeling bad for Kai. "Miko, Kai, are you two okay?" Kai and I turned around to see Hunter and Aria floating in front of Kai's closed bedroom door. Kai and I stayed quiet. My parents are dead and I'm still grieving, while I made Kai think of something that upset him. "Well if none of you are going to talk," Aria began, breaking the silence. "I just want you to know that I apologised to Hunter." Aria informed us as Hunter nodded behind her. I nodded a little, so she knew that I heard her. "Seriously?" Aria crossed her arms on her chest. "All that for a nod?" She sounded annoyed.

"Aria, apologising isn't really something exhausting." Hunter stated while resting a hand on Aria's shoulder. "It is for people like me." Aria waved her arms in the air. "What's that supposed to mean?" Hunter asked. "I hate apologising, and you know it." Aria said while pointing a finger at Hunter's chest. Aria turned around and I noticed Hunter rolling his eyes as she did so. "Why are you two so silent?" Aria asked while putting her hands on her hips. Kai and I shrugged at the same time causing Aria to squint her eyes at us. Hunter looked over at the paused scene on Kai's TV and his eyes widened. "OMG, I love this movie!" he excitedly exclaimed while floating over and sitting beside me. Aria glanced at the TV. "That movie is honestly so mid, I'll never understand why you love it so much." Aria commented while flipping her blue hair and floating to sit beside Hunter. Kai grabbed the remote. "Do you guys want to start from the beginning, or start from where Miko and I left off?" Kai asked, mainly to Hunter. "Just start where you two left off, I know this movie by heart." Hunter replied while waving one of his hands. "I do too, since someone made me watch it a bajillion times." Aria said, emphasising the word 'someone' while glaring at Hunter. Hunter rolled his eyes. Kai hurriedly resumed the movie before they could start arguing. As we watched the movie, Hunter would occasionally tell us facts about the actors and the movie in general as we watched.

Once the movie ended, Kai and I were starving, so we headed downstairs for food. Once we made it downstairs, Kai's grandma was sitting on the couch on her phone. She noticed us and waved. "Morning, did you sleep well?" she asked us. Kai and I glanced at each other, the both of us didn't sleep at all last night. "You guys didn't get any sleep at all, did you?" Alexandra placed her phone on the coffee table beside her as Kai and I nodded. Alexandra sighed. "Well I suppose I could still help Miko figure out her powers even when she's tired..." Alexandra sounded like she was talking outloud to herself. "Kai, go wake Kayla up, she's going to school today." Alexandra ordered as she pointed at Kai, then upstairs. Kai nodded and walked back up the stairs to go wake Kayla up. "Miko, we'll start trying to figure out your powers when Kayla's at school." Alexandra informed me. I nodded. A few seconds later Kai and Kayla were walking down the stairs. "Grandma, how come Kai's allowed to skip school today?" Kayla asked as she rubbed her eyes. Then Kayla saw me and smiled brightly. "MIKO!" she ran over to me and hugged me, as I hugged her back. "What're you doing here?" she asked as she looked up at me. Oh... she doesn't know? Of course she doesn't know Miko, she was sleeping. What should I say? Do I tell her my parents died? I was trying to figure out what I should tell Kayla, until Kai pulled her away from me.

"Alright time for breakfast, you need to hurry or else you'll be late for school." Kai took Kayla's hand and started walking over to the kitchen with her. Kai turned around, and I mouthed 'thank you' to him, as he mouthed 'no problem' to me. "So, what would you like for breakfast, Miko?" Alexandra asked me as we walked over to the kitchen behind Kayla and Kai. "Cereal or a grilled cheese sandwich, if it isn't any trouble for you." I replied. "It's no trouble at all." Alexandra reassured me as we made it to the kitchen. Kai's grandma made the three of us our own grilled cheese sandwiches, then took Kayla to school, leaving Kai and I to wait for her. We were watching random shows on the TV in the dining room as we waited for Alexandra to return. A few minutes later, Alexandra came back. "IT'S TRAINING TIME, KIDDOS!" we heard her yell when she came back. Kai and I laughed a little and went over to Alexandra, and Kai hugged her. Alexandra looked over at me, and motioned for me to join, which I happily did. "Alright, Miko, you can't be wearing pj's where we're going, follow me." Alexandra said as she took her outdoor shoes off. "Kai, you go get changed too." she said as we all walked upstairs. Kai went into his room while Alexandra led me to a room near Kai's. Alexandra opened the door and didn't need to turn the lights on since the room was already lit up from the bright sun outside.

It turns out the room was actually a closet, and it was full of clothes. The closet seemed to be as big as my bedroom before my house burned down. "Woah..." was all I could say, causing Alexandra to chuckle. "This is where we keep old clothes to donate, and some clothes for Kayla when she's older." Alexandra explained. "You can wear Kayla's future clothes for now until we go buy you your own clothes." she added. "Thank you so much." I said, feeling thankful that she's willing to do this for me. "It's no problem, I'll go show you where Kayla's future clothes are." And with that Alexandra led me to where Kayla's future clothes were. We spent about thirty minutes searching for what I would wear until I chose to wear a dark purple hoodie and black cargo jeans. Once we were all dressed to leave, we left the house and went into Alexandra's car. She drove over to a forest that looked really familiar to me. I wondered where I'd seen this forest before, until I remembered when I was attacked by wolves. I then remembered how in the purple book, it said that someone in a forest would teach 'the child' how to use their powers. I'm 'the child' and Alexandra is going to be my teacher. Alexandra parked the car near the forest, and we walked in the forest.

I kept glancing around, worried that the wolves would come back again. I heard rustling come from a bush near me, so I quickly walked closer to Kai and Alexandra. "Don't be scared, Miko. I'll protect you from the wolves." Alexandra reassured me. Once she said that, a wolf came out of the bush I heard rustling. Alexandra walked over to the wolf and kneeled down to its level. She started petting the wolf, her lips were moving, but I couldn't hear her say anything. "She can talk to animals, and when she does. The animal or animals she's talking to are the only ones that can hear and understand her." Kai explained when he saw how confused I looked. "Woah, that can actually be pretty helpful." I said, admiring Alexandra's powers. Kai nodded. "She has the wolves guard the forest." Kai added. So that's why they attacked me... I thought to myself. Alexandra stood up after a bit and the wolf walked away. "Let's hurry up now, we don't want to waste anymore time." Alexandra started to speed walk ahead of Kai and I. Kai and I hurried behind her. "Do you know where we're going?" I asked Kai. Kai smirked. "Yeah, but I want it to be a surprise." he replied as we continued to follow Alexandra. After a few minutes we made it to a cabin. I remembered how Hunter told me that he found Ms. Kokoro in a cabin when he was searching for her. Kai and Alexandra entered the cabin and I hurriedly followed behind them. The cabin only had a couch and a fireplace. The fireplace was huge and there was a fire in it even though there wasn't any wood to create the fire in the first place. Alexandra walked into the fire.

I gasped, causing Kai to look at me. "That fire is going to take us to where you're gonna be trained." Kai informed me. "Kai, I literally just saw my house burn up in a fire, causing my parents to die. Why would I casually walk into a fire?" I asked, taking a few steps back. Kai sighed. "Miko, I promise you won't die. When I was first brought here, I was scared too, but I promise, you'll be perfectly fine." Kai tried reassuring me. I thought for a moment then agreed. "Fine, but if I die, I'll haunt you for the rest of your life." I informed Kai. Kai nodded, walked into the fire then disappeared just like Alexandra. I took a deep breath in, and hesitantly walked into the fire, following behind Kai and Alexandra. 

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