~Chapter 28~ ~Tour~

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Welp, here I am standing in front of Ternary Academy with my suitcase. I looked over at Kai who was standing beside me with his suitcase. Kai told me that he only agreed to go here because he wanted to get away from Bree. Yeah... I don't think that's the only reason why he agreed to go here. Turns out, Zeltron's been going to Ternary Academy since he was six years old. He's also pretty good at sneaking in and out of the school. I agreed to go because I want to learn more about my powers, and because I really hate Torokuma Academy. The huge gates opened and Ms. Kokoro came walking out. She was wearing a black robe that was just above her ankles while the sleeves covered her hands. In the middle of the robe was a Yin Yang with white around it to make it pop. She walked over to us with a smile and hugged us.

As she hugged us, I realised the robe she wore had a hood. "Why're you wearing a robe?" Kai asked once Ms. Kokoro let go of us. "All of the staff here must wear a robe, but student's get to choose." she replied. "Now come in, a student will be showing you around, he will also be giving you your uniforms." she informed us as she walked us inside. "He offered to show you guys around, and trust me, you know him." she added. Kai and I looked at each other, and we both knew who she was talking about: Zeltron. I moved my hair away from my green eye since I was fine with Zeltron seeing it. The doors opened again, and there was a German Shepherd sitting there with its tail wagging. It ran over and pounced at Kai. The German Shepherd then turned into Zeltron hugging Kai, Zeltron grabbed my arm, pulling me into the hug a second later. Zeltron was wearing a red sweater with. He was also wearing black jeans. We stopped hugging and Zeltron grabbed Kai and I's suitcases. "You really don't have to carry our suitcases for us, Zel." I told him as he led us around Ternary Academy. "I don't have to, but I want to. Well, until we get to the dorms."

We continued walking. Ternary Academy was even bigger on the inside than the outside. I looked down at the floor. What if we're separated based on gender for the dorms? I won't be with Kai or Zeltron. Kai nudged my shoulder. "You okay?" he asked in a whisper. I glanced at him then looked back at the floor and nodded. A few minutes later, we were standing in front of a huge door with a carving of a man that looked like Ambrose Alor. Zeltron looked at me. "That's Ambrose Alor. This school is split into three groups, we're in Ambrose's group..." Zeltron explained, sounding a bit sad. Zeltron walked over to the carving and touched one of Ambrose's horns on the carving. The door slid to the side, revealing a spiral staircase, there were lots of steps. Zeltron saw how Kai and I looked annoyed at the stairs, and smiled. Zeltron tapped on the first step two times, then on the carving of Ambrose once. The stairs folded and turned into a slide. "The perks of being curious in a magical school." Zeltron sighed as he crossed his arms. Zeltron walked behind Kai and I, pushing us down the slide. Zeltron pushed me down first, whispered something to Kai, then pushed him down. There were torches on the wall on my left that lit the way, and I soon made it to the bottom within seconds.

I got up and felt something hit my leg. I looked down to see my suitcase, so I picked it up. Kai slid down near a red couch, his suitcase hitting his back. A few seconds later, Zeltron came sliding down last, having his back hit a wall. Zeltron was rubbing his back, and Kai stood up and sat on the red couch near him. I looked around the room. The main colours there were red and black. "All of the common rooms have specific colours. Ambrose's main colours are red and black because of his hair and horns." Zeltron explained as he stood up. "The main colours of Avery are purple and black, purple because she loved the colour, and black because of her hair." Kai explained from the couch. Zeltron turned to him and nodded while smiling. "Are one of Ezra's colours black too?" I asked. "No, Ezra had brown hair, like his father who left when Ezra and Ambrose were born." Zeltron informed me. "Ezra's main colours are blue and brown, blue for his eyes, and brown for his hair." Zeltron added. I looked around the common room, and saw a huge painting of Ambrose. Under the Ambrose I'd seen, there was a young boy that I assumed to be Ambrose when he was a kid. There were loads of tombstones in the background, and the number forty five was just above Ambrose's head. The frame of the painting was black with red roses on the edges. Even though it was just a painting. I noticed that younger Ambrose's smile seemed real, while older Ambrose's smile seemed, well, fake. I stared at the painting for a while.

I felt hands on my shoulders and someone shaking me. "Miko, are you still alive?" I heard Kai's voice as he continued to shake me, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "Huh? Oh, yeah..." I glanced behind me to see Kai shaking me and Zeltron behind Kai with a worried look. "You can stop shaking me now." I told Kai. He let go of me and backed away to look at the painting. "Why were you staring at that?" he questioned while pointing at the painting. "It intrigues me." I answered. Zeltron clapped his hands together. "We should hurry up now, before the day ends." Kai and I nodded. Zeltron led us to a pathway. He pointed at the pathway on the left. "That's where the girls' dorms are." Then he pointed at the pathway on the right. "And that's where the boys' dorms are." I looked down a little. Guess I have to make some friends...

The rest of the day was just Zeltron showing Kai and I around Ternary Academy, explaining some rules, and introducing us to the staff members that were there. It was a sunday, so no students were in the castle. Before we left, Zeltron gave us our uniforms. The groups at this school have different coloured uniforms. Ezra's group's uniform's blue and brown, Ambrose's black and red, while Avery's black and purple. I decided to have a robe because the girls' uniforms include a skirt, and I didn't really wanna walk around with a skirt. Kai chose to not wear a robe because he thought he'd trip all the time. The thing is, even if you do choose to wear a robe, you still have to wear the uniform underneath it. I still liked the sweater our uniforms included, because they were really soft. Kai and I unpacked our suitcases in our separate dorms before we left. We left Alor Village and were standing outside of the forest that takes us to Alor Village.

"Bye Zel, see you tomorrow." Kai and I were leaving to go back home, and we were waving goodbye to Zeltron. He waved us goodbye, then turned into a sparrow and flew away as Kai and I got in Alexandra's car. "So, what do you two think of Ternary Academy?" she asked while looking at us through the rearview mirror. "That school is huge." I stated, emphasising the word 'huge' while Kai nodded beside me. Alexandra chuckled and started the car. "Kayla's asleep right now, but she wanted me to tell you guys that she said goodnight." Alexandra informed us. Kai and I nodded. It was dark outside, and the stars were sparkling above. I looked up at the sky through the window on my side of the car. I noticed that the moon was on its third stage: the first quarter. The way the stars and moon lit the sky was beautiful. A few minutes later, we made it back home, we got out of the car, went inside, and got ready to go to sleep. As I lay on my bed on my back, I looked up at my bedroom ceiling and sighed. I wonder what my first day at Ternary Academy will be like...

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