~Chapter 36~ ~Torture Week~

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Day one with having the collar on me: Torture. When I was sleeping, my hand brushed the collar and it shocked me, causing me to wake up. I forgot about the collar a few times and tried creating illusions, resulting in me getting shocked again. Might I add that my hair would stick up whenever I got shocked. By the looks of it, I could tell Zel was having problems too. I was brushing my hair for the umpteenth time as Kai, Zel and I walked to the dining hall for dinner. "This is gonna be the worst week of my life." Zeltron annoyedly muttered as we sat down at our group dining table. "I'm actually kinda surprised you need to keep yours on for a week." Kai told Zeltron. "Why?" Zel quizzed. "I mean, you did some damage to Nihan's face." Kai stated as he looked at an angry Nihan entering the dining hall. "His face was already damaged, Kai. Nobody's gonna spot the difference." I said as I slipped my hairbrush into my satchel.
"Oi, I heard that!" We turned around to see Nihan, his face full of scratch marks from when Zel attacked him as a tiger. "Congratulations, would you like a medal for that achievement?" We laughed when Nihan tried using his powers, resulting in him getting shocked instead. All three of us received a smack on the back of our heads by Emerson. "You're going to get into more trouble." Zel and I painfully rubbed the back of our heads while Kai looked calm. A few hours later, it was time to go to bed. After a few minutes, I fell asleep.

Day two with having the collar on me: WHY MUST I DEAL WITH THIS?! I had to skip out on an hour of practising our powers. ONE WHOLE HOUR! I could've learned more about my power. I could've learned how to hold my breath for longer than a minute. BUT NO, I JUST HAD TO DEAL WITH THE STUPID PIECE OF METAL AROUND MY NECK! When I walked down to the common room, I noticed that Zeltron's hair was really messy. I also saw Kai trying not to laugh at Zel who looked really annoyed. "He kept getting shocked when he tried sleeping and when he tried changing his clothes." Kai explained as I walked towards them with a confused look. "Bully..." Zel muttered as he tried rubbing his neck without accidently touching the collar. When we sat down at the dining hall, my vision started to become blurry. "Are you crying?" Zel asked as he looked at my face. I sniffled a little. "I'm feeling emotional."

Kai stifled a laugh while Zel patted my back. Today was the same as yesterday. Zel and I had to miss out on using our powers. We got shocked a couple of times. Then went to bed, waking up multiple times because we got shocked.

Day three with having the collar on me: I was getting used to it. I still kept on waking up at night from getting shocked, but that was kind of the only reason now. Well, for me at least. Zel was still not used to it. Zel had been itching for this week to end, so he could use his powers. We were both tired of watching everyone else practising their powers while we sat and did nothing. Here we were, doing just that. "I need to get this thing off me." Zel tried prying the collar off him, causing him to get shocked. "I know, right. If it wasn't for this stupid thing, I could've learned how to hold my breath for longer than a minute." I motioned to my collar. "Why do we need to have these? They're kinda ruining our education." I looked at Zel. "Since when did you care about education?"

"Since these stupid things were put on us." he responded while resting his chin on both of his hands. We watched as Ember got injured by accidently burning her arm. Kai was called over to go heal her. We watched in jealousy as Kai healed her with his power. I blew a strand of hair away from my face as Ember thanked him for healing her.

"Oh come on you guys. There's no point in being jealous." Kai, Zeltron and I were walking to our common room. "Training is so boring, I always have to wait until someone gets injured." Kai was trying to convince us that we shouldn't be jealous of having to miss out. Zel and I ignored him and kept walking. Kai quickly walked in front of us. "If you guys hadn't done anything to protect Luna, something could've happened to her." Zel and I looked at each other. Kai grabbed Zel's shoulders. "Zel, why did you interfere when Miko and Luna were in trouble?" he quizzed as he shook Zel a little. Zeltron shrugged a little. "I thought Nihan was actually gonna freeze them alive." Zeltron answered while looking at Kai. "Exactly, and Miko, why'd you keep declining Nihan's offer of befriending him?" Kai turned to me and grabbed the sides of my arms, squeezing them a little bit.

