~Chapter 35~ ~A Day With Luna~

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Ivy was sick today and had to stay in our dorm room to rest. I decided this would be the best time to hangout with Luna, so here I am walking to the dining hall with her. She was writing in her journal.

You really don't have to hangout with me all day.

"I know, but I want to. Do you not want me here?" I had to hold back a small smile when her eyes widened as she flailed her hands. She quickly started scribbling in her journal.

No, no, I want you here, but I just want you to know that I get bullied. You can leave if you don't wanna witness it.

I noticed that she looked a bit sad. "I've been bullied ever since I was four, I wouldn't even think of leaving you alone while you're getting bullied."

Who would bully you? You're amazing.

"Well I wouldn't call myself 'amazing' or anything like that, but nobody should be bullied no matter what." By now, we had reached the dining hall. We spotted an empty space at the end of Ambrose's groups' table and walked over there. We sat down at the empty space, Luna placed her journal and pen on the edge of the table, leaving space for her breakfast to be placed in front of her. A grilled cheese sandwich and orange juice appeared in front of me, while a slice of cheese pizza and chocolate milk appeared in front of Luna. I didn't speak to Luna during breakfast since I knew she didn't want to get her pen and journal dirty. We left the dining hall once we finished eating. We only had a few of the same classes and they were after lunch, so we parted ways.

My class before lunch ended early since we finished all our work earlier than usual. There I was, leaning on a wall near Luna's class, waiting for her to come out. The lunch bell rang and the students in Luna's class piled out. I looked through the crowd from where I was and saw Luna fearfully leaving the room, hugging her pen and journal close to her chest. She desperately looked around and saw me. She quickly opened her journal and began scribbling something as she ran to me.

We need to leave now!!! Don't ask questions.

She quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me away. I looked behind and saw Nihan angrily looking around the crowd with his hands in his robe pockets. Once Luna started to slow down when we were far away from the class Luna came out of, I spoke. "Are you running from Nihan?" She gulped and started scribbling in her journal again.

Yes, he was copying off my work and I wrote down the wrong answer to most questions then changed them when he wasn't looking. When we got our answers back, he realised what I had done.

I had to stifle a laugh. "First of all, great job for doing that. Secondly, don't worry about Nihan, I'm here and I won't let him, or anyone hurt you." I placed a hand on my chest as I said that. She looked above me for a quick second and I noticed a small smile plastered onto her face. "Now let's go eat lunch, I'm starving." I held a hand to my stomach. We walked to the dining hall, but I noticed how cautious Luna was and how paranoid she looked once we got there. "Lu, relax, we can just go back to our dorm if we see him." That seemed to calm her down a little. Luna spotted two empty seats near Kai, Emerson, and Zeltron, and hurriedly pulled me over there. They greeted us and I noticed that Luna looked like she was trying to hide herself from something, or someone. As we were eating I noticed that she kept cautiously looking behind me. I became curious as to what she kept looking at, so I turned to look. There Nihan was eating and talking with his worshipers. There was a group of kids that were the same age and younger than Nihan that followed him around and did everything he told them to do. It was like they were puppets and he was the puppetmaster, as if he tied unbreakable strings onto them so they could never leave. I quickly turned to look away once I saw him glance at me. Luna seemed to notice too and quickly started grabbing her stuff. We left the table without saying anything and began hurrying to our dorm. As we were leaving, we walked into a crowd of people walking to and from the dining hall.

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