~Chapter 20~ ~Elsher Family Bakery~

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It was the day after Kayla's birthday and I was telling Hunter, Aria, and Zeltron what happened at her party. "The cake was delicious." I stated. "Where was the cake from?" Hunter asked. "I think the bakery was called Elsher family bakery." I noticed Hunter and Aria's eyes widened once I finished my sentence. Zeltron noticed a few seconds after I did. "What's wrong?" Zeltron asked after a few seconds of silence. "That's the bakery Hunter used to work at when he was alive." Aria muttered. Zeltron and I looked over at Hunter in shock at what Aria said. He was looking down at the floor. "Wait a minute," Zeltron said. "I've known you guys ever since I was eight years old, and you've never told me about this."

"Zel, not the time." I whispered. "Oh, right. Sorry..." Zeltron said apologetically. Silence. Hunter and Aria were floating in silence, while Zeltron and I were sitting on my bed in silence. "Could we go there?" Hunter asked. "I want to know how my remaining family members have been doing without me." Hunter explained while looking up from the floor and at us. "Sure, I just need to figure out where it is first." I said agreeingly. I hopped off my bed and walked over to my desk and grabbed my phone to start researching where the bakery is located. "Why don't you just ask Kai where the bakery is?" Aria asked. "He'll ask why I want to know, then I'll need to lie, and I don't want to lie to my best friend." I explained. "I could possess you." I looked over at Aria in confusion. "What? You can do that?" I asked. "Wow, you haven't even told her basic ghost abilities?" Aria looked over at Hunter in disbelief. "Just hurry up, and there hasn't been a moment for me to tell her." Hunter said, sounding both annoyed and frustrated. "No, don't possess me. I know Kai will know that something's off the second you speak." I said. Aria nodded.

I continued searching for the bakery's location. A few seconds later, I found out the location. "It's near my school, we'll just need to walk past the school for a bit." I explained. Hunter's eyes widened. "What are we waiting for? Let's go." Hunter sounded and looked very excited. "Meet me outside." I said. They all nodded. Hunter and Aria floated through a wall. Zeltron hopped off my bed, opened the window, turned into a sparrow and flew out my room. I walked over and closed my window. I changed into a purple hoodie and purple sweatpants, took my phone, and walked out of my room. Both of my parents were at work, so I left after texting them, saying that I was going on a walk. I grabbed my house keys from the living room table and left, making sure to lock the door behind me. When I walked down the steps, I saw Hunter, Aria, and Zeltron waiting for me. Zeltron was in his human form, while Hunter and Aria were floating beside him. I walked down the steps, pulled my phone out of my pocket, and placed my keys in one of my other pockets. We walked past Torokuma Academy. "Y'know, to be honest, you and Zel look like you could be siblings." Aria said. Zeltron and I looked at each other. "Yeah, a bit." Zeltron said. "It's kinda odd..." I said. "Yeah, a bit. I don't think you're siblings, but you might be related in some way." Hunter said. "Or, it's just a coincidence." I added. "It probably is." Zeltron said while putting his hands in his hoodie pockets. As we were walking, some people asked if Zeltron and I were twins. Zeltron kept saying that we weren't and that we're friends.

About six people asked us that question on our way to the bakery. We finally made it to the bakery and we walked inside, while Hunter and Aria floated through the front doors. There was a little bell above the door, and it rang when Zeltron and I walked inside. There was a boy that kind of looked like a younger version of Hunter. Does Hunter have a brother? I wondered. He was playing a game on the iPad he was holding. iPad kid. I thought to myself. The kid looked up from his iPad when he heard the bell ring, hopped off the wooden stool he was sitting on, and walked over to a door. A few seconds later, a man with short black hair and hazel eyes came out of the door. He walked over behind a counter and smiled. He was only able to see Zel and I. I glanced over at Hunter, he had both a surprised and happy expression on his face. "Do you two need anything?" the man who was probably Hunter's dad asked. Zel nodded and walked over to the counter. "Have you lost a son and daughter twelve years ago?" Zeltron asked in a whisper. The man's smile faded. "Yes, why are you asking?" Hunter's dad asked in a serious tone. Zel glanced behind him. Hunter's dad gasped. "That's Hannah?" he asked in shock while pointing at me. "What? No, no, no, no. That's my friend, Miko." Zeltron said.