I looked down. "I thought that if I pretended to accept, he would freeze Luna to death. And because I don't wanna be friends with someone like him." I quietly answered. "You guys were protecting Luna. You guys shouldn't even have these things on 'cause you were fighting for a good cause." Kai let go of me and motioned to Zel and I. "Just know that if you guys didn't do what you did, something worse than having those things on would've happened." Zel and I smiled a little and we continued walking back to our common room, feeling a sense of happiness.

Day four with having the collar on us: Zel was starting to get used to it. When everyone else was training, Zel and I were finishing the work we had. We reminded each other not to use our powers and not to touch the collar. Luna keeps writing down apologies and showing them to Zel and I. We keep telling her that there's no need to apologise and that it's fine. Zel and I treated today like any other day, as if we didn't have the collars on. I was excited for tomorrow because that was when the collars would be taken off. Apparently, students weren't allowed to have the collars on during weekends and holidays. That's why Zel and I would be having them removed tomorrow, before the weekend started. We were sitting in the common room with Kai. "You guys are so lucky you got to finish your work while the rest of us were training." Kai hurriedly wrote answers onto his piles of paper. Zel took out some of his finished work and handed it to Kai. "Well, you could copy off of me." he suggested.

"More like copy off of me." I corrected. When Zel and I were finishing our work together, Zel kept asking me for answers. So the answers that Zel was giving Kai, were just my answers on his papers. Zeltron rolled his eyes as Kai looked at the answers and wrote them down onto his papers. "Miko, you really shouldn't let them copy off of you forever." Emerson walked up behind the couch I was sitting on. "Oh shut up, Em, before we knew her you always let me copy off of you." Zeltron commented. "That's because I'm your older sister and just want what's best for you." Emerson looked at Zeltron. "And because I don't want you to get expelled for horrible grades." she added. "You're only older than me by five minutes." Emerson shrugged and rolled her eyes. "Whatever." My eyes widened. "I just realised something, Kai's older than all of us." I mentioned out loud. "I am?" I looked at Kai. "Yes, idiot, Zel and Em are born in December, I'm born in August, and you're born in July."

"Oh yeah, I am the oldest." Kai looked so proud and seemed to have forgotten about his work. "Mhm, now hurry up and finish your work." Em ordered as Kai quickly continued writing down answers on his papers.

Day five with having the collar on me: It was finally the day Zeltron and I had been waiting for. We had to wait until after dinner to actually get them removed. We were impatiently waiting for the day to finally be over, and once it was, we literally sprinted up to the top of the school. Once we made it to the principal's office, we bursted through the door, startling her in the process. "Geez, why does this happen every time?" She dropped a toy train that was painted silver on the floor. Once she picked it up she looked around. "Where's the other boy?" she asked. "Don't know, don't care, now please get these things off us." Zel got down on his knees with his palms together. "Alright, alright." She waved her hand in the air and the collars disappeared. Zel and I both touched our necks just to be sure they were gone. Once we checked that they were actually gone, we both smiled brightly. "Okay, so your powers will still be gone for about five minutes." she informed us. I looked at her and noticed a silver name plate with a cursive name in white.

Temima Collins

"What're you waiting for? Shoo, shoo, I got things to do and important meetings to hold." As she shooed us out the door, I noticed a white circular table with white chairs around it. There were silver dolls sitting on each chair, except for one that looked like a mini throne. She immediately slammed the door behind us once we were out of her office. Zel and I stood there for a moment before we started excitingly running down the stairs. We bursted into happy laughter as we ran down the stairs. As we ran we saw Nihan stomping up the stairs, probably to get his collar removed. Once Zel and I were about to enter our common room, Zel quickly stopped us. "Do you think it's been five minutes yet?" he asked. "Probably, it was quite a long way down here." I answered. Zel changed into a duck, a sparrow, a cow, then back to himself. "They're back!" he excitedly confirmed. I quickly held my breath and imagined a train that looked like the one Ms. Collins had. The train appeared and drove on the floor. We squealed in happiness and quickly made our way inside our common room. We slid down the stairs and saw Luna, Kai, and Emerson sitting by the fireplace. They quickly turned around once they heard us. "They're gone?" Kai asked. "They're gone!" Zel and I happily confirmed as we stood up. The rest of the night was filled with Zel and I using our powers until Ms. Kokoro came in to tell us to go to sleep.

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