The man sighed. "Then why did you glance at her? And why are you asking about my children?" Hunter's dad asked. I looked over at Hunter, he looked like he was in deep thought. "Because we are friends with your son." Zeltron calmly stated. Hunter's dad's eyes widened. "But... he's dead, Hunter is dead along with Hannah. I saw their corpse's with my own eyes." Zeltron placed a hand on Hunter's dad's shoulder. "They are dead. Hunter is a ghost, and Hannah was reborn into Miko's body." Zeltron explained. Hunter's dad looked confused and relieved. "Where is Hunter?" he asked. The second he asked that, he gasped in my direction. "Hunter...?" I looked over at Hunter. Did he make himself visible to his dad? I wondered. Of course he did, why else would he gasp in my direction. The next thing I knew, Hunter was hugging his dad. Wait, how is he hugging his dad? I thought ghosts couldn't make contact with people. I noticed tears rolling down Hunter's dad's eyes. They hugged for about a minute, then separated. "I missed you so much, Hunter." Hunter's dad said. "I missed you too. Where's mum? And who was that little boy?" Hunter asked. "Your mother is at the store, and that was your little brother, Arlo." Hunter's dad explained. "I have a brother?" Hunter asked in disbelief. "And another little sister. Her name is Analia." Hunter's eyes widened. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and noticed that mom texted me saying that my dad and her were at home now.

Hunter turned around to look at us. "You guys can go back home now, I'll catch up with you guys later." he said. "Okay, see ya later Hunter." I said while Zeltron, Aria, and I waved him goodbye. Aria floated through the door, while Zeltron and I walked out of it. While we were heading back to my house I decided to ask Aria some questions. "Hey Aria," Aria looked over at me and hummed. "How was Hunter able to hug his father?" I asked. Aria looked surprised. "This boy hasn't even told you any ghost abilities at this point." Aria said while facepalming herself. "Ghosts can make contact with people and things. We just gotta imagine ourselves touching what we want." Aria explained. "What about when I first met you, I asked how you were supposed to make me cereal if you can't make contact with things. Why did you correct me back then?" I asked. "Oh right, I just wanted to show you what my trident can do." Aria confessed. "Seriously? And you're here complaining about why Hunter hasn't told me any ghost abilities, when you didn't even bother correcting me when you had the chance?" I stated, feeling sorry for Hunter. Some people were walking around the area we were walking in, so I shut up since I didn't want them to hear me. We walked in silence for a bit. Once we walked past people, and we were finally walking alone together, I sighed. "When Hunter comes back, you need to apologise to him." I said, I saw Zeltron nodding beside me.

"Okay, okay, fine." Aria sighed while crossing her arms. "Good, and you actually need to sound sorry." Zeltron said. "It'll be a proper apology, I promise." Aria said reassuringly. Zeltron and I nodded. We made it back to my house. Aria flew through the front door, while Zeltron turned into a sparrow and flew over to my window. I grabbed my keys, unlocked the door, and walked in, making sure to lock the door behind me. I took my shoes off and walked into the kitchen. "Hey Miko, how was your walk?" Dad asked while leaning on the counter and taking a sip of coffee. Oh, right, I said I was going on a walk, I thought to myself. "Good," I said while walking upstairs to my room, so I could let Zeltron in my room and talk to him and Aria. I opened my bedroom door to see mom sitting on my bed with the laundry basket on the floor. Zeltron was in his sparrow form sitting on her hand, while Aria was floating near my bookshelf. Mom, Zeltron, and Aria looked over at the door in sync once I opened it. "Mom, what're you doing here?" I asked in confusion. Mom smiled. "I came in here to grab some of your clothes, then I saw this little guy sitting outside your window, so I let him in." mom explained, still smiling. "Alright, you can set him free now. I'm sure his family is probably worried sick about where he is." I said, trying to get mom to let Zeltron go. "Wow, you're growing up. I thought you would want to keep him or something." mom said. Mom stood up, walked over to my window, opened it, then let Zeltron go.

Zeltron chirped then flew away. Mom closed the window, then walked over to me. Mom ruffled my hair. "You're growing up quickly. I'll call you when dinner's ready." she said while walking out of my room. I walked over to Aria once mom was downstairs, and grabbed the purple book from my bookshelf. I want to know more.

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